Top-level Air Luck, Quietly Practiced For Thousands of Years (Top Tier Providence, Secretly Cultivate for a Thousand Years)

Chapter 690: Chaos and ignorance, no name

"No hurries!"

Before Di Jiang spoke, an extremely stern ancestor witch next to him said coldly, his eyes were also cold, like two knives, scared the flames ancestor witch quickly shut up.

The other ancestral witches did not speak, they were all waiting for Dijiang to speak.

Di Jiang slowly turned around, opened his eyes, and swept across the ancestral witches with sharp eyes.

"This time the Wu Clan is resurrected, don\'t repeat the same mistakes, Immortal Realm, I will wait no longer!"

Di Jiang slowly said, the ancestor witches were moved.

The flame ancestor witch was furious and said: "How can we not fight? At least we must kill the monster race, kill them all!"

In the immeasurable calamity that year, the mortal enemy of the Wu Clan was the Monster Clan. After losing one hand to the ground and the other to the sky, it gave the Human Clan a chance to rise.

Houtu Niangniang said, "There is no demon clan in the immortal world."

As soon as he said this, many ancestral witches looked at him in surprise.

The Empress Houtu sighed and told the ancestral witches of the changes in the fairy world.

Knowing that the immortal world is now peaceful and the saints are in harmony, the ancestors looked at each other.

What a flourishing age this is!

Di Jiang said with emotion: "This Han Jue is extraordinary. Even though he has a remarkable cultivation level, he has not been dazzled by greed, but he still maintains his original heart of cultivation. I am afraid that Dao ancestors can\'t compare this."

The ancestral witches nodded. They had already learned that the reason why the saints of Heaven were united was because of Han Jue\'s pressure on their heads.

When Dao Ancestor was still there, Dao Ancestor closed one eye and encouraged the saints in disguised form to preach the Dao.

"Yes, You Clan also thanks to his care."

"Speaking of You Clan, it should be taken back to the Wu Clan."

"You are so funny, people have raised You Clan for tens of thousands of years, you have to return it to you once you are resurrected?"

"After all, You Clan is also the blood of my Wu Clan."

"What about You Clan\'s own thoughts, if they knew the resurrection of their ancestors, wouldn\'t they have the intention of returning to their ancestors?"

Hearing what the brothers said, Empress Houtu smiled bitterly.

She had already entrusted You Clan to Han Jue, so she had no face to come back.

Moreover, she felt that You Clan may not have any interest in Wu Clan.

When You Clan went to the Celestial Clan, she tried to get in touch, but was rejected.

The You Clan only recognizes Han Jue, not her.

Houtu Empress said: "Don\'t think about You Clan, let\'s first think about where we will settle down next."

Dijiang pondered and said: "Going back to the ruins of the gods can\'t wait, let\'s go to the depths of the chaos to open up a new way of heaven. My body is ready to imitate the Father God and become all things."

Upon hearing this, the ancestors began to wonder whether this method would work.


Five thousand years have passed.

Han Jue ended his retreat once again.

He has benefited a lot from the realm of the Great Dao.

In the process of enlightenment, Han Jue saw the peacock **** and undefeated.

There is a door in the realm of the avenue. When Han Jue came to this door, he saw that the door was blocking many powerful men. Among them were the peacock gods and the undefeated crowns. Some of them looked firm and some looked unwilling. , And some faces are filled with despair.

Even though it is a transcendent existence above all living beings, in front of the gate of the avenue, one by one is like a mortal, revealing the various forms of the world.

And behind the gate of the avenue, Han Jue also saw many figures, all of whom were the saints and gods of the avenue.

There are many acquaintances among them.

For example, Dao Wuyi, Li Muyi, Chaos God, Xitian Patriarch, etc. Han Jue was shocked when he saw Li Muyi. He did not expect that Li Muyi was also a saint in the Dao Dao. What happened to him, his realm declined Go down?

Naturally, he would not ask the Holy Venerable Xuandu, that the death of Li Muyi was definitely an insoluble barrier between him and other people. Maybe I would ask him to settle accounts one day.

The holy realm is a great moat, but the great realm in the future is not a great moat that is more difficult to overcome!

Han Jue opened his eyes and let out a long breath.

"It seems that you can\'t keep a low profile. Once you get the road, you will inevitably be discovered."

Han Jue silently thought that he could see the gate of the avenue, and so could other strong men.

Of course, this is nothing.

Anyway, the saints in the heaven do not know that their realm is too bad to reach the gate of the avenue.

As for letting the saints of the Dadao know, it would be better to shock them, so that they would not dare to provoke the Dao of Heaven again.

Han Jue habitually called up the mail to check.

[Your good friend Xitian ancestor encounters mysterious and powerful suppression, and his body is disbanded, leaving only the holy soul]

[Your friend Xietian enters the God Realm of Guixu]

[Your friend Samsara Immortal Emperor begins to absorb the luck of the immortal world]

[Your good friend Houtu Niangniang got mysterious and powerful guidance, and her Taoism skyrocketed]

[Your friend Peacock God is attacked by your enemy cursed by the devil]

[Your enemy cursed the devil was attacked by your friend, the peacock god, and his body was annihilated, leaving only a ray of remnant soul to escape]

[Your friend Li Yao got the dream of his ancestors and learned magical powers]

[Your friend, the Peacock God, is attacked by a mysterious Taoist demon] x8202012


Han Jue was shocked when he saw the tragic situation of the ancestor Xitian.

Although the ancestor Xitian could not kill him in the simulation trial, in his heart, the ancestor was still the standard for high-end combat power.

Who on earth can easily suppress the ancestors of Xitian!

Han Jue had strong curiosity.

He immediately used the evolution function.

[Need to deduct one quadrillion years of life, whether to continue]

One trillion years!

Han Jue was scared.

This is not a curse. The worth of the saints of the Dadao is only 150 billion years of quadrillion years. How many times has this doubled?

It was the first time that Han Jue was involved in such an existence, and he felt a little nervous in his heart.

and many more!

Afraid of being an egg!

He is in the dojo, even the creator of the Tao can\'t get a glimpse of the situation in the dojo!


When Han Jue made his choice, unlike the previous pop-up message, no message popped up this time.

There was silence in the Taoist temple.

Han Jue felt a strong sense of oppression inexplicably, which made him feel a sense of suffocation.

For so many years, he almost forgot this feeling.

Han Jue became nervous.

About ten seconds later, a line of words jumped out before his eyes:

[Chaos and ignorance: cultivation base is unknown, chaos gods, on the avenue, rules and order, no name]

Han Jue saw a figure in his mind, like a mist, which would dissipate at any time, and he couldn\'t see the true face of the other party at all.

What a great look!

Han Jue jumped out again:

[Unable to be named: special power, once the name is spoken in the mouth, it will catch the opponent, even if it is a dojo, it is difficult to isolate]

Han Jue breathed a sigh of relief, but fortunately he didn\'t have the habit of muttering to himself.

This indescribable is terrifying.

Can the other party be aware of it just by saying the name?

Han Jue also thought of the ancestor Xitian, he was suppressed by such an existence, and he was over.

Speaking of which, Han Absolutely, the ancestor of Xitian still has a good impression.

Among the people he knows, only the ancestor Xitian fits his perfect vision of a follower.

Beyond the detachment, the magical powers are vast, seemingly silent, and they have a trace of pity for all living beings.

I don\'t know how Xitian ancestors offended this existence.

Chaos and Ignorance should be different from the Dao Saints, and don\'t care about the Dao of Heaven. People are the gods of the chaos, older than the Dao Gods. He definitely doesn\'t care about the existence of the Dao.