Thriller Paradise

Chapter 951

"Du Yinglian's Kung Fu is the immortal skill of the devil cult leader from generation to generation. (.) "Cao Qin looked at the battle situation in the brokenhearted gorge from afar and explained to the four players around him calmly," the name of this martial art sounds very ordinary, but in fact, it is a very profound and superior martial art. If you practice this skill to a great extent, your internal power will be endless and endless. You can live for three days and three nights with only one breath of Dantian Qi. "

"Well Sounds like It's a bit like Wudang's xuanwudu Ding (tortoise rest skill)... " I don't know if I can catch a sentence.

"No, it's a long way off." Cao Qin denied, "Xuanwu Ding stresses" Ding ". It's like a turtle to have a deep breath. It's better to be calm and calm It's Taoist internal skill. " He said, raising his finger and pointing to Du Ying in the distance, "and Du Ying's non rest skill is a genuine magic skill. This kind of skill requires the practitioner to retrograde the meridians, and the God knows the distance In order to seize the creation of heaven and earth, the Qi outside the body is used by oneself. "

Hearing this, Hua Jian, who is quite familiar with the martial arts field, said: "retrograde meridians Isn't there any danger? "

"Ah Of course. " Cao Qin said with a smile, "according to common sense, the retrograde meridians Light damage both inside and outside, in the fire into the devil, heavy explosion and death

"Ju How could it explode... " Small sigh widened his eyes.

Cao Qin didn't answer his words, but continued: "the martial arts of the demon sect are mostly deviating from the orthodox line, and even many are contrary to the traditional martial arts theory Therefore, it is regarded as "evil power" and "evil power" by the people in the right way, and it is stigmatized and despised. " He smiled scornfully, "hum But in fact, those who can create this kind of "evil way" are the real devils. "

"Well, I quite agree with that." I can't feel the way.

When Cao Qin heard the words, he turned his head and glanced at him. His eyes seemed to say, "is Fengliao Lord boasting?"

Two seconds later, Cao Gonggong continued: "if a martial art can only make the practitioners become possessed or die, who will practice it?"? Let's get this straight It's still a human problem. Because the talent of those who created martial arts is too high. Therefore, only talented people with high talent can achieve the miraculous feats they have created. However, most of the people in the world are of average aptitude. Especially those so-called righteous people, ten of them are pedantic and stupid people, and they especially like to be self-contained If this kind of Kung Fu is in their hands. It's natural to practice something that can only go mad. "

"Then..." If rain asked at this time, "what realm has Du Ying's no rest work reached?"

Cao Qin took the wine pot hanging on his waist, took a sip and said, "about 30 years ago. Du Ying practiced this Kung Fu to the eighth level. On internal power There was only one person in the Wulin at that time

"Ha!" Little sigh immediately said, "that man You must be Duke Cao, right? "

"Of course not." Cao Qin replied, "I said that there is only one person in the Wulin who can be compared with others. I didn't count the people in the official family and the experts in the inner circle."

"Then..." "Who is that man?" he asked? Is it yuan Qi? "

"Ha..." Cao Qin smiled. "At that time, Yuan Qi was just a minion. How could he be compared with the leader of the demon sect?" He also did not wait for the other side to ask again. After a second, Weidun said directly, "in the Wulin 30 years ago. The only one who can surpass Du Ying in internal power is Yan Wang. "

"Say it Who is the "king of hell" Feng didn't feel like asking.

"Well I'll tell you when I see her. " Cao Qin didn't respond. It seems that the time for questioning has not come. "Don't interrupt, I've said half..." He shook his head and said, "Legend There are ten realms in wuxigong, but there is no written record of the tenth "heaven and earth wuxigong", and only the first generation leader of the demon sect who created this set of martial arts can practice it alone. After he died, the mind skill of wuxigong only passed down nine realms in total. In the years that followed There have been some talents from the demon sect. But they all stop at the eighth level of "mountain and water without rest", so as time goes by, they think that training to the eighth level can be regarded as "finishing work."

"Listen to Mr. Cao's voice..." Feng's expression changed slightly. "Du Ying is afraid that he has surpassed that realm, right?"

"Yes." Cao Qin replied. "In today's world, there are three people who have practiced the no rest skill to the Ninth level of" ghosts and gods no rest ", and Du Ying It's one of them. "

"I'll go It's said that no one can practice for many years As a result, there are three people in the world who have practiced it? " Small sigh surprised way.

"Ha ha..." Feng didn't realize that he was smiling. "Since Duke Cao said" in the world today "instead of" in the Wulin today ", I think these three people Is there a place for you, Gonggong Cao

"Lord Fengliao It's really smart. " Cao Qin praised brother Jue. By default. Two seconds later, he said without hesitation, "fifteen years ago, Liu Xiangru, the last leader of the cult, was killed by Yuan Qi, and the people of the cult were almost wiped out. Simply... Some people survived. As there was no place for them in the Jianghu, they decided to join the court. And the mental skill of "wuxigong" is their meeting gift to the royal guards. "

"Eh?" Small sigh hears here, cannot help but interrupt a way, "the thing that dedicates to royal guards, how to let Gonggong you get?"

"Ah..." Cao Qin replied, "at first, things really fell into the hands of the royal guards, and shangguansi (commander of the royal guards) practiced quietly for several months. Until one day I saw him outside the palace I felt that there was something wrong with the Qi in his body. When I looked into it again, I found that he was on the verge of becoming possessed. So I asked him to broadcast a few words. Three days later, he took the initiative to present "wuxigong", and confessed that his qualifications were limited. Please accept "the magic skill."

"Oh This superior officer is also a stroller. " If you find yourself unable to practice, you will make complaints about flowers.

"He is a wise man..." Cao Qin said, "he knows very well Some things, even if they are useless, can be kept; but others, if they do not bring benefits, they must be sold as soon as possible, otherwise they will bring disaster. "

At this point, Cao Qin turned his eyes to Yuan Qi: "right When it comes to smart people, there's another one here. "

"Yuan league leader?" Asked the flower.

"Yes." Cao Qin replied, "Yuan Qi is a person worthy of admiration."

"Ho ~" Feng changed his tone, "how could he get the evaluation of Duke Cao? It seems that Yuan Qi must be gifted with special talent. "

"Talent?" Cao Qin smiled. "Ah... No, he's mediocre. But that's why He is worthy of admiration. "


At the time when hell front fetched all kinds of information from NPC, the war situation in brokenhearted gorge There are also new changes.

After a brief confrontation, Du Ying jumped from a high place.

And those who fall into the valley of decline. Also took advantage of this moment to escape the siege, back to the direction where Du win.

After a few moments, Du Ying suddenly fell to the ground, where he stood, even a trace of dust did not rise.

This kind of cultivation of heaven and man. Many sect leaders can't help but take a breath.

"Yuan league leader." After Du Ying landed, he totally ignored the people around him, only looked at Yuan Qi and said, "I've heard so much."

Even though Du Ying is dressed like a farmer, his popularity is even higher than before. His gestures are all like Yuanyuan Yuezhi's; a simple sentence, six words, say from his mouth It's like a kilogram.

"Mr. Du." Yuan Qi didn't call Du Ying "the religious master" or call him by his first name, but he found a middle and more polite address, "according to reason. I should call you "senior"... " That's right, but yuan Qi didn't make the gesture that his younger generation should have. He still spoke with his sword in one hand and his back in the other.

"The leader of the yuan League is very kind." Du Ying's voice was cold and powerless. "I'm a village man in the mountains, you call me a gentleman who is already praising me."

"Well then..." Yuan Qi really stopped being polite to each other, "Du Ying, let's talk less..." "You're here to stop us?" he asked

"No." Du Ying replied, "I'm here to kill you."

"Hum..." Yuan Qi gave a cold hum.

"There are rules for burial valley." Du wins. "Only when the king of hell lets you in, can you come in; if the king of hell doesn't let you in, you have to leave; and if the king of hell lets you die at midnight..."

"Nonsense!" Yuan Qi interrupted, "we have come in now. Not to leave, not to die. "

"I know." Du said, "so I'll give you a ride."

"If you think you can Then try. " Yuan Qi was not afraid of each other. He took the soft sword back to his waist and said, "I said You're still alive. It's a blessing for me. I haven't met an opponent like you in many years. "

When he said this, he was not afraid to offend people, because the people in the Wulin behind him had already recognized him as the first in the world.

"Good!" At this moment, Du Ying's expression changed, and his introverted momentum broke out in an instant, with a raging air flow sweeping forward.

Yuan Qi stands proudly with his hands on his back, completely unmoved.

But those people behind him suffered. The leader level was OK. He just staggered back a few steps. He could basically stand firm. But many of the disciples and the second-class people in the Jianghu were shocked to kneel on one knee.

"Don't you This is the legendary overlord

"Well It could also be spiritual pressure. "

See this scene, in the distance of the mountain to wait and see the seal not to feel and Wang sigh, one face two to spit out a slot.

And their behavior In exchange for Li Ruoyu and an Yueqin's disdainful eyes.

"Not bad." Cao Qin saw this behind the scenes, and still calmly commented, "force across the air, like the tide, which is the biggest difference between the ninth and the eighth. If it is the eighth level, it can only be applied to the front line. " He said, taking another sip of the wine, "but He still can't win yuan Qi. "

All three people in front of hell and the audience watching the live broadcast were puzzled by this sentence, except for those who could not sleep.

Judging from the scene, Du Ying seems to be tougher than yuan Qi