Thriller Paradise

Chapter 959

"You seem I feel guilty. A kind of "" Looking at the slowly rising seal, Cao Qin said quietly.

"No, I'm just not worth it for her." After Feng didn't realize that he was standing still, he cast a cold look at Cao Qin. "As a chess piece, her whole life is too heavy and sad."

"Chess pieces "..." Cao Qin slowly uttered these words, then smiled, "Lord Fengliao There seems to be nothing in the world that can be concealed from your eyes. "

"Now that Lin Yan is dead, can you tell me the whole story?" I can't feel it.

"It can be..." Cao Qin said, "but Is that really necessary? "

"Gonggong Cao is very clever and has a profound layout. If you don't find someone who can understand you, please tell them..." "Don't you think it's a shadow cast?"

"Ah All right. " Cao Qin smiled.

He paused for a few seconds, arranged his thoughts, and then said: "this thing We have to start from the year when Cang Ling talked about swords. "

"You're welcome." I can't feel the way.

Cao Qin nodded his head and continued: "in those days, when we talked about swords, the world changed dramatically. Lin Chang colluded with Qian Lu, the former commander of the royal guards, which was undoubtedly introduced to the ears of the former Emperor. Emperor Xian thought that this matter should be taken as a warning and should not be despised If the forces in the Jianghu and some forces in the imperial court secretly form a party, they will soon become a force beyond anyone's control and even pose a threat to the imperial power. " He paused for half a second and said, "so In the near future, a long-term and heavy mission fell on my shoulders. "

"So it is..." "From then on," Feng asked

Cao Qin did not respond to his words, but went on to say: "in order to achieve this mission, I need two pieces of chess, one of which He is a man who has the best martial arts in the world and is obedient to me He is a man of ambition, perseverance and the ability to seize opportunities. "

"That is Lin Yan and Yuan Qi." I can't feel the way.

"Ah..." Cao Qin smiled without answering. I went on without hesitation, "it takes time to cultivate the first person. Fortunately, the most important thing for me is time. Since there is no lack of time, the next thing to be determined is the candidates. " He paused, "Lin Yan It's a perfect person. "

"It's easier to control a little girl like that, isn't it?" I can't feel the cold words.

"It's not as easy as you think, but I did succeed. " Cao Qin replied proudly.

Then, Duke Cao released the wine pot hanging from his waist, took a sip and said, "after Lin Chang died, his widow with his son's wife was driven out of the Ye mansion. I sent the East factory spy to stare at her in the dark for several years. I want to see if I can find Lin Chang's martial arts secret collection from her. As a result... I didn't find "too empty and formless", but However, my spy found out by accident that Lin Chang's daughter was a marvellous talent. "

When he said that, Cao Qin also looked at Lin Yan's body subconsciously: "I've been waiting for five years, and I think it's almost time So he sent out a message that Lin Chang's widow had taken her husband's peerless secret collection to a small town.

Sure enough, within half a month, some Jianghu bandits were lured.

That night, I was in the dark. Until they forced Lin Yan's mother to die alive, then they rescued the girl.

From then on, I became her adoptive father. "

"And then you sell me?" I can't feel a word.

"Ha ha Lord Fengliao, you have to understand. " Cao chin road. "If people want to grow, they must have motivation. Mother's death really stimulated her a lot, but those murderers have been solved by me on the spot; I didn't think that Deliberately let a few people leave, let them become the revenge target of Lin Yan in the future. But to be honest That shipment. Not qualified at all. With Lin Yan's qualifications, they can be killed and avenged before they are ten years old. "

"So I am the best choice I can't feel the way.

"You can see her martial arts now." Cao Qin extended a hand. He motioned to the corpse over there, "Lord Fengliao, you should feel honored Without you, there would be no today's Lin Yan. "

"Go on with your mission." Feng didn't even turn around to see Lin Yan. He just looked at Cao Qin and communicated with him in an unfriendly tone.

"Over the next ten years, Lin Yan's martial arts have been developing rapidly. Her intelligence is very high. Since she was six years old, she has built the foundation with life chenxuan skill, and I have countless true stories By the time she was 18, there were few people in the Wulin who could match her Cao Qin said, "and most importantly, she is obedient In contrast to hatred, she was very grateful to me, a "life-saving benefactor" and a "mentor". As long as I let her carry out the task, she will not hesitate to complete. "

"If I'm not wrong "The king of hell" was born at that time, wasn't it? " Asked Feng unconsciously.

"Exactly." Cao Qin replied, "the existence of burial Valley and the legend of" Immortality "of" the king of Yan " It's all part of the plan. " He took another sip of wine and looked at brother Jue with a strange look. "You should be able to understand that the skills of youth are not" martial arts ", but" Tao ". And I... It was in the late fifties that Lin Yan came to the road with martial arts. Lin Yan took my light In order to keep her young and show her "not old" appearance, I will pass on some of her xuandao skills every year, and instruct her to meet with all the residents of the heartbreaking Valley every month to witness them. "

"But to do so Is it different from real longevity? " I can't feel the way.

"Nature is different." Cao Qin said, "didn't you see that just now As soon as her strength dissipates, her body will age exponentially. "

"To be clear You're overdrawing her life ahead of time. " I don't know.

"I have no choice After all, Daoxin is different from martial arts. It can't be easily cultivated by people of her age. " Cao chin raised his hand, "in order to make her look old, this is the only way."

"Well Later? " Feng didn't feel like listening to this again. He asked another question.

Cao Qin also said calmly, "twenty one years ago, things in the valley of mourning have basically settled down. I felt that the time was right, so I began to look for a second piece. " He looked up at the cherry tree beside him, as if he remembered something, "that year. In the first year of Shengping, after the death of the first emperor, the prince That is to say, the emperor has just ascended the throne. It was a time of killing. There was a lot of blood in the court, and countless people fell to the ground

For ten months that year, I was racking my brains to put charges on a group of people who stood in the wrong line and send their families to the execution ground.

It wasn't until the last month that I had some leisure. I became a blind fortune teller and went to the Jianghu for a walk...... "

"It was then. You chose yuan Qi. " I can't feel the way.

"Ah..." Cao Qin said, "it can also be said that Yuan Qi found me by himself." He took another sip of wine and said, "it was a coincidence that we met. At first, I didn't think he met my requirements very well, because he was really a little mediocre, and his age was not small, but later I found that Because of this, he is the best person - the more clearly a person realizes his mediocrity, the more he understands the value of opportunity. Besides... Yuan Qi himself has half of the life chenxuan skill in hand. It also saves me a lot of trouble. I have to say This is the chance. "

"So far Two pieces will be buried. " I don't know.

"Yes." Cao Qin said with a smile, "what I will do later It's waiting, waiting for the time to come. "

"And the Emperor For you. " I can't feel the way.

"What do you seem to know?" Cao chin road.

"I knew from the beginning, the back of it. It's the emperor who is pushing. " Brother Jue replied, "I think Is he not in critical condition at all? "

"Hahaha..." Cao Qin laughed, "it's powerful."

"It's nothing serious, it's just plain reasoning." I don't know. "If the emperor really wants to find" the art of longevity ", he will directly ask you that the younger and the more alive the East Hall master is, why go to find" the king of hell "..." He made a meal. "In addition, after listening to your explanation just now, I can be sure What happened to the king of Yan, and the mission given to you by the first emperor, are all known to the present emperor. It can be seen from this that this so-called "searching for skills" task actually has another purpose

"It's easy to chat with Fengliao Lord," Cao Qin nodded. "You're right This trip is actually a "cleaning" task. " When he said this, he looked a little more serious. "Today, the saint is very old, with only one child under his knee, and he has not formally established a prince. And Zhu Zhizha, king of Jin It's just the time of his life. He has a high reputation among the people. Although he didn't think of arrogating himself, the court wanted to push him And there are not a few people on this position.

Those civil servants are easy to deal with. I have a hundred ways to kill them. But the royal guards, the Dufu, the forbidden army and even those in my East Hall It's not so easy to deal with. "

"At the moment, these people should be dead, right?" Feng also saw the corpses in the villa, so he guessed one or two.

"Ha ha Of course. " Cao Qin said, "on this trip to bury the heart Valley, I've collected the most worthy ones It's easy to solve it at once. "

"What about the mission the Emperor gave you?" Asked Feng unconsciously.

"Well..." Cao Qin's face changed slightly. "I lured yuan Qi to lead many Wulin people here with the lure of" the art of eternal life ". I wanted them to defeat each other with the people in the valley trained by Lin Yan The first-class experts in the Wulin of the Central Plains will be wiped out once and for all. " He paused for two seconds, and then said, "then, I just need to let Lin Yan start a sect in the Wulin For three years at most, she can unify the Jianghu. "

"So The Jianghu has become the thing in your hand. " I can't feel the way.

"No It is in the emperor's hand. " Cao Qin said, " I'm just a person who does things. "

"Whatever you say..." But Now Lin Yan is dead. "

"Yes, she's dead." Cao chin road.

"Who is going to be the supreme of the Wulin?" I don't know.

"Ha ha Anyone can. You can't