Top-level Air Luck, Quietly Practiced For Thousands of Years (Top Tier Providence, Secretly Cultivate for a Thousand Years)

Chapter 1042: big melee

"The three of you must work together, I allow you to compete, but that is internal and external, you have to share the enemy, understand?"

Han Ling\'s voice was indifferent, but revealed a strong sense of oppression.

The three of Han Ye nodded and promised that they would not mess around.

Han Ling warned a few more words, and the three of Han Ye left.

Looking at the backs of them leaving, Han Ling took out a mirror. The mirror was golden and the mirror surface was cloudy.

Han Ling\'s lips moved slightly, silently chanting the curse.

Soon, a phantom crawled out of the mirror, which was her imperial soldier.

This imperial soldier turned into a rainbow of light and galloped away in an instant.

The corners of Han Ling\'s mouth rose, and then she closed her eyes.

release day.

The incomparable abyss, the dense fog filled the air, the undulating hills and mountains were vaguely visible, and a huge radiant river was suspended in the air, flowing quietly, bringing light to the area of ​​hundreds of millions of miles.

Dao Zhizun, Zhao Xuanyuan, Jiang Yi, and Lao Dan flew one after another and stopped in front of the glorious river.

Old Dan said with admiration: "Shutian is really amazing. There is a supreme rule falling. This is something that Chaos simply does not dare to think about."

Jiang Yi shook his head and said, "I\'m afraid it\'s a conspiracy. Chaos has ravaged Shitian recently. The emergence of this supreme rule can attract most chaotic practitioners. If an ambush is set up, it can be wiped out in one fell swoop."

Zhao Xuanyuan smiled and said, "It\'s not that easy. Junior Brother Huang swept Shi Tian all by himself. How did Shi Tian organize his combat power to wipe out Chaos?"

Jiang Yi felt reasonable and smiled.

Dao Zhizun stared closely at the Supreme Rules, wondering what he was thinking.

Lao Dan was about to speak when a tyrannical aura hit him.

"This is the supreme rule, the king of my gods wants it!"

A strong shout came, the great **** king, the top ten geniuses of the first chaos event.

Dao Zhizun frowned, he naturally remembered the Great God King, this guy made him very upset, and he didn\'t expect to meet here today.

I saw the Great Heavenly God King in a pure white robe coming with his feet on a white dragon. The white dragon was thousands of miles long, with four claws stepping on the clouds, soaring through the clouds and driving the fog, and was mighty and domineering.

The Great Heavenly God King\'s eyes fell on Dao Zhizun and smiled: "Isn\'t this a dark horse who was suddenly discouraged in the middle of the chaotic event, tsk tsk, you want to be greedy for external force? Be careful to hollow out your heart and lose yourself!"

These words were extremely vicious, and he could hear the murderous intent in the eyes of the Supreme Being.

Without saying a word, Dao Zhizun directly killed the Great Heavenly God King.

Jiang Yi followed closely.

Zhao Xuanyuan did not take action, but looked at the Supreme Rule and asked the old Dan beside him, "Old man, what power do you think this Supreme Rule represents?"


The three supreme avenues fought in a melee, shaking the world, causing the evil mist between heaven and earth to violently churn.

Lao Dan stared at the Supreme Rule and said: "Its breath is vast, but it is not at all fierce, perhaps related to cause and effect and luck."

At this moment, a strong aura came from all sides of this boundless abyss.

Zhao Xuanyuan and Lao Dan were moved.

"Damn, why so fast?"

Zhao Xuanyuan cursed in a low voice, took out a red sword made of dragon blood, and prepared to fight.

the other side.

Han Yu, Qin Ling, Qingtian Xuanji, Ji Xianshen, and Zhao Shuangquan galloped into the void on a blue rainbow.

Zhao Shuangquan stared at the front and said: "The battle has already started, at least ten Daoists are supreme, and the number of Daoist saints has continued to grow, and has exceeded 30."

Han Yu said with emotion: "The supreme rule is really crazy."

Ji Xian Shen smiled and said: "This situation reminds me that when I was still a mortal, Saint Fang Liang and I were also rushing around. No matter how many enemies there are, we will dare to rush."

All kinds of things from that year appeared before his eyes.

"Then what is your relationship with Saint Fang Liang..." Qin Ling asked in surprise.

Before he could finish speaking, Han Yu glared at him.

Ji Xianshen smiled and said: "There will always be differences on the road, and once some cracks are formed, they cannot be healed again, even if the two sides are willing to reconcile, so you must think carefully when you wait for the younger generation, especially when it comes to people close to you. "

Qin Ling, Qingtian Xuanji, and Zhao Shuangquan couldn\'t help thinking.

"Okay, let\'s not talk about this, the turmoil caused by the supreme rule this time is huge, just do your best at that time. If you can\'t get it, you can\'t fight to the death, understand?" Ji Xianshen waved his hand and smiled, his eyes fell on the sky. Xuanji and Zhao Shuang covered their bodies.

Zhao Shuangquan said proudly: "I am the pinnacle of all ages, and I am invincible."

Qingtian Xuanji snorted: "You are really stinky, if it wasn\'t for this chaotic event, I didn\'t participate, how could you easily win the eternal peak?"

Zhao Shuangquan chuckled.

Not only them, but also other Chaos forces came one after another.

Today\'s Shi Tian has become a gluttonous feast of chaos, and all forces are vying to divide it up first.

Five million years later.

Han Jue opened his eyes, and the first thing he did was check his email.

During this retreat, he felt that a war broke out many times, not only Shi Tian, ​​but Chaos too, and even the Punishment God Venerable, but neither the Punishment God Venerable nor his disciples used the divine technique to summon him, so he would not care.

[Your apprentice Dao Zhizun was attacked by your friend Zhao Shuangquan]

[Your apprentice Dao Zhizun was attacked by your friend Qingtian Xuanji]

[Your apprentice Jiang Yi was attacked by your descendant Han Yu]

[Your apprentice Dao Zhizun was attacked by your son Han Tuo and was seriously injured]

【Your son Han Tuo was attacked by your descendant Han Ye】

[Your son Han Tuo was attacked by your descendant Han Yao and was seriously injured]

[Your descendant, Han Yao, was attacked by your enemy, the gods of nine descendants, and was seriously injured]

[Your enemy, the **** of nine descendants, was attacked by your friend Huang Zuntian and was seriously injured]

Man, are these guys crazy?

Han definitely couldn\'t help guessing that the melee was to compete for a supreme rule of Shi Tian, ​​and this supreme rule was manipulated by a force that Han Jue could not count.

Shi Tian\'s immeasurable great extermination!

Really next work!

After tens of thousands of years of great melee, no one on the Chaos side has won the supreme rule. Instead, has its own damage.

And under the deliberate control of Shi Tian\'s Boundless Great Destroyer, that supreme rule was broken into 3,000 pieces, scattered in every corner of Shi Tian, ​​and became a divine crystal that could satisfy any wish of sentient beings in the next 2 million years, causing huge waves. .

Han Jue discovered that after the fusion of Chaos and Shi Tian, ​​the overall field was actually expanding, new creations and strange places were born within Chaos, and Chaos\' aura was steadily improving.

When the Wugou Dao Realm arrives, Chaos will rise to another level.

In this way, the four creators of Tao have all compromised the ninth chaos, otherwise they should fight instead of watching their own avenues be swallowed up.

Although Shi Tian Boundless Great Destruction Venerable is calculating chaos, but the means are too small to get on the stage, and he can\'t stop the chaos trend at all, he can only breathe a sigh of relief for himself.

"Ancestor, I have already realized the power of the curse. Do you want to give it a try? You say, who do you want me to curse?"

The voices of good and evil floated from the side, and the tone was full of excitement and anticipation.

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