Top-level Air Luck, Quietly Practiced For Thousands of Years (Top Tier Providence, Secretly Cultivate for a Thousand Years)

Chapter 688: Patriarch of the ancestors

The Xietian Emperor glanced at all the immortals in the cage, and said solemnly: "Jade Bodhi has fallen, hurry up and leave with me!"

After that, he turned and flew into the dark depths, followed by the immortals.

Han Tuo was confused while following.

Who the **** is it!

Save them again and again!

He thought of Han Jue, but he didn\'t dare to be completely sure.

Yitian didn\'t think so much, and he leaned to the side of Xietian Emperor and asked: "Your Majesty, who killed the Jade Bodhi? Your patron?"

Xietiandi squinted at him and hummed: "Don\'t ask if you shouldn\'t ask!"


Yitian smiled, a look that I understand.

If the Xietian Emperor pretended to be ignorant, he hesitated instead. Seeing the Xietian Emperor\'s seriousness, he felt that he had guessed it.

This makes sense!

Heavenly Court can start from nothing in the dark forbidden zone, and still do such a big thing, it is impossible for the Xietian Emperor alone to do it.

There must be a super high backing!

Han Tuo noticed the expression of the Xietian Emperor, and he was secretly relieved.

It seemed that it was not his father, but someone else. In fact, every time they were arrested, it was because the Xietian Emperor was also suppressed. They were just incidental.

In addition to not believing that Han Jue is so strong, Han Tuo didn\'t want to bother Han Jue.

He always thought that he was living independently, if every time he was rescued because of Han Jue, then he would really be ashamed to die.

Han Tuo focused his attention on himself. He was wiped out of his will by Jade Bodhi, but he couldn\'t remember what it was. He always felt as if he had forgotten something or lacked something.

This feeling is very uncomfortable, very irritating.

Jade Bodhi is dead, and he can only attribute his unwillingness to himself.

Still too weak!

If he was as strong as his father, how could he always be so passive?


Hundred years passed in a hurry.

Han Juexin has learned fifty demon gods, and he has accumulated three hundred and ninety-nine demon gods.

It is equivalent to mastering the power of 399 kinds of avenues.

Of course, it is far from the real avenue.

Among the new fifty demon gods, there are also more powerful demon gods, which at least amazes Han Jue.

For example, to replace the Demon God, you can choose to replace any existence with itself, no matter how far away, as long as the replaced Demon God remembers its original body and breath.

The Vanishing Demon God is more overbearing. Han Jue seriously suspects that the ancestors of the magical powers of the Vanishing Dao are derived from the Vanishing Demon God. This Demon God, as the name suggests, can make all existence disappear, unless it involves the existence of the power source surpassing the Demon God, and cannot be forced to force it. disappear.

However, the magical powers of the disappearance do not consume anything. The disappearance demon will consume its own mana when using the power of the great road. That is to say, the stronger the disappearance of the demon, the wider the range of disappearance. If he is the most powerful existence, it can make everything Things disappear, even chaos disappear!

After Han Jue raised his own strength to the current limit, he began simulation trials to consolidate his actual combat capabilities.

Although he likes to use the doom book to carry out sneak attacks, he never leaves the actual combat.

One day, he has to face the enemy\'s attack himself.

at the same time.

On the thirty-third floor, in the Hall of Universe, the saints gather.

Pan Xin said: "The Chaos Road has been opened. Even if I give up those thresholds, there are still no creatures on the road to the sky. How can this be good?"

When it comes to this, Pan Xin is very depressed.

He originally thought that the opening of the Chaos Heavenly Road would make all living beings admire him, but he didn\'t expect that no creatures cared about the Chaos Heavenly Road. He felt like a punch on the cotton.


The Xuandu Holy Venerable said: "The chaos represents the unknown. It is normal for sentient beings to be unwilling to go, and the disciples of the sage sect must take the lead."

Pan Xin looked at the other saints.

Shi Dudao snorted.

The other saints all had weird smiles.

Pan Xin was extremely depressed.

Thinking of how arrogant he was when he came back, all the saints did not dare to touch him, but now...

Everyone dared to laugh at him!

Inability to heaven smiled and said, "I will arrange for the disciples who cannot be taught to go to the Chaos Heaven Road, and the other saints will wait and see."

All Saints nodded.

Li Daokong glanced at Beng Tianzun, this servant is really smooth, this sentence not only gives face to the heart, but also allows all the saints to step down.


I think back then, lawlessness was the enemy of heaven, really lawless!

Look again now.

Li Daokong couldn\'t help but admire Han Jue.

Han Jue was able to scare such unruly strong men into a big change in temperament.

The Xuandu Holy Venerable changed the subject and said: "Recently, news came from Chaos that the ancestor was arrested."

All saints moved.

Xitian ancestor!

Since the disappearance of the Dao Ancestor, the ancestor Xitian has taken over the duties of the Dao ancestor and defended the way of heaven. The native-born saints of the Heavenly Dao have heard the preaching of the ancestor Xitian and have different feelings for them.

Antarctic Tianzun frowned and asked, "Who caught it?"

The other saints also stared at the Xuandu Holy Venerable.

Xuandu Shengzun replied: "A Chaos Demon God, is the existence of Pangu Giant God at the same time. It is not comparable to Dadao Saints, and its name cannot be said. This is what my teacher told me."

Qixi came and asked: "Then what can we do?"

The existence of saints beyond the Dao Dao cannot be intervened by the saints of the heavenly The saints of Xuandu said: "In the next period of time there will be a horrible existence. Look for the disciples of the ancestors of Xitian and take them away. From now on, we will forget the ancestor Xitian and erase the legends he has circulated in the world. Those practitioners who have been blessed by the ancestors must also warn or erase the memory."

The saints looked at each other.

Shi Dudao frowned and said, "That\'s not good, today we abandon our ancestors, and in the future, if we die, we will also be abandoned!"

His words spoke to the heart of the saint.

The reason why the saints can still live in peace now is because they have fought together before the seemingly unstoppable God Realm of Guixu.

Now the arrangement of the Xuandu Holy Venerable is to beat them back to their original form, so that they no longer trust each other.

The Xuandu Holy Venerable said helplessly: "Today is different from the past. We can still rely on fellow Daoist Han to deal with our previous enemies. The existence of the ancestors is too strong and powerful enough to recite his name. Violating this kind of existence, not only our saints, but also the whole way of heaven will be affected."

"Sacrificing the ancestors and defending the way of heaven is also the idea of ​​the ancestors."

Li Daokong frowned and asked, "Is there such a thing? How did the ancestor offend him? Because of the way of heaven? Why didn\'t the other party directly destroy the way of heaven?"

Xuandu Shengzun shook his head and said: "I don’t know. My teacher said that the existence was caused by asking the ancestors about something, but the ancestors refused to confess, thus offending the existence. All the causality related to ancestors makes the ancestors no longer exist."

The saints were scared, including Pan Xin.

Pan Xin understands that feeling too much.

When he was weak at the beginning, promotion to the gods was his nightmare.

Seeing all the saints silent, he couldn\'t help but laugh at himself.

What about sanctification?

It just changed from a cage to a bigger one.
