Top-level Air Luck, Quietly Practiced For Thousands of Years (Top Tier Providence, Secretly Cultivate for a Thousand Years)

Chapter 1041: Legend of the Dark Lord

"Is there really someone worse than me?"

Good and Evil were stunned and asked in disbelief.

Han Jue told the experience of Han Ba ​​God, and he heard good and evil fell into silence.

"Cultivation well, find your true goal, and don\'t let me down."

Han Jue said a lot. Good and evil couldn\'t help but look up at him. For some reason, good and evil thought his smile was so sacred and great.

Compared with this ancestor, he is really too stingy.

He was too stingy to practice cultivation in front of him.

Good and evil have already learned about the Han family. There are countless descendants, and they have been passed down for tens of millions of years. There must be descendants who are more outstanding than him, and descendants who are more miserable than him.

Even so...

The first ancestor chose him, good and evil!

At this moment, unspeakable emotions surged in the good and evil, and the unwillingness and resentment in my heart also dissipated.

He said seriously: "First Ancestor, I will work hard, and I will definitely live up to your expectations!"

Han Jue smiled and said, "Have you noticed your own strength?"

The Tao of Good and Evil: "Yes, but it\'s very vague. This power seems to be the way of cause and effect that you said. I can use it to spy on chaos and yin and yang, but I can\'t make it work for me. What I said is used for me. combat power."

Han Jue said: "There is an extremely mysterious power in Chaos, perhaps the most mysterious existence in the entire Chaos and Shitian. He is called the Dark Lord. No one has seen his deity, but many powers are cursed by him..."

He introduced the Dark Lord from the perspective of others, and was amazed by good and evil.

Proving the Way with a curse, shocking the past and present?

Is there such an existence?

"I was also cursed by the Dark Lord, so I passed on the power of karma to you. I want you to be like the Dark Lord. In the future, the Dark Lord will curse me, and you will help me to curse the Dark Lord."

Han Jue said with a smile, hearing good and evil blood surging.

The ancestor gave him the goal of cultivation, and he was naturally excited.

After understanding why the ancestor took him in, not only did he not feel lost, but he was even more grateful to the ancestor.

In order to fight against such a powerful existence, the ancestor actually chose him, what a lot of respect!

Good and evil clenched their fists and said, "I will definitely use the power of karma to protect the ancestors and everyone!"

The so-called everyone bears with the descendants of the Han family and the disciples of the hidden sect. These days, Han Jue takes him to see other people, and they are very warm and caring for him, making him feel the long-lost family affection, which he cherishes very much.

Han Jue reached out and rubbed his head, making him embarrassed.

Although good and evil are nearly five million years old, his mind is still in his youth.

"You are my most promising descendant, I believe in you." Han Jue said with a gentle smile.

Good and evil were completely excited when they heard these words, and their whole body seemed to be on fire.

Afterwards, Han Jue let him continue to practice.

After entering the state of cultivation, good and evil quickly calm down.

Han Jue smiled slightly and began to check his emails.

[Your son Han Huang was attacked by Shitian practitioners] x80922321

[Your friend, the Evil Heaven Emperor, suffered a mysterious curse]

[Your friend Huang Zuntian was attacked by Shi Tian\'s mysterious power and was seriously injured]

[Your apprentice Ji Xianshen entered the river of destiny in Shitian]

[Your friend, the God of Punishment, was attacked by a mysterious power]

[Your daughter Han Ling has gained the beliefs of hundreds of millions of souls, and her Taoism has soared]

[Your friend Li Daokong merged with the long river of swordsmanship to open up the realm of the Dao, and the road of Dao has risen sharply]

[Your friend the Virgin of Order enters the world of the Unsullied Avenue]

Still so lively.

Every email contains a wealth of information, and Han Jue can think of a thrilling plot.

really interesting.

Han Jue suddenly envied these guys.

Precisely because his cultivation speed is not as fast as him, he can experience more life than him.

Han Jue also wanted to act recklessly, but he had no support behind him.

His direct disciples and descendants at least have his backing, and he, along the way, can only rely on the system to become stronger. If he encounters a strong enemy far beyond the current realm, he will also die, so he is very grateful for the path he chose. , is quite correct.

If you don\'t go out, you will reduce the chance of coming into contact with powerful enemies!

Keep a low profile, and you won\'t get too many people\'s attention until you grow up.

After reading the email, Han Jue focused his attention on the final world.

The End Yuan Realm is far away from Chaos and Shitian. Only the Great Dao can set foot in the blank field, but even if the Great Dao is supreme, it does not dare to go deep into the blank field.

Those who created Dao did not take action against the final realm, so the final yuan realm was calm.

But this is only for the surroundings of the final world, but there is an unprecedented dispute inside the final world. When the strength is strong, ambition will naturally breed.

Some are inherently evil, some are born to be bloodthirsty, and some start to plunder because of the upper limit of their qualifications. There are various situations, and disputes will naturally arise.

In this regard, Han Jue had no other idea, and was happy to see it. It happened to be handed over to the You Clan and the End Yuan Divine Clan. Only chaos can establish order.

Where there are living beings, sooner or later there will be battles, and a strong existence needs to be set off by the weak.

As long as there are no major disasters in the final realm, he will not care.

What he wants to do is to guide all beings in the final realm in the general trend. UU Reading

Han Jue can now understand why God doesn\'t care about personal suffering. He has become a **** that mortals spurned.

In an incomparably bright hall, two rows of high stone pillars stand, forming a road to the sky. At the end of the road, a figure is sitting on a giant Xiangyu seat with a height of 100 feet.

It was Han Ling.

Han Ling was wearing a golden sleeve skirt, with a majestic posture, long hair scattered on the seat, wearing a dragon and phoenix crown, like an ancient **** who created everything, meditating quietly, majestic and sacred.

At this moment, three figures suddenly appeared on the vast hall below.

Han Yao, Han Ye, Han Ba ​​God!

The three men were terrifying, majestic and domineering, like invincible gods of war, and when they faced Han Ling, they half-kneeled and saluted.

Han Yao opened his mouth and said, "Your Majesty, Shi Tian appears that the Supreme Rule has been stripped away, and all forces are going to compete for the Supreme Rule. If you want to obtain the divine right of the Great Dao, I want to go on behalf of the Imperial Court of Fortune!"

Han Ye hummed, "This battle is about the prestige of the Imperial Court, and we still have to send the strongest imperial general, that is, me!"

Han Ba ​​Shen laughed and said, "Although your strength is strong, you are not as domineering as me. If you want to be a blockbuster, you have to rely on my strength!"

The three clearly competed, none of them wanted to lose to each other.

Han Ling said, "Let\'s go together. You must win that supreme rule. Even if you are facing my second brother, you can\'t give up."

Han Ye said with a smile: "Is it the ancestor of Han Huang, I wanted to learn from him for a long time!"

Han Yao and Han Ba ​​Shen also showed their anticipation.

They haven\'t seen Han Huang\'s true strength, but there are no vacuous people under their reputation. They can be said to be like thunder, and naturally they want to challenge.