Top-level Air Luck, Quietly Practiced For Thousands of Years (Top Tier Providence, Secretly Cultivate for a Thousand Years)

Chapter 694: He is Taoist!

"Han Jue? How could it be possible!"

Fu Xitian was moved, and subconsciously vetoed it.

But he calmed down quickly, Han Jue\'s speed of getting stronger was outrageous, he could not predict, and he absolutely trusted the Nuwa Empress, his sister would not be joking.

Empress Nuwa said with emotion: "This son is only two hundred thousand years old and is about to hit the realm of the avenue. I suspect that he is not a variable at all, but..."

"But what?"

Fu Xitian asked, his heart was full of shock.

The realm of the avenue!

There are not many saints in the entire Avenue of Chaos!

As long as you step into the realm of the avenue, you will never die and get rid of cause and effect!

Empress Nuwa asked meaningfully: "Who said that Han Jue is a variable?"

Fu Xitian was moved: "Teacher..."

"Yes, when Han Jue was born, the teacher disappeared. Don\'t you think all this is too coincidental?"

Empress Nuwa said with emotion that their teacher is naturally the ancestor of Taoism.

Fu Xitian\'s eyes flickered and said, "You mean Han Jue is actually the teacher\'s reincarnation?"

"Yes, if it weren\'t for the teacher to mention that Han Jue could change the scale of the Great Dao, would we win Han Jue? Think about it now, the God Realm of Guixu has counted the Dao of Heaven many times, and the Dao of Heaven is always able to turn dangers into barrenness with the help of Han Jue. The second time is just right. The stronger the strong we send out, the stronger Han Jue becomes. Coupled with his incredible speed of practice, he can only be a teacher, because his realm is detached, it is us. Dadao saints can\'t see through the cultivation base, so he reincarnated and rebuilt without any realm hindrance, and his cultivation base is advancing with leaps and bounds, and it\'s justified."

The words of Empress Nuwa frightened Fu Xitian for a while.

He remembered the scene when he was with Han Jue before. Han Jue\'s temperament was indeed indifferent, and he was shining with divine light all over, pretending to be mysterious.

Gradually, the figure of Daozu and Han Jue began to overlap in Fu Xitian\'s mind.

Fu Xitian became more afraid as he thought about it.

His calculations were not in the eyes of Dao Ancestor.

Empress Nuwa said with relief: "Don\'t worry about it. The teacher must be cautious about doing this."

Fu Xitian\'s nervous expression eased slightly.

In a resplendent Buddhist temple, Xiying suddenly opened his eyes.

He has a weird look.

"The realm of the Dao...If he has not yet attained the Dao Sage, then he should curse the immortal Chaos God, Dao Immortal, Zhun Ti, Jade Bodhi, Seven Dao Sages and other Dao Sages. He should not be the Dark Forbidden Lord, but he must be the Dark Forbidden. The Lord can\'t get rid of the relationship."

Sui Yin thought silently.

If Han is definitely not the Dark Forbidden Master, his practice speed is too ridiculous?

What is his identity?

He remembered that Qiu Xilai had mentioned before that Dao Zu had said that Han Jue was the variable.

In other words, at least Daozu knows the details of Han Jue.

Sui Yin suddenly felt that Heaven was covered by a cloud of mist, making him unable to see clearly.

Since the birth of Han Jue and the Dark Forbidden Lord, the fate of their Dao saints has become miserable, falling, severely wounded, and the best case is being driven out of the God Realm of Returning to the Market.

Thinking of Daozu, he suddenly widened his eyes.

Could it be...

Very likely!

Such a breakthrough speed is simply unprecedented, even if it is the reincarnation of Pangu, the cultivation speed cannot be so exaggerated!

"Teacher... you deserve to be..."

Suddenly sighed with emotion.

I see.


The lead sneered, and his heart was sad.

Han never knew that he was about to break through the Dao Saints and was known to other Dao Saints.

Although the chaos is big, there are few sages in the Dao Dao, and each birth of a Dao sage is a sensation.

The undefeated title at the time was because of being noticed by the saints of the Dao Dao in this way.

However, Han Jue was hiding in the Baiyue Xianchuan. Even if the Dao Sage wanted to trouble him, and wanted to strangle him in the cradle, it was an illusion.

Even if he was found in Baiyue Xianchuan, Han Jue would not be afraid.

The defensive power of the dojo formation is from the avenue to the superior!

Han Jue couldn\'t help nodding after reading the email.

Except for the peacock **** who is still chasing and killing the cursed devil, the entire circle of friends appears to be positive. Even Emperor Xietian and Han Tuo are not doing anything. They are working hard to cultivate. Various opportunities are endless, and they look very good.

Han Jue closed the mail and looked at Xing Hongxuan.

This woman is very close to the quasi-sage. It is estimated that the next time Han Jue opens her eyes, she will break through.

My boy is really amazing.

Han Jue looked at the fetus in Xing Hongxuan\'s abdomen, whose blood was comparable to that of the Immortal Emperor, but his body was still young.

"Or call him Han Buchan?"

Han Jue thought of it interestingly.

Of course, just thinking about it, this name not only embarrassed the younger son, but also embarrassed him.

Han Jue observed the immortal world again, and half an hour later, he continued to comprehend the avenue.

A realm of fairyland, with undulating mountains.


The sound of a baby crying resounded through the mountains and forests, very loud.


The forest shook violently, and the surging spiritual energy surged in one direction, forming a hurricane visible to the naked eye in the air.

A beam of light descended from the sky, pierced through the clouds, and landed on a wooden house in the mountains and forests.

In front of the wooden house stood a man in commoner clothes. He was so frightened that he fell to the ground and crawled back subconsciously.

He suddenly thought of something, the fear on his face was replaced by worry, he immediately got up, UU Reading www.uukā rushed to the wooden house shrouded by the beam of light.


The man screamed, his body just hit the beam of light and instantly turned into fly ash.

The cry of the baby is still reverberating.

I don\'t know how long it has passed, the aura of heaven and earth calmed down, the beam of light disappeared, and the cry of crying disappeared.


The door opened, and an old woman walked out with the baby in her swaddling baby, and said happily: "Dalang, it\'s a son! It\'s a son!"

After she walked out of the wooden house, she looked around and found that Da Lang was nowhere to be seen.

She froze.

The movement during the delivery just now was really big, and she was also frightened. It was the first time that she saw the fetus still in her belly make such a loud cry, almost deafening her ears.

Could it be that Da Lang was scared away?

The old woman looked down at the swaddling baby and found that he was asleep, with a red face showing a smile that made women all over the world easy to relent.

"Huh, poor boy, with such a courageous father, I hope he will not spread the news of today."

The old woman looked worried.

This son was born extraordinary. If he spread the vision just now, he would definitely be regarded as a freak.

Even demons reincarnated!

But the old woman knew that he was not a demon, because his mother was facing a dystocia just now. As soon as he was born, her mother died.

But at that moment, the baby opened his eyes and shot two golden lights, shining on his mother, which made her mother recover from her injuries and gradually became angry.

This must be a **** baby, a fairy baby!

The more the old woman thinks about it, the more compassion she sees on her face.

At this time!

A gust of wind came, and the old woman was shocked to look up, and then her eyes widened and her mouth opened unconsciously.

I saw a five-clawed golden dragon poking its head out of the sea of ​​clouds. The dragon\'s eye was larger than the mountain, and its body seemed to occupy the entire sky, which was extremely shocking.
