Thriller Paradise

Chapter 958

The speed is amazing. Looking at the whole thriller Park, I'm afraid there are no more than ten players who can match or even surpass him in speed.

But in NP, we can achieve this speed Quite a lot.

Lin Yan is one of them.

Concealed weapons and lightness skills are very suitable for women to practice. Lin Yan's accomplishments in these two Kung Fu can be imagined.

Of course, in terms of concealed weapons, she has left behind for many years Because it doesn't work at all.

As early as 20 years old, she could throw the grass, trees, sand and stones into the power of concealed weapons; and by 30 years old, she could only shoot her fingers in the air and take life.

What's more, her external skill moves are all the best martial arts At this point, she is quite different from Yuan Qi.

For example, when the leader of Yuan alliance killed song Wuqi, the palm of Yuan Qi was a very common push palm skill, but its internal power was very powerful, so it had that power.

However, the moves Lin Yan used to kill Bauchi are extremely complicated and mysterious; the internal power required for a flick is so low that it can be ignored, and the power of his move is just like a breeze. But... Just a moment later, the "breeze" turned into a tyrannical haze, causing more damage than the leader of the yuan alliance.

This It's the best martial arts.

Although yuan Qi's life chenxuan skill is also a superior martial art, the only "magic skill" he has learned is this one. Other martial arts on him Especially foreign kung fu Most of them are miscellaneous skills of wild road and rotten street. Fortunately, alliance leader yuan has rich fighting experience and not stupid brain Over the years, he has integrated the martial arts of these pit fathers into a set of his own way of fighting, with great power.

But Lin Yan is different Since she was six years old, Cao Qin has taught her martial theory and all kinds of peerless skills. Therefore, whether it's internal or external skills, mental skills, moves What Lin Yan learned at first was all the most brilliant and perfect martial arts.

For example, the lightness skill she uses now is "carefree and carefree". When she uses it, she doesn't use any trace or effort. It is not only light and fast, but also can create the illusion of "flicker" for the opponent.

In the face of this kind of attack which is fast to the extreme and has its own flash effect, the seal can't avoid it

Brother Jue is also decisive. He immediately launched the "motionless mountain" hidden in his coat pocket. He wanted to use the effect of the Pearl to carry the blow.


Lin Yan has insight into the rhythm of the Pearl!

At that moment, Lin Yan's wrist turned and his jade finger flicked. Chaofeng unconsciously released a tentative Qi.

Half a second later. That Qi force hit the mountain shadow shaped defensive wall.

When Lin Yan saw this, he snorted coldly. His right leg immediately stopped his body's progress and retreated for a few feet.

So Baozhu's effect of "resisting all external attacks in five seconds" is so wasted.

"Well It's really powerful... " Seal not aware of heart read a way, "pre enemy opportunities, do not show flaws So... What should I do in five seconds... "

This is really a very serious problem In a single fight, the "frenzy" effect of mad poker is useless. Only when attacked by more than two forces can the damage cross bounce out; therefore [immobility is like a mountain] is brother Jue's only "hard defense" means.

But now. This means has been consumed Next, Feng doesn't realize that if he is attacked again and can't dodge, he will have to use his pure defense to make the hard top.

In view of Lin Yan's speed is faster than him, I'm afraid that the situation of "unable to dodge" will occur frequently. And is attacked by this level of NP. The consequences are self-evident

"Well There seems to be only one way. " In less than five seconds, he came to a conclusion.

Attack is the best defense.

Feng didn't want to show [Chuck Norris's razor] before the final, but he didn't want to be killed here either. So... Before the power field of the mountain pearl disappears. He made up his mind Call out "mad Poker" and launch "mad killing" which can only be used once in each script (the cooling time in free exploration mode is 24 hours).

All of a sudden, black poker came out like a swarm of insects. If the tide of the sea rushed to Lin Yan.

"Magic?" Unexpectedly, Lin Yan did not give up after seeing brother Jue's mace Even if it's magic, I'm not afraid! "

After that, she straightened her chest and back, her eyes slightly closed. Take a breath of Qi from Dantian, and hold your palms to both sides of your body at the same time.

At that moment, the real Qi released by Lin Yan sounded like a crane in the sky.

At one breath, I saw two dark green awns swimming out of his hands, circling nimbly, protecting his body in a round and thick real air shield.

The black mad poker rushed to Lin Yan like a rainstorm, but it was all transformed by the hood, so it was hard to get close to him.

"Ah Very good. " At this moment of stalemate in attack and defense, Cao Qin's voice began to ring from outside the war circle.

I don't know when he has come here to explain Oh no... Is to come to the position of watching the war.

"This" xuanwujin " There are seven success forces in this seat. It's more than enough to prevent this skill. " Cao Qin's comments made Lin Yan feel certain.

"Duke Cao..." I can't feel that I can still talk to him What do you call "xuanwujin" is also one of the "Twelve martial arts that can dominate the Wulin"

"Feiye, feiye," Cao Qin replied, "this Xuanwu power is one of the four heart formulas of the" four image magic skill ". Strictly speaking, it is not a martial art, but a quarter of it."

"Cut You are cruel. " Seal can't feel the spit, and then said, "words Why do you come here, Grandpa? Do you want to help Miss Lin? "

"No, I don't help anyone." Cao Qin said quietly, "I will come because The battle there is beautiful, but I'm more interested in your own disciples and Fengliao Lord. "

"Even if your apprentice is killed by me, will you stand by and watch?" Feng didn't realize his face was getting cold, he asked.

"Hum..." Cao Qin snorted coldly, "if Lin Yan really died here, it can only explain She's just like that. "

"It's a plan you've laid out for decades She is the "Wulin supremacy"! " Seal not to feel again with solemn tone remind way.

But Cao Qin shook his head and said in a deep voice, "Lord Fengliao. What do you think is the supreme of Wulin? One on one with others to help Then just don't do it. Like yuan Qi, he called hundreds of people to make a show What's the difference between gangsters and ruffians? " He paused for half a second, then said, "again Today's war is not only Lin Yan's Revenge war, but also her ultimate test to become the supreme of Wulin Even if I want to help, Lin Yan will not agree. "

"Not bad!" At this time, Lin Yan, who was surrounded by the black energy vortex, also said, "you really think you can kill me?"

"You I don't seem to understand the situation... " Two seconds later, Feng unconsciously shook his head and said. "Grandpa Cao, I've talked about this. Don't you understand?"

As soon as this remark came out, Cao Qin's expression changed. He suddenly realized that Feng could not feel that those two sentences were not testing anything, but expressing that I could kill her. Are you really indifferent to this?

"No..." But Cao Qin still doesn't believe it. Lin Yan was cultivated by him. How could he fail so easily It's impossible. You're bluffing! "

"I also think twice..." Speaking. Feng unconsciously took [Yu] out of his luggage bag, and put the newly cooled [motionless as a mountain] into the leather bag of the slingshot, "I made up my mind..."

"Slingshot?" Cao Qin saw this. Although he didn't believe that Lin Yan could be killed with this kind of thing, he still felt uneasy instinctively.

"Let me..." Feng was soon on target. The crazy poker in his hand had disappeared when he took the bow. At this moment, the black awn was gone Lin Yan is directly exposed in front of Yu's star Let's see you through the last leg. "



Late autumn.

More than 40 years ago, a similar Autumn Festival.


A long night.

Five years after Cang Ling talked about the sword, it was a cold night.

That night, the autumn wind, such as shear, thick clouds.

A group of people with swords broke into a house at night.

It was a dilapidated hut with only one woman and a five-year-old girl.

That woman is Lin Chang's wife. Five years ago, she was expelled from ye mansion with this title

She did not tell anyone that she was pregnant with Lin Chang's posthumous son.

Because she's afraid, she's afraid to say that after It will bring more misfortune to the child.

She is a hard-working person. Like Lin Chang, her parents died early. She has no other relatives in the world except her husband.

Lin Chang treats her very well. Even after being controlled by the mind devil, Lin Chang's attitude towards his wife is the same as before.

Maybe This ordinary woman is the last harbor of Lin Chang's mind.

For her, the husband is all she has. She only lives for him and is willing to give everything for him.

But one day Lin Chang left home, but never came back.

She waited stupidly until the death of her husband and the hatred of the world.

She is not a person in the Jianghu, and there is no family to go back to. If not for the sake of her children, she would have gone to the spring with her husband.

But for the sake of her children, she decided to live.

She has to live

When she was driven out of the Ye mansion, some servants of the Ye mansion saw her pitifully and gave her some scattered silver.

She was exiled to a remote town, incognito, settled down with the money, mended and laundered Live a grudging life.

With a fatherless child, she was looked down upon and despised Year after year

But she put up with it.

Looking at Xiaolin Yan growing up healthily, she felt that these hardships were nothing.

Unfortunately, five years later, even this kind of day has come to an end.

Finally, someone in the Wulin heard the news of "Lin Chang's widow".

In the name of revenge, they broke into the houses at night to force the woman to hand over "the secret collection of Lin Chang's peerless martial arts".

However, Lin Chang didn't leave any secrets at all