To The Lovely You

Chapter 244

Speaking of this, LAN Xier couldn\'t help but redden her eyes again, with a thick self reproach in her voice: "do you think I\'m very bad and selfish?"

Li Tianwei\'s eyes fell on her red eyes. Although he couldn\'t bear it, he decided to say it.

In order not to hurt her, he tried to make his voice sound softer and softer

"Xi\'er, sometimes... You have to learn to make your heart stronger. You can\'t deprive them of the right to happiness because you feel heartache when you see Rourou and Yichen together. It\'s unfair to them."

LAN Xier was silent. From the bottom of her heart, she knew that what Li Tianwei said was right

Seeing her speechless, Li Tianwei sighed in his heart and continued, "there are many things you can\'t get in this world. But you can\'t just because you can\'t get it or don\'t let your good friends get it, just because of your own... Jealousy."

He hesitated for a while before saying the last three words. After all, from childhood to adulthood, he was soft to her and never said anything important. This sentence is probably the most important thing he said to her

However, he just wanted to wake her up and stop making mistakes.

"And if you really like Yi Chen so much, don\'t you want him to be happy?"

At this point, his heart hurt a little because he thought of himself. He never wanted to bring any burden to her because he liked her, let alone possess her. As long as he can look at her from a distance and know that she is happy and happy, he will be satisfied.

"I......" Lan Xi\'er sucked her nose, and tears spilled out of her eyes uncontrollably. "I know I\'ve done wrong, I\'m really wrong. All this is because I\'m too selfish... I\'ve apologized to rourourou, but I think she won\'t talk to me again for the rest of her life..."

Seeing her crying again, Li Tianwei was distressed and nervous. He quickly handed her a paper towel: "it\'s okay, don\'t cry. Rourourou is a kind-hearted girl. I think she will forgive you."

Looking at her undulating back because of sobbing, his heart hurt and his right hand unconsciously lifted up

But when she was still a short distance away, she stopped rigidly in mid air.

LAN Xier took the paper towel he handed over, but didn\'t wipe his tears immediately, but looked at him tearfully

"Li Tianwei, do you know now? A bad person like me is not worth being liked at all."

Li Tianwei\'s deep eyes darkened and quietly received his hands in the air behind him.

He was a little hoarse and said, "is it worth it? I know in my heart... In my heart, you are the best..."

In the night, the wind blew the short hair on his forehead. The outline of his face was a little fuzzy, but his firm eyes were extremely clear.

"I... I\'m sorry..." Lan Xi\'er opened his mouth, but he couldn\'t say the following words anyway.

Although she was moved, she still didn\'t want to accept him because of her vulnerability and the need to heal. Because it\'s not fair to him.

When she got home, she received a text message from Li Tianwei.

[if you like a flower, maybe you will pick it recklessly; but if you love a flower, then... You will guard her quietly and watch her bloom...]