Top-level Air Luck, Quietly Practiced For Thousands of Years (Top Tier Providence, Secretly Cultivate for a Thousand Years)

Chapter 1094: future creator

A dark void, where bones and meteorites are intertwined, spread throughout this lifeless space. At the end of the void, there is a bright sun, which is also the only source of light.

A dilapidated palace floats quietly, and the stone statues in front of the palace gate are also very dilapidated. Some have lost their heads, some have no arms, and they look eerie and gloomy.

Su Qi was in the hall, meditating quietly, the air of bad luck lingered around his body, his face changed gloomy and sunny, as if a black insect shadow was crawling on his face.

Su Qi suddenly felt something, opened his eyes, and saw a figure appear in front of him.

It was Han Huang.

Han Huang saluted him with his fists clasped, and said with a smile, "Senior Brother Su, long time no see."

Su Qi smiled and said, "Junior Brother Huang, why are you here?"

With a wave of his right hand, a futon appeared in front of him, and Han Huang sat down with him.

The brothers and sisters began to greet each other, and they were not unfamiliar. They had met before, not to mention the same family.

After chatting for a while, Su Qi asked, "What is Junior Brother Huang looking for from me?"

Han Huang smiled and said: "I am going to destroy Chaos and open up Hongmeng. Once it is successful, there will be no restrictions on Chaos. You can also open up your own Dao Realm. Are you willing to help me?"

He got straight to the point and stared at Su Qi closely.

Su Qi was silent.

This matter is very important, he naturally has to think about it.

Han Huang was not in a hurry and waited patiently.

Su Qi suddenly smiled and said, "Okay, in fact, that\'s exactly what I meant."

Han Huang\'s smile was even worse, and the two of them looked at each other, and no words were needed.

Su Qi said: "Go back and prepare. I have me on the eve of the calamity of the Great Dao, and I will find other brothers and sisters together. It\'s still a long way to shake the chaos just by relying on you and me."

Han Huang shrugged, got up and turned into a rainbow of light and left.

Su Qi\'s eyes became deep, and he thought in his heart: "Master, is this the real task you gave me?"

"It\'s fun to help the Demon God of Hongmeng. It\'s better to help one\'s own people than to be used by others."

A river full of colorful rays of light flows in a dazzling space. There is no direction and no life here. There is only this endless flowing river. I don\'t know where it comes from and where it flows.

River of fate!

Here is the long river of destiny at the core of chaos, covering the rules of space, time, cause and effect, etc., and also controlling the root system of the long river of destiny in all worlds.

A figure suddenly stepped out from the depths of the river. He was wearing a white robe, with a silver giant bird suspended behind him, like a phoenix.

This person is Immortal Ji.

Ji Xianshen\'s expression was stern. When he completely stepped out of the long river of destiny, he suddenly stopped and looked back. The long river of destiny is far-reaching and immortal.

"I will do your business, but you must not interfere with mine."

Ji Xianshen said with a calm tone.

A sneer sounded: "You are indeed strong enough now, what do you want to do?"

Ji Xian Shendao said: "The great calamity will be led by my junior brother Huang. This is the biggest variable in the chaos, and I naturally want to help him."

The mysterious voice hummed: "It will die."

"He would have died without me, but it\'s different now."

"It\'s up to you, if you push the Dao to measure the calamity, just do things for me."

Ji Xianshen turned and left, disappearing on the river of fate in the blink of an eye.

The river of fate fell into silence again.

Tens of thousands of years later, Han Jue won another good fortune selection.

Han Jue opened his eyes and frowned.

He also wants to achieve the master of creation before the great calamity, but recently the supreme cause and effect of the great calamity has become stronger and stronger, and it is obvious that someone is promoting the great calamity.

The promoter is Su Qi.

Su Qi is like going crazy, running rampant in the chaotic void, and exerting his bad luck to the extreme, even if the sage of Primordial Yuan touches him, the fruit of the Tao will be exhausted, which means that the sage of the Dao can directly contact him.

The meeting between Su Qi and Han Huang was also counted by Han Jue.

At present, the disciples who are ready to help Han Huang are not only Su Qi, but also Ji Xianshen, Dao Zhizun, Zhao Xuanyuan, Jiang Yi, Long Hao, Murong Qi, and Fang Liang.

Hongmeng is huge!

"These little bastards, since that\'s the case, then I have to speed up."

Han Jue hummed in his heart, he was going to increase the expansion rate of Yuanyuan Realm. Before, he was just afraid of causing suspicion, but now he doesn\'t care.

Since the Yin-Yang Wugou Silent God turned into the ultimate life, the Wugou Dao Realm has not approached Chaos anymore, but rushed towards the Nether Realm.

This can be used by Han Jue.

The final element world also stopped, without rushing towards the chaos, the chaos can no longer swallow the final yuan world, and when the final yuan world is stronger, maybe the chaos will fly towards the final yuan world.

Han Jue said: "From now on, you can curse as much as you like, and the object of the curse is Han Huang\'s enemy."

Good and Evil opened their eyes with joy on their faces.

Cursing the Origin Star does not involve cause and effect. Today\'s good and evil have grown to the top of the Dao, and even the creator of Dao can\'t count him. After all, he did not show cause and effect in the chaos.

It\'s time to raise soldiers for hundreds of millions of years.

"Relax, ancestor, I will not disappoint you!" Good and evil said excitedly.

Only Han Jue knows his abilities, not even Nine Gods.

Han never cares about good and evil.

As long as the creator of Dao does not take action, no one can kill Han Huang.

Over the years, the Myriad Realms Projection has also been successfully upgraded, adding a new teleportation function.

Disciples can be teleported to other disciples through the Myriad Realms Projection, provided that they have all joined the Myriad Realms Projection.

Han Jue looked at Chaos.

Ji Xianshen, Dao Zhizun and others are leading the demon soldiers of Hongmeng to destroy the chaotic world and realm.

The whole Chaos has set off a rhetoric.

It\'s not just Han Huang who wants to destroy Chaos, but also Hidden Sect!

The Lord of the Hidden Sect is a divine sage, which makes the major forces even more uneasy.

However, Hongmeng\'s offensive was getting bigger and bigger, and Chaos had to fight back, including Jiuji Dao Lineage.

Yu Yuan, who has grown up, brought the first power of chaos to fight against Immortal Ji. What made Han Jue amused was that Yu Yuan could not beat Immortal Ji.

It seems that he overestimated the power of the top eight Chaos.

That\'s right, those guys were the strongest before they died, and the Dao was supreme. The strength of the peak period may not be as strong as the current Dao\'s supremacy, not to mention Ji Xianshen is already the Dao\'s supremacy and has the power of destiny.

Han Jue discovered that there is a deep hidden cause and effect in Ji Xianshen\'s body. The deity of this cause and effect is only the Dao Supreme, but this cause and effect does not come from the present, but the future.

Future creators!

That person is the supreme Dao in the present, and the creator of Dao in the future.

Han Jue finds it strange that to achieve the cultivation level of the creator of the Tao, it has already jumped out of the past and the future. Even if there is a treasure that can involve the past of other creators of the Tao, it will be detected by the creator of the Tao, so the creator of the Tao generally does not involve time and space. , doing so will only offend the other creators of Tao.

Han definitely can see it with the evolution function, and other creators of Tao can also see it.

It\'s just that this future Taoist creator has a special status, and it is estimated that other Taoist creators will not dare to touch him easily.

Han Jue laughed secretly: "You dare to intervene in the past with your initial cultivation, boy, you underestimate the strength of the Taoist creators in this period. You are not even as ignorant as chaos."

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