To The Lovely You

Chapter 245

When Su Rourou returned home, it was already dark.

At this moment, she finally understood what kind of experience it was to be physically and mentally tired. She just wants to throw herself on the bed and do nothing

When I opened the door, I was frightened by a figure leaning in front of the desk as soon as I turned on the light!

He put his hands on the edge of the table. He was like a pot of boiling water, gurgling white smoke.

"Luo Yichen?" She patted the position of her heart and pretended to be calm. "Who are you standing here to scare when you don\'t turn on the light at night?"

When she said this, she was actually a little guilty. She knew that Luo Yichen was waiting for her here to settle accounts with her after autumn.

Sure enough, Luo Yichen\'s cold voice sounded in her ear: "you have nothing to explain to me?"

His sharp eyes shot straight at her, which frightened her and quickly lowered his head.

"That... What... I... i... I..." Su Rourou hesitated and kept wringing her skirt.

"You... That\'s enough!" Luo Yichen suddenly straightened up, loosened his hand supporting the edge of the table, and strode towards her.

Before Su Rourou could react, he came up to her and held her waist in one hand and her chin tightly in the other.

"Do you think I\'m an idiot like you? Do you think it\'s fun to play with me like this?" Word by word, he squeezed out a series of questions from his teeth and hit Su Rourou like hail.

He foolishly planned a night of confession, but in the end, she wanted to match him with another girl!

Su Rourou\'s chin was pinched by him, and there was a trace of moisture in his big eyes: "pain... Let me go first!"

Luo Yichen\'s eyes sank and his voice was ironic: "pain? Do you know how painful it is? Do you know how painful I am?"

Su Rourou was stunned. She looked at his eyes, which were stormy, and her heart kept pumping pain. If she didn\'t know Luo Yichen liked herself in the past, it\'s all right, but now she knows everything.

She knew that the pain he said was his heartache.

Because of her behavior, she deeply stabbed him

However, her heart is also very painful!

"Sorry..." she murmured, biting her lower lip tightly.

Luo Yichen\'s hand holding her chin was tighter and said in a hoarse voice, "you know, what I want has never been yours. I\'m sorry!"

Su Rourou wanted to say something, but he interrupted: "don\'t you really feel that I like you? Is this your failure or mine?"

Su Rourou\'s lips moved and her voice stuck in her throat. It seemed that there were thousands of words to say to him, but she didn\'t know where to start.

After a long time, she finally made a voice: "Luo Yichen... I... Wuwuwuwu..."

Before she could finish her later words, she was swallowed into her cold lips by him. His kiss swept in like a storm, with some sense of punishment, biting her pink lips.

"Luo Yichen, don\'t do this... OK Teng!" Su Rourou shed tears and beat him hard on the chest, but Luo Yichen\'s hand was as hard as steel and tightly imprisoned her in her arms.

I don\'t know how long it took, Luo Yichen finally released her and said coldly, "now you know the taste of pain? I\'ve... Really had enough of you! I\'ve done so much for you, you can\'t like me, but... Please don\'t make me a couple with other girls! Because it\'s an insult to me!"

"No, Luo Yichen, it\'s not like this..." the more worried Su rourourou was, the more knotted her tongue became.

At the moment, she desperately wants him to know that she actually likes him!

However, Luo Yichen seemed to have stopped listening to what she said, and suddenly turned around and jumped onto the windowsill.

Looking at his determined back, Su rourourou cried, "no, I..."

Before she finished her words, she was interrupted by a "bang" and a window lock.

"I... like you..." Su rourourou finally spit out the last three words, but she has been blocked out of the window.

Staring at the slightly shaking light blue curtain... At that moment, she heard the sound of her heart breaking.