Top-level Air Luck, Quietly Practiced For Thousands of Years (Top Tier Providence, Secretly Cultivate for a Thousand Years)

Chapter 1093: 400 million years old

Lao Tzu\'s proposal attracted the approval of the Dao deities.

Chaos sentient beings are no longer Han Huang\'s opponents, and they have to join forces with other Dao realms to have a chance of winning.

The Punishment God Venerable sighed in his heart, and when the crowd was excited, he had to start giving orders to let the avenues of gods go to win over them separately.

When all is said and done, the gods leave.

The Supreme Punishment God returned to his own space, and then entrusted the dream to Han Jue.

He rarely asks for dreams, so Han Jue accepts his dreams.

In the dream, the Divine Reverend Daoming Han Huang\'s predicament was finally punished.

"This matter endangers the entire chaos, I have to take advantage of the situation." Supreme Punishment God Venerable said uneasy, not knowing Han Juehan\'s attitude.

Han Jue said: "It\'s okay, just let it go. You fulfill your duty as the head of the gods. If you have to do it, you can do it too."

"That Han Huang..."

"This is his destiny."

"I see."

Supreme Punishment God Venerable\'s eyes flickered, and he instantly thought of many possibilities.

But he can only think, dare not ask more.

The dream is over.

Han Jue didn\'t care and continued to practice.

Now he only sees the creator and master.

The final world is constantly destroying the blank area and expanding, and the final energy in the world is also growing.

More and more creatures from other Dao worlds discover the final world through the underworld, and there are even cases where other creatures accept the energy of the final and transform into the life of the final.

In this regard, Han Jue just turned a blind eye and handed over the matter to the Final Yuan Demon Gods, the Final Yuan God Clan, and the You Clan.

At present, these three forces have dominated the final world, and each has divided regions, and the order of the final world has been initially established.

The Demon God of Life and Han You jointly established the order of the underworld. All other Dao world beings who enter the final world will be arrested by the final world, and they will only be released after being suppressed for a period of time.

Everything about Han Jue is developing in a good direction.

His retreat no longer has a cycle, and began to retreat infinitely.

In a blink of an eye, more than 20 million years have passed.

Han Jue turns 400 million years old.

[It is detected that you are over 400 million years old and your life has taken a step forward. You have the following options]

[One, immediately exit the customs and devour other Dao worlds to obtain a Dao fragment, a Hongmeng fragment, a creation spirit stone, and a system function upgrade opportunity]

[Second, practice low-key, keep the original intention, and get a Dao fragment, a Hongmeng fragment, a creation spirit stone, and a system function upgrade opportunity]

【You get a good fortune choice】

Both options are the same, there is no bias.

Han Jue silently chose the second option.

[You choose to cultivate in a low-key manner and get a Dao fragment, a Hongmeng fragment, a creation spirit stone, and a system function upgrade opportunity]

Han Jue directly selected the system function.

[You choose to upgrade Myriad Realms Projection]

[Wanjie projection begins to upgrade]

Next is waiting.

The Myriad Realms Projection has little effect on him, but it is an important reason why Hidden Sect can still condense under the condition of stocking.

No matter where they are, the direct disciples can always meet through the Myriad Realms Projection, and the relationship has been maintained. Even if there is a conflict, other disciples can also reconcile within the Myriad Realms Projection.

After Han Jue made a choice, he continued to practice.

For more than 20 million years, Chaos has been extremely tense.

Hongmeng and Chaos have broken out no less than ten thousand wars. Han Huang\'s power has attracted countless followers. He is willing to become a life of Hongmeng and open up Hongmeng together. Today\'s Han Huang is incomparably powerful. Every day, many Hongmeng beings are put under his command.

Han Huang built a Hongmeng Pond in the center of the Hongmeng power.

As long as you jump into the Hongmeng Pond and survive, you can become a Hongmeng creature, whose aptitude is comparable to that of the Chaos Demon God. After the news spread, countless practitioners went crazy.

Aptitude is a natural moat that is insurmountable for the vast majority of practitioners, and practitioners of any kind will have such confusion.

The legend of Hongmeng Pond makes all living beings suspicious, but as someone succeeds, the suspicion turns into madness.

This matter has caused great headaches for the avenues of gods.

Han Huang never showed up, and all the forces did not dare to take the lead, for fear of becoming Han Huang\'s number one enemy.

Even the Jiuji Dao Lineage, who had been clamoring for Han Huang before, quieted down. Zhao Shuangquan seemed to be evil, and he was still preaching the legend of the Dark Lord, as if he didn\'t know that Han Huang was going to destroy Chaos.

In general, all sentient beings above and below Chaos feel that the Great Dao Tribulation is coming!

Hongmeng, the vast purple air permeates the void of the domain, as if it were really Hongmeng.

In a dark hall, Han Huang was meditating. The mana overflowed from his palms and continued to condense into Hongmeng magic soldiers. These Hongmeng magic soldiers were like the dark version of divine powers. After successfully condensing, these Hongmeng magic soldiers retreated into the darkness next to them. , disappeared without a trace.

A figure flew in.

It is the **** of the Ming season.

Mingji Shenjun came to Han Huang, eyes full of love, and said: "Husband, you have been in seclusion for so long, you should rest."

Han Huang ignored it.

Mingji Shenjun continued: "I know that you are going to do great things, but we don\'t have children yet, and Hongmeng has no inheritance. This is not a good thing."

When the words fell, Han Huang stood up abruptly, and the terrifying aura frightened the emperor of Mingji away.

Mingji Shenjun was so frightened that Huarong turned pale, and looked at Han Huang in a panic. UU Reading

Han Huang looked at her and snorted coldly: "It is already a great honor for me to marry you. Do you still want to conceive my child? Are you worthy?"

Mingji Shenjun was extremely aggrieved, and clenched his hands in his sleeves.

"I\'m not humiliating you, it\'s a fact, how many times you and I have never conceived, and you have no idea? A mortal spirit like you can\'t bear the power of the Hongmeng Demon God, so give up early."

Han Huang said contemptuously, his blood-red eyes looked fierce and murderous.

Mingji Shenjun gritted his teeth and said, "Then you plan to never have descendants?"

"When I open up Hongmeng, I can create another descendant with my own power. Why do I need you? Don\'t bother me in the future. I advise you to retire early, don\'t stretch your hand, and when the great calamity is opened, you will be forever. ,not worth it."

After Han Huang finished speaking, he sat down again and closed his eyes to create the Hongmeng Demon Soldier.

Mingji Shenjun pouted and said secretly: "You obviously care about me, but you are always so fierce."

When she thought of Han Huang\'s stinky temper from the beginning, her grievances became less.

Although this guy is fierce, when she is in danger, she will also take action, which shows that he still has her in his heart.

The wife of the Demon God of Hongmeng, who can be the other than her?

Mingji Shenjun\'s mood became wonderful again, she snorted softly and turned away.

Han Huang opened his eyes and looked at the back of her leaving, his eyes filled with coldness.

"It\'s not yet time, the supreme cause and effect of this great calamity is too slow, I can\'t wait..."

Han Huang thought silently, and began to think about how to promote Quantity Tribulation.

He suddenly thought of a person, the corners of his mouth raised, and in the dark hall, his smile looked extremely evil and hideous.

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