Top-level Air Luck, Quietly Practiced For Thousands of Years (Top Tier Providence, Secretly Cultivate for a Thousand Years)

Chapter 1040: shadow of hatred

Top-level luck, quietly practice the thousand-year-old text volume Chapter 1040 The shadow of hatred for 7 billion billion billion billion billion billion years?

Good and evil sounded silly, what kind of concept this was, he couldn\'t imagine it at all.

He asked cautiously, "Who are you and why are you arresting me?"

Han Jue smiled and said, "Me? It\'s your ancestor who took you in because you were pitiful."


Good and evil were so frightened that they hurriedly knelt down and kept kowtowing.

Han Jue said, "Your ancestors belonged to the Han family of Heavenly Dao. For nearly ten million years, Chaos and Shitian have merged..."

He began to tell the origins of the ancestors of good and evil. When good and evil heard Chaos, hatred flashed in their eyes, but the length of the time line shocked him.

When he learned about the Han family\'s past, his mood was even more complicated.

It turned out that his ancestor and his resentful enemy came from the same place. In a sense, it was a manslaughter, which broke his heart.

Why is this so?

He felt that fate was making fun of him!

Han Jue opened his mouth and said, "Cause and effect are all like this in the world. Everyone will be doomed in this life. In the future, you can cultivate by my side with peace of mind, and let go of hatred."

Good and evil raised their heads, gritted their teeth and said, "Impossible! I must take revenge. I don\'t care about the origin of my ancestors. I only know that that person killed my parents. One day, I will kill him!"

Han Jue said with a smile: "You are cultivating by my side, I retreated once for five million years, and after five million years, that person is probably dead long ago, even if you go back now and look for him, you won\'t be able to catch up with him. End of life."

Good and evil are stunned.


Although he thought it was absurd, what the ancestor said was also true.

With such a distance, such a time, revenge becomes pale and meaningless.

But he was not reconciled!

Han Jue waved his sleeves, cast a spell to cleanse his body for good and evil, and then put on a clean Taoist robe.

As expected of his descendants, they are all handsome.

Han Jue created a futon beside him, signaling good and evil to sit down.

Han Jue began to teach him how to practice.

When the cultivation of good and evil has risen to a certain level, he can communicate regardless of language, and then he will introduce it to the disciples of the third dojo.

Han Jue practiced in closed-door seclusion, and at the same time used two things with one heart, and pointed out good and evil from time to time.

Years passed by.

Good and evil thought that the five million years that Han Jue said was to scare him, but slowly, he realized that it was true.

After tens of years of practice, he couldn\'t hold back his loneliness and wanted to go out, but he found that he couldn\'t push the gate of the Taoist temple, let alone use magic to get out.

He had to continue to practice.

Thousands of years later, he tried again, using his supernatural powers to move around, but hit the wall.

In this way, good and evil began to cultivate with the goal of escaping, and gradually forgot their hatred.

Time can smooth everything out. When there is no hope and a bad life, you can only remember hatred. But if you live a positive life and have a great future in life, the proportion of hatred will be much smaller. Of course, if you succeed in the future, you will have to take revenge. revenge.

The temperament of good and evil is also constantly changing, not as cold as before.

Time flies by.

Nearly five million years are fleeting.

When Han Jue woke up, lines of reminders appeared in front of him:

[It is detected that you are over 80 million years old and your life has taken a step forward. You have the following options]

[One, immediately exit the customs and destroy other Dao worlds, you can get a Dao fragment, a Hongmeng fragment, a creation spirit stone, and a system function upgrade opportunity]

[Second, practice low-key, keep your original intention, you can get a Dao fragment, a Hongmeng fragment, and a creation spirit stone]

[You get a fortune-telling choice]

The first option is definitely not an option, and the hatred it draws is too great.

Han Jue silently chose the second option.

[You choose to cultivate in a low-key manner and get a Dao Fragment, a Hongmeng Fragment, and a Creation Spirit Stone]

Han Jue is the Heavenly Chosen of Good Fortune that was opened at the age of ten million years. He gets an opportunity every ten million years. Currently, the descendants who have obtained the Heavenly Chosen of Good Fortune are Han Huang, Han Ling, Han Yao, Han Ye, Han Ba ​​Shen, Good and Evil, and eight. Ten million years old eight chances, two remaining.

Han Jue looked at the good and evil beside him. After so many years, good and evil have been proven, and they will soon be at ease. Compared with other descendants, the speed of cultivation is slower.

When Han Jue was at this age, it was more than just a self-cultivation.

Han Jue decided to keep the selection of good fortune first, and then a ten consecutive draws in the future.

When the descendants thought they were on their own and didn\'t need Han Jue, he used the Heavenly Selection of Fortune again to stimulate them with a new batch of descendants.

Han Jue got up and awakened good and evil.

Good and evil woke up, and when he saw Han Jue standing, he felt as if he was in a different world.

A million years ago, he was restless, but later he got used to it. Instead, he fell into practice and couldn\'t extricate himself.

He seemed to have had a long, long dream.

Han Jue walked out of the Taoist temple with good and evil, and went to see other people. Good and evil saw the situation of the Taoist temple and became even more dazed.

It\'s more beautiful than imagined, like a world of bliss, beautiful and picturesque.

"Wow, there\'s another descendant here, he\'s quite shy!"

Xing Hongxuan said in surprise, then pinched the faces of good and evil, so scared that good and evil hurriedly backed away.

Qing Luan\'er and Xuan Qingjun also looked at good and evil with interest.

Han Jue said with a smile, "This is your grandmother, don\'t be afraid, you will treat them like your mother in the future, understand, if it\'s rude, I\'ll take care of you."

After hearing good and evil, the tension in my heart disappeared.

Although he has been with Han Jue for five million years, UU reading www. But he has always been unable to understand Han Jue\'s character, full of distance, and now Han Jue\'s threat makes him feel full of humanity.

Afterwards, Han Jue brought good and evil to the second dojo again to meet other direct disciples.

Han Jue left a clone in the second dojo. If any disciple wants to go out, he can report the clone at any time. Currently, there are still half of the disciples in the second dojo.

Seeing good and evil, the black prison chicken shouted, "The master has another son!"

Others came together one after another.

Han Jue said angrily, "It\'s not a son, it\'s a descendant."

He briefly introduced good and evil, and after learning about good and evil, all the disciples felt sympathy for good and evil.

"Who killed your parents? Pass on his voice to me, and I will ask the hidden disciples to want him." Murong Qi asked.

Good and evil couldn\'t help looking at Han Jue.

Han Jue said: "That person has already fallen. In the other great world that slaughtered Shitian three million years ago, he was shot by a powerful man, and he died and disappeared, and he didn\'t even have a chance to enter the reincarnation."

Everyone was silent.

It was the first time that Good and Evil heard the news and frowned.

A few days later, Han Jue walked around his sphere of influence with good and evil, as a way to tell his disciples that they should take care of good and evil in the future.

The direct disciples have long since changed, so they naturally understand the hidden meaning of Han Jue\'s actions.

Go back to the Taoist temple.

Good and evil remain silent.

Han Jue said: "Before I moved you into the Taoist temple, I gave you the awakening power in your body, not just you, I also chose six other descendants before, some of them are worse than you, but they have come out of hatred. the shadows, live for yourself."

