Top-level Air Luck, Quietly Practiced For Thousands of Years (Top Tier Providence, Secretly Cultivate for a Thousand Years)

Chapter 689: Detached

Because of the Xitian ancestors, the atmosphere of the Qiankun Palace became extremely dull, and the hearts of the saints were very uncomfortable.

The Xuandu Holy Venerable said meaningfully: "Even if we are willing to help our ancestors, how can we help? Do we want to be buried with Tiandao? We can only help Tiandao become stronger, and only by becoming stronger can we avoid more such tragedies. "

The Xuandu Holy Venerable had also received guidance from the ancestors of Xitian, but he valued the way of heaven more.

All Saints had to accept reality.

Although Shi Dudao, Li Daokong, and Fang Liang were dissatisfied, they didn\'t say much. Without strength, they would not be qualified to perform.

The sage of Xuandu changed the subject and began to mention the recent development of the Tao of Heaven and the things that the sage sect needs to do.

Twenty years later.

Han Jue ended the mock trial and began to preach to the disciples in Baiyue Xianchuan.

The preaching lasted for a hundred years, and the disciples had a lot of insights, and their understanding of Jiyuan Dao was deeper, mainly because Han Jue became stronger again.

After the sermon, Han Jue walked out of the Taoist temple.

Xing Hongxuan is still practicing in retreat. Since the retreat, she has been meditating, as if hibernating. Han Jue even suspected that she had been taken away, but she could feel that her spirit was still there.

Han Jue did not disturb Xing Hongxuan, but came under the hibiscus tree.

There are always noisy places in Baiyue Xianchuan, except under the hibiscus tree, which is always quiet.

There are not many direct disciples left under the hibiscus tree. Only the black jail chicken, chaos tengu, Ah Da, and Xiao Er are left. The other disciples have moved out because they have accepted disciples, and they have found a corner in the Baiyue Xianchuan to open up a Taoist temple.

Seeing Han Jue\'s appearance, the black jail chicken immediately flashed forward and came to him.

high speed!

Even in Da Luo Jinxian, the speed can be considered top-notch!

The black jail chicken laughed and said, "Master, why are you here? Are you trying to spread our magical powers?"

Han Jue didn\'t dislike it when he looked at its awkwardness, but was rather emotional.

As the years passed, everyone was changing, and Han Jue was also changing. It seemed that only the black jail chicken had never changed.

Han Jue smiled and said, "When you become a quasi-sage, I will give you a great opportunity."

The black jail rooster cried, "Quasi Sage, how long will it take!"

Its aptitude is actually good, but at the level of the quasi-sage, it is very mediocre. In the Baiyue Xianchuan, it can indeed cultivate to the quasi-sage, but it takes an extremely long time.

Han Jue ignored it and came to the hibiscus tree. He began to check the space-time vortex connected by the hibiscus tree.

After so many years, the number has not skyrocketed, there are only hundreds of squares of heaven and earth, all of which are weaker than the way of heaven.

There are saints guarding them, and no enemy has attacked through the hibiscus tree.

The hibiscus tree shook slightly, and the voice came to Han Jue\'s ears: "Master, when will I be transformed?"

Transformation has become its obsession.

Han Jue used his mana to try to help the mulberry tree transform into shape.

The current dojo does not need a hibiscus tree to provide aura, and the dojo itself is extremely abundant.

However, Han Jue found that he still could not help the hibiscus tree to transform. He could easily kill the hibiscus tree and destroy its shape and spirit, but he could not transform it.


However, Han Jue could extract the wisdom of the hibiscus tree, and then use the power of the soul source demon **** to create it into a soul.

With a soul, it can be transformed into a Chaos Demon God.

Han Jue said, "Your roots and feet restrict you, you can\'t transform yourself."

The hibiscus tree was silent.


"But what?"

Hibiscus asked excitedly.

Han Jue said, "Leaving the hibiscus tree, I can recreate a physical body for you, would you like it?"

The hibiscus tree was silent again after hearing it.

If you compare your heart to Han Jue, you will hesitate.

"Don\'t worry, even if you change your body, you have to practice to the quasi-sage state. Don\'t always be in a daze on weekdays, practice hard, and transform yourself as soon as possible." Han Jue reminded.

The hibiscus tree is an innate sacred tree. Naturally, the aptitude is not bad, but this family is often in a daze, as if there is no wise tree.

Hearing this, the hibiscus tree quickly said: "Thank you, Master, I will definitely work hard to cultivate."

In any case, there is at least one more hope.

Han Jue no longer ignored it, and continued to observe those space-time vortices.

A few hours later, Han Jue left.

Chaos Tengu came to the black jail chicken and whispered: "Do you feel that the master seems to have broken through again."

The black jail chicken gave it a white look, and said in a bad mood: "Isn\'t this normal?"

"But the higher the level, the harder it is to break through."

"What does this stinky dog ​​know? If you understand, you are still a dog? Why is the owner the owner, you are the dog, and you don\'t have any points in your heart?"

Chaos Tengu was silent, looking at the black jail chicken, gritted his teeth.

This stinky chicken knows to bully it!

The more it regrets, it shouldn\'t leave that year.

If it hadn\'t left at that time, it would not be behind the black jail chicken.

One step behind is hard to follow forever.

The gap is even getting bigger.

Chaos Tengu became more depressed the more he thought about it.

the other side.

After Han Jue returned to Taoist Temple, he continued to practice.

He has reached the perfect state of the Free Hunyuan Realm, and then he should find a way to gain the Great Dao.

He began to comprehend his Dao practice, the Magnificent Reincarnation Dao.

Jiyuan Dao is just a Dao, and if you want to practice Proving Dao, you have to rely on a special cultivation method. UU reading

As a Dao Gong method, there must be a way to attain Dao Dao.

As time went by, Han Jue quickly gained insight.

Dao saints also have their own differences. Generally speaking, they are divided into two types, one is ordinary Dao saints and the other is transcendence.

The transcendence is not higher than the Dao Saints, but one of the Dao Saints, who can fully control the Dao.

Ordinary Dao saints can only use the power of Dao.

Han Jue has merged with Jiyuan Dadao, and he can become two Dadao saints, all relying on his choice.

Ordinary avenue saints are also good, they can be connected to the avenue, the avenue is immortal, and the avenue sage does not die.

But those who transcend the Dao are different. Although they are stronger and more free, if they die, Dao will break away from his control and will not live and die with him.

The two options have advantages and disadvantages. Generally speaking, ordinary Taoist sages are safer, but they almost stop there. There is hope for those who transcend Taoism to a higher level.

Naturally, Han Jue also wanted to become a detached person, and could not be restrained by the Dao.

After the decision, Han Jue began to practice.

How long the breakthrough time is, it is not clear for the time being, but he has foreseen it, it is estimated that it will be long.

How can there be such a good certificate for the saints of the Dao Dao!

In the depths of the darkness, a huge mountain range is floating, and in one of the valleys, twelve powerful auras are gathered, the aura is like flames, shaking the mountain.

One of the figures is impressively Houtu Empress.

The Houtu Empress is no longer as holy as before, with two large pythons wrapped around her waist, her makeup is evil, and she has a wild temperament.

They are the Twelve Ancestor Witches!

The head is Dijiang, the most burly figure, standing in front of a giant statue, not knowing what he is praying for.

An ancestral witch who was surrounded by flames couldn\'t help saying: "Big Brother, are you all right! When will you do it!"
