To The Lovely You

Chapter 246

All night, Su rourourou was dreaming. Dream is a boundless white snow, she barefoot on the soft snow

Bursts of bitter cold spread from the soles of her feet to her heart, freezing her blood all over her body.

At both ends of the road, two familiar figures stood waving at her.

On one side, there was Luo Yichen, who was arrogant and cold: "idiot, come here!"

On the other side, LAN Xier with a bright smile said, "Rourou, come here!"

She slowed down and was in a dilemma. She didn\'t know how to choose.

Finally, she had to cover her face in pain and collapsed into the snow. God, just let her pass out!

In the gray sky, snowflakes fell one by one, slowly covering her small body.

When Su Rourou opened her eyes again, she found herself lying on a small pink bed. The morning sun made her unable to open her eyes.

She sighed deeply and got up with a pair of panda eyes. Alas, she was forced to have a dream as tangled as in reality.

She didn\'t know whether she would go or not for her morning routine. Because the window of Luo Yichen is still tightly closed.

Stare at the mobile phone you put at the head of the bed for a long time, but the mobile phone seems to be broken. There is no light or sound at all.

She thought that this time he was really angry and would not pay attention to himself

What\'s more depressing is that at school, Su rourourou has to face the last person she wants to face - LAN Xier.

In fact, she has practiced countless times in her heart. What kind of expression should she use to face her.

When Su Rourou appeared at the door of the classroom, LAN Xier lowered her head with a guilty heart. She didn\'t seem to know how to face her.

Su Rou lowered her head and walked slowly to her seat. There was only a few steps from the classroom door to her seat, but she felt like she had gone through a long time.

The moment she sat down, she obviously felt LAN Xi\'er\'s whole body stiff and the surrounding air solidified.

On the surface, LAN Xier is no different from Ping Chang, but his eyes are slightly swollen. It seems that he cried all night last night.

Su Rourou secretly looked at her swollen eyes and didn\'t know what it was like.

She wants to forgive her, but she doesn\'t know how to forgive. Because there is a sentence called "understandable, unacceptable"

What makes her more depressed is that Luo Yichen\'s whole body exudes the smell of "strangers don\'t get close". She hasn\'t seen her since she entered the classroom.

Luo Yichen is still angry with her

Finally, at lunch time, Su rourourou touched the two lunch boxes in the drawer and calculated in her heart that she would apologize to Luo Yichen when there was no one on the roof.

Unexpectedly, before she spoke, Luo Yichen stood up and walked quickly to the door of the classroom. He didn\'t look back at her from beginning to end.

Su Rourou\'s heart ached for a moment, turned to the glass window and watched his figure disappear at the end of the corridor. So he didn\'t even have lunch with her?

Ke Shaoze has been sitting silently behind Su Rourou, watching her every move. It seems that she quarreled with Luo Yichen? Does that mean he has a chance?

Although he knows it\'s not a gentleman\'s job to take advantage of people\'s danger, but... This is an opportunity he waited for a long time. He doesn\'t want to miss it! Because he has missed her once and can\'t miss the second time.

So he got up and strode out of the classroom.