Top-level Air Luck, Quietly Practiced For Thousands of Years (Top Tier Providence, Secretly Cultivate for a Thousand Years)

Chapter 1095: 700 trillion years worth

Han Jue is also too lazy to care about the future creator of Taoism, just to let this guy stimulate the great amount of calamity. If other creators of Taoism are forced to take action, it can be regarded as a lesson for this fellow, let him not underestimate other creators of Taoism. By.

If the creators of Taoism do not fight, it is difficult to judge the strength of each other. After all, the creators of Taoism cannot die, and they are the highest realm. Under such circumstances, anyone may expand.

Han Jue continued to observe Chaos. He felt like he was watching a big play. Every one of his friends had already been involved in the calamity of the Great Dao. Even his Dao Companions were also affected by karma. The transmission function of world projection makes information transmission and contact more frequent.

Among them, Li Yao has also been to Hongmeng, and it seems that he also wants to participate in the great calamity.


Saving one is also saving, and saving a hundred is also saving.

Anyway, Han Jue collected their split souls long ago, and even if they fall, they can still be resurrected.

Han Jue watched it for a while, and then turned his attention back to cultivation.

The chaotic general trend is intensifying, and the supreme cause and effect is covering all living beings, making all living beings\' hostile energy grow, and the higher the cultivation base, the greater the impact.

Any contradiction may be magnified under the influence of supreme cause and effect.

The great mass robbery is about to break out.


In Hongmeng Pond, a tall figure stood beside the pond, watching the countless cultivators lined up in a long queue across the pond.

A famous practitioner jumped into the Hongmeng Pool one after another, and the interval was less than ten breaths.

Ji Xianshen said with emotion: "I want to jump off."

Chaos Tengu smiled and said: "Jump, I think your qualifications are quite ordinary."

Ji Xianshen glared at it.

Zhao Xuanyuan asked curiously, "Why doesn\'t the chicken come, it\'s rare for the hidden door to act together."

Dao Zhizun said disdainfully: "Counsel, except for the Chaos Festival, when did it come out? Even if we promise to protect it, it will not dare."

The others followed and made fun of the Black Prison Chicken, and heard the Chaos Tengu being indignant and kept fighting, but they couldn\'t tell the crowd.

After chatting for a while, Jiang Yi asked, "What about Han Huang, when will you act? There are already one trillion demon soldiers, and Hongmeng practitioners are also over 100 million. With the support of Hidden Sect, they will definitely be able to subvert chaos. ."

Fang Liang raised his hand, there seemed to be a wisp of green smoke in his hand, he was playing with it, he laughed softly: "The calamity hasn\'t come yet, you should be able to feel the force of karma, although it is there, it is not strong enough, at least Not enough to drive us crazy."

His words were all nodded in agreement.

It\'s really not enough.

At this moment, the Hongmeng Pool surged violently, causing the practitioner who was about to jump back to retreat.

Hongmeng Pond is huge, bigger than the entire Immortal Realm.

Everyone looked sideways, only to see a terrifying giant figure looming at the bottom of Hongmeng Pond.

"What is that?" Ji Xian Shen asked movingly.

Long Hao excitedly said: "It\'s Hongmeng\'s despair. Han Huang told me before that in addition to transforming Hongmeng\'s life, Hongmeng Pond also cultivates a great killer of robbery."

Hongmeng despair?

Everyone looked at each other, they carefully felt the momentum of Hongmeng despair, and found that Hongmeng despair was rapidly getting stronger.

Those practitioners who witnessed Hongmeng\'s despair were too frightened to jump down.

"What it is?"

"Won\'t those cultivators who jumped down all fed this stuff?"

"No, someone did come out alive."

"What a terrifying murderous aura, even if it is an ancient beast, it is far less than that."

"This fierce beast can definitely harm Chaos!"

The practitioners who can come here are all ready to fight against chaos, so they are very excited after calming down.

The stronger Hongmeng is, the more they prove that their choice is not wrong.

Most practitioners came with the idea of ​​promoting the Endless Era, otherwise it would be difficult for Hongmeng to have the power it has today.

Although the chaotic beings know the endless era, they do not want to die.

Furthermore, there is no need to sacrifice Chaos in the Endless Era!

The birth of Hongmeng\'s despair made the disciples of Hidden Sect deeply moved.

Although Han Huang was mad, he didn\'t mess around, but was accumulating power frantically. Once this Hongmeng despair spread, it would be enough to make all sentient beings in chaos shudder.

Time goes on.

When Hongmeng Despair returned to calm, the practitioners continued to jump down again. They were pleasantly surprised to find that Hongmeng Despair was only lurking at the bottom of Hongmeng Pond and did not harm their actions, which made them more at ease.


Han Jue was immersed in his practice, unable to extricate himself.

When Chaos is about to encounter the Great Dao Calamity, the Final Origin Realm also set off the Final Quantum Tribulation, sweeping the entire Final Origin Realm. It seems that the Final Origin Realm is chaotic, but for the supreme forces of the three parties, it is still under control.

The melee of all beings will make the rules chaotic, but after a long time, once calm is restored, the rules will be more stable than before the chaos, and can make up for many of the previous deficiencies. This is the role of calamity.

The amount of robbery not only shuffles the cards for all levels of the Yuanyuan Realm, but also constantly finds the correct path in the chaos, uses the Qi to nourish the rules, and uses the rules to help the creation, and the Yuanyuan Realm continues to take off.

I don\'t know how long ago.

A roar woke Han Jue up.

"I, the Demon God of Hongmeng, Han Huang, from today, I announce to Chaos, Transcendence, Ignorance, and Shitian that the Great Dao is coming, I will use the spear of conquest, destroy Chaos, and create an endless era. You can also exist for yourself. The meaning of the last struggle in vain!"

"Hongmeng listens to the With Hongmeng as the center, we will fight against chaos, kill life when encountering life, save ghosts when encountering souls, slaughter them all, and swear to death!"

Han Huang\'s voice resounded throughout the chaos, and the echoes were endless for a long time.

Rao is Han Jue\'s dojo is also echoing his voice.

Han Jue can feel that Han Huang is stronger. According to his worth, it is at least seven trillion billion years old, and he is getting closer and closer to the creator of Taoism.

It\'s really strange, this kid\'s Hongmeng Realm is not strong, even in chaos, but his strength is increasing.

Could it be that this is the result of the supreme cause and effect of the great calamity?


Han Jue checked the attribute panel. He was more than 430 million years old, indicating that he had been in seclusion for more than 20 million years.

He started to check his mail.

Good and evil saw him open his eyes and said excitedly: "The ancestor, the ancestor of Han Huang is too domineering, I want to fight for him, so far, there are very few enemies who dare to attack the ancestor of Han Huang, and I can\'t find anyone who can be cursed. object!"

Han Jue ignored him.

"By the way, Ancestor Han Ling also has to deal with him. Do I need to curse Ancestor Han Ling?"

Han Jue glanced at him.

The good and the evil were terrified, and smiled awkwardly: "I understand, I understand..."

What nonsense!

Lao Tzu\'s precious daughter is something you can curse?

Han Jue didn\'t say anything, and continued to check his emails.

Good and evil did not dare to disturb him again, and continued to look at Chaos, trembling with excitement.

With Han Huang\'s declaration of war, the Great Dao Tribulation officially arrived!

The Dao Supreme on both sides first collided in the space above the Three Thousand Dao, Ji Xianshen, Dao Zhizun and others all participated in the battle.

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