Thriller Paradise

Chapter 960

Time, back several times

At that time, the sky was not clear.

In the hospital, the murderous spirit is full of reprimand.

Under the dim light and fog, the two figures stand in silence.

Li Ruoyu, Xu Huaishang.

It's the first time the two have officially met.

Who I don't want to lose.

"To be honest, I don't want to fight you." After dozens of seconds of confrontation, Xu Huaishang takes the lead in saying, "because you may be stronger than the blind."

This sentence is not out of tactical weakness, nor misleading words, but Xu Huaishang.

"That's all for each other." If rain's response is short and calm.

They all expressed their attention to their opponents, but they didn't put up their killing intention.

And Their hands are always on their own swords.

"But since we have to fight..." When Xu Huaishang said this, his fighting spirit increased sharply again, "then I will win."

"I see..." If the rain should say, "you're going to start with that, aren't you?"

Smell speech, Xu Huaishang tiny Zheng, but she quickly recovered the calm color: "yes!"

"Good." If the rain made a sound, then she raised her left hand slightly and offered her psionic weapon, "then we {will enter the battle of 'that level' directly."

What they said may not be understood by others, but it doesn't matter Because people will soon "see" what they are going to do.

Another brief silence

About ten seconds later, suddenly!

A fighting spirit burst out, declaring that some strength in Xu Huaishang's body finally broke through the boundary.

This It's her soul.

In the "Butterfly Battle" of S1, Xu Huaishang used special items to gain this ability. But at that time, it was a force she could not control and play perfectly.

However, after that match, her fighting instinct has already vaguely remembered and inherited some shadows.

Finally, at the full level. This ability awakened as her spirit

There are two effects of soul and mind version. One: at the moment of starting, recover all survival, physical and spiritual values. Second, in the next five minutes, you can use the moves of "heroes of different worlds" at will, and use these moves will not consume physical strength.

Compared with the item version, the spirit version removes the invincible effect of "blood, body and spirit are all positive and infinite when launching" and changes to the setting of "no physical force is consumed when launching a move"; correspondingly, it also removes the side effect of making each player's value become 1% after the end of the spirit version. Of course, another change is Each script can only be activated once (the cooldown of such skills in free exploration mode is generally 24 hours).

The rest There's not much to say. The power of this move has been shown when Xu Huaishang first met brother Jue.

See here. Some people may wonder why Xu Huaishang and Li Ruoyu can not wait to fight each other for a period of time before opening this move, since it has its own anti sky effect of "full state recovery"?

The answer is simple Her intuition tells her that if she doesn't get into the state in the first place, she may fail even if she doesn't have the opportunity to open it.

On the other hand

If the rain, also at the beginning of this war, will open the soul.

Moreover, this is the first time that she used the martial arts learned from the wind trace in the battle.

Trace of wind, magic flow sword.

Two sword techniques. One is calm and happy, the other is wild and crazy.

The wind trace can incarnate the avatar to use these two swordsmanship, but Li Ruoyu can't.

However, if the rain has other ways

After getting the wind trace's instruction in the matchless martial arts club. Ruoyu had a comprehensive understanding of what he had learned, combined with his seventh special effect to carry out a lot of training, and finally successfully mastered the use of left and right hands and two kinds of swords At the same time, two kinds of sword techniques are used.

By the way, Ruoyu has reached the eighth level. The specific effects are as follows

(energy consumption rate is reduced, and it can also be active for a long time in anaerobic state)

(basic body skill ability is slightly improved)

(resistance is improved when the mental system is negatively affected)

(active skill enables players to make a theoretical limit dodge action)

(physical damage ability is increased by 1.5 times)

< br Half of the attack power of the dynamic damage skill rebounds to the releaser, and the releaser is limited to the player)

(control yourself perfectly, so that the body can make any small adjustment that can be realized in theory)

(add ice attribute to any attack skill)

the content in brackets is not the description of the skill itself, but if the rain understands it one by one through repeated attempts and Explorations .

In fact, the skill description itself is only the previous part, which Similar to Xiaotan, just look at the words I don't know what it does.

Then, let's focus on the special effects of the seventh level of jade skill

The so-called "perfect control of oneself" doesn't seem to be particularly difficult at first sight, because the body is its own thing, and it's natural to be able to control.

However, this is not the case

Indeed, each of us is the master of our own body, but the human body is not so easy to control.

For example

OK, I know. Read here, there must be a lot of people will think of some indecent things, so I first declare that I am a man of moral integrity, and I will not write those things.

So go ahead For example

A classic example is that people can't open their eyes when they sneeze.

And The right hand wrist and the right ankle rotate clockwise and anticlockwise respectively; the tongue rotates clockwise in the mouth, while the head rotates anticlockwise; the left hand draws a circle and the right hand draws a square

There are many similar cases, some of which are due to physiological limitations of the nervous system, and some of which are due to the difficulty of performing two tasks at the same time in the same area of the cerebral cortex.

These are just problems that ordinary people can directly understand. Besides... There are also examples of body manipulation that go beyond common sense, such as "manipulating ears", "manipulating hair", or even "manipulating bones", "manipulating organs", "manipulating blood", etc.

It's just one thing to say so much It's hard to control your body.

Then put it in the instance. Since it's so difficult to draw a circle with the left hand and a square with the right hand, it's easy to imagine the difficulty of using one set of sword techniques with the left hand and another with the right hand.

It took a long time for Ruoyu, who had been promoted to the seventh level, to develop this ability of "left and right fighting".

To sum up, these two They all have the best martial arts, and They have reached a consensus, abandon all the temptations, and directly start the most peak competition!


As the dawn approaches, the light and fog thicken.

In the light, the battle will be strong. Two swords can make two swords.

There is no more words, everything has been clarified in the fighting spirit.

The swords of the two men have not yet been handed over, and the aura of the sword and the sword has expanded again. It almost shrouded the area with a radius of 50 meters.

The players around, as well as the people, all can feel the real power, and they are forced to retreat for more than ten Zhangs, far away from the killing.

Finally. When the fighting spirit of both sides rises to a critical point, at the same moment, the two It's moving.

Come on. It's unbelievable fast. It's amazing fast.

At the moment when the sword was released, the two figures almost disappeared in people's sight at the same time.

The three members of red cherry can't see their movements.

Yuan Qi and the heroes in the Wulin could not see their movements.

The flowers can't see their movements

Of all the people present, only Wang Tan On the premise of opening, they can keep up with their fighting rhythm.

In a hazy and disordered sword shadow, there is only a dense and strange buzz, but not a half sound of iron and gold.

Only Xiaotan understood That's because their swords are so strong that the energy on the surface of the weapons repels each other, so that they can't touch each other.

If the rain is the visible holy sword, its spiritual weapon is the invisible different sword. Neither of these weapons has special effects or attributes specific to the player, but their attack power is enough to counter the sky. Although the strength of those who have not yet fully grown up is a little lower than Xuanyuan sword, they are still no less than any divine soldiers by virtue of their "indestructible" characteristics.

And Xu Huaishang's twin sabres are also psionic weapons, and they have grown up

Left blade:

right blade:

the effect of these two weapons is quite amazing, whether it is against players or monsters As long as it is a close combat, it can play a very horrible effect.

If the rain does not turn on the "ultimate efficiency", it is really difficult to cope with.

However, if the rain has the ultimate efficiency, Xu Huaishang also has the soul

After a 30 second attack and defense, they found that So far, the battle has been matched.

Maybe the first ten seconds is if the rain is more advantageous, but when the two effects gradually add up, Xu Huaishang will save the situation.

But, like this We still can't tell the difference.

If the rain is aware of the existence, so she only asked when she saw Xu Huaishang's move, "do you plan to use 'that' at the beginning?"

But Xu Huaishang doesn't know the specific information. After all, there is no one in her team who can see through the enemy's data, so She didn't know how long it would last, or how it would change.

In this case, Xu Huaishang, who can only open his soul for five minutes, will undoubtedly play more actively

So, at the thirty first second of the battle Xu Huaishang first changed his moves.

"Swing dance. Heaven!"

Xu Huaishang is actually a person who likes reporting moves. In fact, the studio has regulations on them in this respect In view of this kind of behavior can enhance the fashionable value, the studio encourages the players to If you can, you can.

Of course, there are different opinions about this kind of thing. Some people report the name of the move as crazy, cool and charming But some people report it as shameful or even obscene.

Where is the standard Seven points to the face, three points to the temperament

In a word, in the situation where the conventional counter moves fail, Xu goddess is even the first to change the moves.

See this scenario, if rain says anything, it means

"Magic flow sword..." If rain is used