Thriller Paradise

Chapter 953

In the brokenhearted gorge, the war situation was twists and turns.

At first, it was the people in the valley who had the advantage to encircle and suppress the Wulin heroes. Then, Yuan Qi, alone, turned the tide, and Sheng Sheng reversed the situation. Then, the appearance of Du Ying seemed to support the scene again, but the leader of Yuan League soon turned the situation around again.

When the people in the Valley thought that the situation was over, suddenly four more beautiful women in blood cherry white robes came down from the sky and killed the Wulin forces with strange concealed weapons, and successfully suppressed yuan Qi.

It can be said that no matter the people in the valley or the people in the Wulin, their mood is just like playing bungee jumping for half an hour

And when Feng didn't realize it, their ups and downs of heart journey also ushered in the climax

"Lord yuan, Xu Huaishang and the one in the sky will deal with me, and the two on the ground will be handed over to you." Feng didn't realize that he had worked out the next strategy before landing. He didn't waste his time either. He shouted and gave yuan Qi an instruction.

Yuan Qi didn't know who Feng was or where the other side was killed, but he saw all the [haze feet] just now.

At the moment, the alliance leader Yuan said: "since this kid is also an expert and intends to help me, I have no reason to refuse. Anyway, I'm in the downwind now. Let him try... "

"Good!" Two seconds later, Yuan Qi replied loudly, "you should be careful, young Xia!" Before he left the war, he also reminded brother Jue, because he really felt that Xu Huaishang was a tough opponent. In case the "young Xia" was killed, it would be too ugly.

"Don't worry, alliance leader yuan. Deal with her I have my own way... " When Feng didn't realize that he was responding to him, he also hit Du Ying in the distance with a wave of Landy's feet. He was so surprised that the old man kept urging his inner strength and stopped him as he retreated. "By the way, let's invite all the heroes of the yuan alliance branch Trouble them to suppress Du Ying and those people in the valley. "

Brother Jue is very clear that this may not work for him. Those Wulin people probably ignore him. So. He had to use yuan Qi's words to conduct the dispatch and command.

After hearing this, Yuan Qi immediately made a mental calculation. And come to a conclusion that's a good idea.

In this moment, Feng unconsciously has entered from the middle of the sky obliquely. He picks up the kitchen knife and the army shovel and cuts them towards Xu Huaishang.

Xu Huaishang's double sabres are made in triplicate, which not only blocks brother Jue's attack, but also drives yuan Qi back to Zhang Xu.

Between this exchange and a mistake. Yuan Qi left the war successfully. Then, without saying a word, he gave the order to all the people according to the meaning of the letter, and rushed to hyacinth and tiehaitang.

With Yuan Qi's cultivation, he would not be hurt by bullets if he was on guard. That's why Feng would arrange him to deal with them.

When the leader of Yuan League was close to him, hyacinth and tiehaitang had to change their tactics to deal with the powerful NPC. In this way, those Wulin people who were devastated by the gunfire were free.

At present, all the people in the Wulin who have not died are strong at or near the leader level. Let them deal with the players Maybe it's a bit difficult, but let them deal with a Du win who has been broken through the valve and more than 30 people in the valley, at least equally.

So. Less than two minutes after the fall of the ghost gorge.

The war situation once again inclines to the forces of the Wulin, and a new round of fierce fighting is staged

"And your teammates?" Xu Huaishang and brother Jue after the move. Asked immediately.

Although she is very looking forward to competing with brother Jue, it is a team game after all As red cherry's team leader, Xu Huaishang has the obligation to consider other factors in the fight, in case of being hit by the other side's strategy.

"Hum..." "What's the matter? No one to see It's more disturbing, isn't it? "

He didn't answer questions to create more psychological pressure.

"All right..." Xu Huaishang's face brightened, "I didn't think you would say..."

At the end of the speech, Xu Huaishang's body shape moves fast and is floating. He has used the unique skill of "stepping on the swallow and flying across the river" to rise in the air.

Next. But seeing her slim waist, she turned back and took a move [north sky cross Phoenix].

At that moment, Fengming broke the sky and chopped the waves to the ground.

The cold redness comes from a few meters away and hides the whole body.


"I've seen through this series of moves for a long time..." Brother Jue calmly commented, and at the same time, he started to face the knife and rushed back to the flying track of the cross blade.

The next second, I can see that the whole person is like an octopus speeding up in the water Stretch your head in front of you and drag your whole body, while your body is relaxed, natural and straight, with a little rotation

Feng unconsciously uses such an extremely strange extreme action to "drill" out of the included angle of one side of the cross blade awn, and passes by the chopper.

In this world, I'm afraid there is no other person who can use this kind of method Only with zero time difference calculation and weird thinking can he think of it and do it.

"Hahahaha..." After the successful breaking move, Jue brother rushed to Xu Huaishang, who was unstable in the receiving move, and laughed loudly, "it's hard to avoid the cross cutting attack! I'm so sorry to kill you like this! "

After the bang

blink of an eye, the sound of the intersection of the two tracks rings.

The first sound is that Xu Huaishang uses his left knife to block the sound of [blade that must be broken]; the second sound is that Xu Huaishang uses his right knife to block the sound of [BSP]; "Oh? It's a little surprising... " Half a second later, the unfulfilled Feng felt a little cold and said in a deep voice, "I did it in close contact with the gap between your moves. How could you stop it?"

"Ah It looks like... " Xu Huaishang's eyebrows flashed a thin anger and snapped back, "you've already seen through our 'this kind of combo'?"

When his voice fell, a huge shadow had rushed down from the air.

The shadow is undoubtedly the great eagle on which the blood rose rides. This attack is one of the skills of the summoner.

As the name suggests, the feature of this move is that it will not make any movement when launched, even the vibration and wind pressure of the air will not be generated, and the target will not realize the attack until the giant eagle is very close.

In the actual battle, as long as you cooperate with your teammates, blood rose can often take the enemy away by this move.

Of course, the seal will not be taken away. As he said earlier He has already seen through this series of moves.

Xu Huaishang's [northern sky cross Phoenix] is still in the air. Brother Jue has realized the intention of the other side, because he has always paid attention to the movement of the blood rose in the air

After drilling out of the gap of the chop. Feng didn't realize that he was deliberately induced by his manner and language, trying to create an illusion of "I didn't care".

However, Xu goddess is not simple Based on the experience of fighting with brother Jue many times, she left a heart and eye when she sent out the cross blade, and didn't give full play to her moves.

As expected, the opponent crossed the attack in a very extreme way and caught the chance to fight back.

At this time. Xu Huaishang's role of keeping her hand is reflected. She can just make a response before the other party's surprise attack without fully exerting her skills.

Unfortunately, in the moment of taking the next seal, Xu Huaishang realized The other side didn't show any flaws.

For Xu Huaishang, a master of this level, the sense of attack uploaded by the weapon can tell her a lot of information. So after blocking those two times, she understood The purpose of these two moves is not to "kill", but to "push" yourself with the help of the counter force of the grid.

That is to say This series of actions are made after seeing through the cooperation of the opponent. Every step of his response seemed breathtaking. In fact, it's easy

Whether he is testing the opponent's bottom line in this way or playing tricks on the opponent, it's an unpleasant battle experience for Xu Huaishang.

"Not bad..." Feng unconsciously bounced back a Zhang, which was able to dodge the impact of the giant eagle. "No matter how tempting I am, I will not show my flaws."

Between his words. The giant eagle had already "rushed" into the ground, just like the ghost who can go through the wall, and disappeared into the soil silently.

The summoning creature can pass through the wall, but the blood rose can't, so when the silent attack is launched, she has left the back of the giant eagle. At the moment, the blood rose is still in the sky, but what she rides is no longer a giant eagle. It's a

"The one in the sky called up the fossil pterosaurs. Is this a plan to turn around and attack those NPCs..." Feng Bujue said. Looking up at the Dragon shadow circling in the sky, he said Are you on a regional mission right now? What is the task content? To purge the invaders for the king of hell

Xu Huaishang didn't respond to the question of "blind". In these seconds, she was observing the situation of the battlefield with the title skill "bullet vision".

It's only a few seconds, but it's enough for her to see every detail of the whole battlefield carefully

"Rose!" When brother Jue finished speaking, Xu Huaishang immediately called out to his teammates in the sky, "cover the hyacinth and Begonia Withdraw! "

This sentence is "the captain's order", so there is no doubt about it.

Whether the decision is right or wrong, as professional players, red cherry's players will not question and argue in the process of the game. All they have to do is to perform perfectly. If there is any problem, wait until the end of the competition.

So, the next second, the blood rose is controlling the fossil pterosaur, heading for yuan Qi to hide and kill.

Not long ago, the giant eagle, who had escaped into the ground, suddenly appeared between Yuan Qi and two players of red cherry.

Yuan Qi's foothold was not stable, and the two regiments of fire came from semi air attack. Fortunately, the leader of Yuan League had excellent lightness skill, which was so wonderful that he used his body method to avoid the invisible pillar of fire and dodged to one side.

However, hyacinth and tiehaitang also took this opportunity to jump on the back of the giant eagle and fly with it.

"What?" It's not realistic for him to chase after four, so he just stopped fighting, just looked at Xu Huaishang and said, "aren't you looking forward to fighting with me? This is about to go? "

"We're here on a regional mission." Xu Huaishang replied, "since we can't do it now, we should evacuate as soon as possible to avoid more losses..." She paused, her soft face turned