Thriller Paradise

Chapter 952

But see, Yuan Qi a move to sacrifice, the fingertip Qi strength rushes to.

It's true that attacking waves with fists can only destroy one point in the waves, but sometimes That's where the odds are.

Du Yingzong has huge internal power like the sea, but he can't do anything about the attack and defense at this moment and a little in front of him

Chiding -

after a light roar, the internal strength of the life Chen Xuan skill comes out through the fingers.

At the last moment, Du Ying recovers the inner strength of Qigong and holds fast to the life gate.

However, the effect of this action is just He didn't get killed on the spot.

There is a word "win" in Du Ying's name, but that doesn't mean he will win.

The winner It's yuan.

Yuan allied leader's qualification is average, but he has already realized a set of his own fighting methods in countless actual battles. No matter what kind of opponent and skill he meets, he can almost see through each other's weakness in an instant. And this... It is the real magic weapon that he stands on the top of the Wulin.

"To be honest..." After one move, Yuan Qi read calmly, "what's more I'm disappointed. " Before he finished speaking, his eyes on Du Ying had changed, just like those of others, "no matter how talented you are You shouldn't go to practice martial arts or leave your name in the Jianghu. " He paused, "because You lack the most basic fighting spirit that a warrior should have. "

"Ah..." Wen Yan, Du Ying smiles bitterly. At this moment, its Dantian valve is broken, and even its internal breathing is in chaos. It seems that the endless real Qi has been completely dispersed, and it is impossible for a moment and a half to carry out the work again Knowing that Du Ying has become a lamb to be slaughtered, he is no longer angry. He said with relief, "when you are in the Jianghu, you can't help yourself If I had a choice at the beginning. I don't want to get involved in Wulin either. Regrettably... When I can "choose", I am the leader of the demon sect with great magical power. "

"Select" Yuan Qi looked at each other coldly. "What did you choose?"

"Back to the forest. Quit the Jianghu. " Du wins back.

"No, No." Yuan Qi denied.

"No?" Du Ying doubted.

"No." Yuan Qi said. Looking up at the more than 30 people behind Du Ying, "you are no different from those who are forced to escape into the valley of funerals You think you have abandoned the past when you come here, but on the contrary, because of your past, you are trapped here. No matter whether you are here for seclusion, escape, or for any other reason, the essence is It's all self deception. "

At this point, Yuan Qi has raised his hand and is ready to send Du Ying on the road: "where there are people, there are rivers and lakes.". You really want to quit Go to hell and see the real king of hell! "

When the words are finished, the palm will come out.

Yuan Qi only used two success forces in this attack. It seems that he intends to leave a whole body for the other side.

And Du Ying has accepted his own fate, he just silently waiting for this is not a very strong hand to split to his tianlinggai.

However! Right now

A blade suddenly flashed, like thunder and lightning, hitting yuan Qi's right arm.

At that moment, Yuan Qi's face The first surprise!

"What's the matter?" Yuan allied leader immediately said, "this powerful Sabre Qi Isn't it generated by internal power? "

As he thought, he hurriedly stopped and left Then he looked up to the sky on guard.

A few seconds later, the heartbreaker and the Jianghu heroes at both ends of the separation were all surprised. Qi Qi looks up at the direction of the sword.

In their eyes, the first thing is white.

White as snow.

The white dress floats, the breeze moves the train.

And then red.

Blood red.

The blood cherry on the white dress sways in the wind with the skirt.

A moment later. A beautiful shadow falls to the ground.

At this time, people saw Or white and red.

Snow white skin, the city's beauty, let everyone's eyes for it.

At this moment, everyone was stunned. Everyone was sure I have never seen the female Xia before in my life, because if I have, they will remember her.

So, a question comes to mind - who is she?

"Come Who? Yuan Qi, on the other hand, the other three members of Hongying's team have also started fighting.

Their practice is outrageous, but very effective. To put it bluntly - random shooting.

Tiehaitang is a player who specializes in main equipment and auxiliary shooting. She usually carries guns in her luggage More than the ancient spirits. At this moment, she and blood rose, hyacinth three people each took two charge type guns, aimed at the crowd on the sudden rise.

Those people in the Jianghu recognize the firearm, but for the gun whose technology is at least hundreds of years ahead of their time Even in front of them, they didn't know what was the use.

So in less than ten seconds, sixty or seventy people died in amazement.

Watching the experts of all schools fall down like wheat, even the people in the heart valley are shocked. They inferred from the blood holes in the dead These people should have been killed by some kind of "hidden weapon". But they could not see the flight path of these concealed weapons at all, and could only hear the sound of "sudden and sudden" launching.

"Alas If Xiaoling is here, at least we've used a sniper gun to shoot down a red cherry player, haven't we? "

On the edge of the mountain. Between the flowers looking at the distant scene sighed.

"The rest of the red cherry players will also be at random because of their fear of snipers." If the rain catches up, "the surrounding NPC can be a great help to us."

Once again, he was hit by a well founded talk about Taiwan's opening up, and he replied with a false eye: "you two are not finished, are you Doesn't that mean I made a mistake? "

"Yes." If the rain and flowers come back in unison.

"Good!" I can't feel a pat on my thigh. "I will prove it with practical actions No sniper! "

At the end of the speech, he also managed the reaction of his teammates and jumped into the valley directly.

"Ah It's a good show. " Cao Qin can't understand the words "sniper", but he can understand the context of hell front line, so he basically understands What does Fengliao do.

嘭 -

Feng unconsciously steps on the moon when he comes to the middle of the sky and makes a conscious sound.

His action naturally attracted many people's attention.

Of course, these "many people" are basically people who bury the power of the valley of hearts. Jianghu people are busy now Almost 90% of the survivors are scurrying, only a few of the more powerful people are using their martial arts to carry bullets

"Who is that?"

"I don't know Never seen it. "

"Is he also a reinforcements sent by the king of Yan?"

"Not necessarily Maybe he came to the valley too. "

"Are there such outstanding young people in the Wulin?"

They say it in a word. Brother Jue is one step, one step In the air step by step to attack.

When Feng was only 20 meters away from the ground, he suddenly twisted his body. Towards the three members of the red cherry then kicked out a line of green awn.

At this time, the team members of red cherry naturally noticed his movement. They immediately scattered in three directions, avoided the attack of haze's feet, and turned the muzzle of their guns to start shooting together.

"Ha! Ordinary guns want to hurt me too? " In the middle of the air, Jue Ge didn't even have the intention to avoid. Not only did he not hide, but he stopped and made a mockery.

It's clear that he has absolute confidence that he can be safe from gunfire. And the source of this confidence It's two of his gear.

One is his belt.

After the accumulation of N scripts, the "growth" equipment has begun to show its real power against the sky

At the beginning, the defense of this equipment was only "weak", but over time With the special effect of "every time you are attacked, the equipment will improve the defense a little bit", the defense of this device has been "raised" into "extremely strong".

That's why In the last round of competition with blade, the child's body shape was not even hit by the adult like dragon Ao Ming.

Plus He also has a second costume.

The special effect of "invalid long-range attack with strength below" strong "can be said to be the killer of bullets with the defense of" extremely strong "level as well as the" buffer "attribute.

In terms of the current defense capability, the technology's long-range attack I'm afraid that only heavy fire weapons and special ammunition can play a role.

"Cut Does it happen that when we do the branch line, we will come out to make trouble... " Seeing that brother Jue didn't eat ordinary ammunition, Xueqiang immediately made a plan and said to her teammates, "Hyacinth and begonia, you continue to do tasks I'll hold him! "

Voice did not fall, the blood rose has taken a feather from the luggage, launched the summoning skills.

In the white light, a giant eagle was born. This incident made all the NPCs looking at this place stand in awe At the moment, the vast majority of them have attributed the men and women killed suddenly to the existence of "demons" or "immortals", giving up further speculation.

"Although your call creature is very powerful..." Feng unconsciously looked at the blood rose on the back of the giant eagle and said, "but you want to drag me by yourself It's naive! "

Drink up, and haze's feet come out again.

This time, brother Jue used the air version; the fierce and miscellaneous offensive staggered to the giant eagle that was about to rise in the air, just like it was inevitable.


At the moment when the attack was about to be won, a stream of real Qi rolled in from the side. It was the huge slash that Lan kicked out that changed the direction and deviated from the target.

After this change, the giant eagle of the blood rose also successfully lifted off and came to a place higher than juegao to circle.

"Ooh ~ the owner of our house doesn't come to provoke you, but you're going to die..." Feng didn't realize that his face changed. He turned to look at Du Ying in the distance. "It seems that he can only solve you together..." (to be continued)

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