Thriller Paradise

Chapter 950

The light and fog rise rapidly, killing the will and dyeing the dust.

In brokenhearted gorge, "ghost" in the gorge and "man" in the gorge, after a brief confrontation Then the fight began.

At this time, although the Wulin heroes have been killed by more than 100 people, they still have the combat power of nearly 300 people. And there are only more than 100 exiles in the valley of mourning. At first glance It seems that the former is better.

But The number of people is not the most important factor in deciding the outcome, because this is a "battle in the Jianghu", not a battle between the armies.

If this is a contest between armies, the decisive factors are mostly the number of people, the formation, the quality of soldiers, the terrain, and the use of bows and crossbows and firearms.

But in the battle of the Jianghu The reference value of these things is not great.

The leaders and disciples of all sects are not well-trained soldiers. Although they are certainly much better than ordinary soldiers in terms of their individual combat ability, they are divided into dozens of forces to fight on their own, and there is almost no coordination between them Let alone people of different sects. Even within the same sect, there may not be several people who can cooperate.

In short, it means that one man, one trumpet, each blowing his own tune, the wolf can't get on the dog

On the other side Although the "little ghosts" under the command of the king of Yan didn't cooperate with each other very much, they had a great advantage in the terrain; from the top to the bottom, they were surrounded, so it was natural to fight with half the effort. In addition, their martial arts are also popular, and it is natural for them to gain advantages.

Soon, dozens of cannon fodder were killed in the enemy's annihilation in the major sects, while only a few of the experts in the heartbreaking valley were slightly injured

However, this situation, after Yuan Qi's hand It changed in a flash.

However, when Yuan allied leader's figure broke out and his wrist shook, his sword immediately rolled out like a living thing.

This sword is a soft sword. To be exact It's a cloth sword.

Cloth. It's ordinary cloth.

People are extraordinary people.

Before thirty. Yuan Qi can't use a sword. In fact, he didn't use any weapons at that time.

But when he was 30 years old, he had the power of Xuangong in his body. With this almost perfect internal power as the foundation, he could cultivate any weapon and move They are all at your fingertips.

Therefore, Yuan Qi, 30, has learned a lot of martial arts. Gradually to the realm of mastery of all 18 weapons. Some kung fu He just looks at it once, and he can make it stronger than someone who has practiced for many years.

When he was 40 years old, the leader of Yuan League seldom used weapons. He often accompanied the weapons around him, only the cloth sword embedded in his belt

There is a saying that "sharp swords are unintentional, soft swords are impermanent". Driven by Yuan Qi's immeasurable internal power The soft sword is sometimes as fierce as a dragon, sometimes as insidious as a snake, sometimes as fierce as a dragon. Sometimes it's like a python.

Playing fingers, nearly ten people have died under his sword, and each one has been hit by a sword in the neck be beheaded.

"Hum..." Right now. A cold hum came and brought out a great figure. "It is said that the internal power of the leader of Yuan League is immeasurable. Today, it is really extraordinary."

The speaker is a bearded man. His body is like a arhat King Kong, and he has an eight ring broadsword in his hand. Listen to his voice No doubt he was the first one to shout through internal power not long ago.

"Desert sword King Dihou. Yuan Qi stared at each other and said in a deep voice.

"Oh?" Dihou said with a smile, "can yuan alliance leader recognize me? I'm flattered. "

In fact, Yuan Qi's reason for recognizing dihou is very simple Because they are of the same age and belong to the same generation in the Jianghu. So in the past, there have been several reasons in some events in the Wulin. But... At that time, dihou was a famous desert sword king in the Jianghu, while yuan Qi was just a nobody. Therefore. The latter remembers the former, and the former doesn't even know the existence of the latter.

"Ha! Ha ha ha ha... " Yuan Qi listened to di Hou's words and laughed.

Dihou did not know what he was laughing at, nor did the people who saw this scene nearby know what he was laughing at.

Only yuan Qi himself understood how ironic and ridiculous the other side's words were

"King Didao......" After laughing for a while, Yuan Qi's expression became cold, "I remember You were the leader of the desert Badao club before you escaped to the valley of buried hearts? "

"Yes, I am." When dihou responded to this question, he was quite puzzled. He did not understand why the other party had to talk about meaningless past events with himself at this time.

"Do you remember how many disciples there are under your door?" Yuan Qi then asked.

"Five or six hundred people..." Dihou replied casually, "what are you asking about this?"

"Can you name twenty of them?" Yuan Qi asked again.

"Lord yuan What do you mean? " Dihou has decided not to answer these strange questions.

"I can't report it." Yuan Qi said coldly, "but You can give me my name. " He gestured around with his eyes, "and the names of all the best players on the scene."

Dihou is silent. He wants to hear what yuan Qi wants to say.

"It's the same in the world. You never remember those mediocre people, because you only see fame, martial arts and appearance in your eyes..." When Yuan Qi said this, he seemed a little excited, "your eyes can only see those, so that you have ignored the" person "itself." He paused. "That's why I laugh. I laugh at you like a group of blind people More blind than the real one. "

"Lord yuan, forgive me for not understanding what you are talking about." Dihou said, holding up his dagger, "I'm not here to listen to you

"Yes..." Yuan Qi closed his eyes and said, "you don't understand..." He also raised the cloth sword in his hand, "you are just a person who comes to lead the dead. Come if you want to!"

Needless to say, dihou is here.

King of the desert, it's not a false name. The eight ring broadsword in his hand is a unique weapon, which was made by the famous craftsman of the time for dihou.

This Sabre weighs more than 40 Jin, and its back is inlaid with eight rings. Its blade is like a shark's tooth, and its hair is broken by blowing.

In the past, there have been countless famous people in the Jianghu who have died without any body under this sabre. It's enough to be called a world-renowned murderer.

And dihou It's also a wizard of daomen. He was born with magical power since he was a child. At the age of 12, he could dance a dagger that lifted 80 Jin. He also had a very high understanding of the sabre technique. At a young age, he integrated the strengths of each family and made his own way. At the age of 15, dihou became the youngest one in the desert badaohui (similar to the position of "cadre" in the bad youth, and each of the specific class can make up his own brain). At the age of twenty-eight, he became the leader of eight presidents, and he was in the limelight for a while.

Just. After thirty years old, his Sabre realm met with a bottleneck. He became possessed by rage and practice Then he began to kill innocents everywhere, sacrificing knives with the blood of experts, and soon became the public enemy of Wulin, forced to escape into this heartbreaking valley.

Nearly 20 years ago, as one of the most senior escapees in the valley. Dihou naturally broke through the bottleneck of that year. His present martial arts realm is no less than that of wanxialou and bafanglou, who are also known as the two heroes of Wulin.


it's late, it's fast at that time, but when he heard dihou's violent drink, his figure had already flashed to Yuan Qi's side, and the eight ring broadsword had also been cut down like thunder.

His knife was heavy, but it was fast enough that one could hardly see it.

However, Yuan Qi can see it.

Far from seeing I can see it clearly.

"Too slow. Too clumsy. " This is the evaluation yuan Qi gave to the other side, and also the last sentence that di Hou heard.

Next second, dihou's head left his body.

And his knife Then cut to the space.

Yes. Dihou is a first-class expert, among the people present. There may not be more than ten people who can catch the knife.

But in Yuan Qi's eyes, dihou's Sabre technique is not enough From the point of view of martial arts realm, Yuan Qi's sword laying is the "ultimate change" on top of the "ultimate moves". As long as people are still under the state of "having moves", even if they practice their internal power to the same level as him, they can fight with him at most. People like dihou, whose internal and external skills are much worse than those of him, cannot be called any rivals at all

"The divine power of Yuan league leader is beyond the world!"

"Follow the leader of the League!"

When people nearby saw yuan Qi's second killing of Di Hou, they shouted out in order to strengthen the Wulin camp.

Yuan Qi didn't disappoint his fellow Taoists. He used his excellent lightness skills. Flying out like a dragon, passing by All that remains are the bodies of the people in the valley.

"Where..." In a chaotic war. Yuan Qi's mind was as still as water. While killing, he was thinking, "these people can't lift the fog up There must be a "special person" among them. It's that person's ability is strong enough to guide the air flow. You must find him out from the dark place... "

When thinking about it, he has killed dozens of people, more than the total number of enemies killed by other gangs. After the gap was widened, the confrontation between the two sides reversed.

There are more than 200 people in the Wulin to fight now, and only 30 experts in the heartbreaking valley are left. In this way, no matter how advantageous the terrain is, it is useless.

Surround It became an anti encirclement. Even though the people in the valley have excellent martial arts, they are surrounded by five or six people The result is self-evident.

It's only a cup of tea. There are corpses everywhere in the brokenhearted gorge.

Blood falls like rain, like fog, taking away one soul

Looking at the "ghosts" in the valley, they will be killed. Finally, the man who "raised" the light and fog It appears in people's eyes.

"I didn't expect..." As soon as he opened his mouth, he attracted everyone's attention In addition to the king of hell, there are people with such excellent martial arts in the world. "

It's also internal power. According to the speaker's skill, the effect is different.

Compared with the former dihou and Fenger (who were the second to speak before the start of the fight, now they are convenient), when they use their internal power to communicate, they speak in a higher tone, and they use a larger voice, so that "Qi" can send the words out, so that people in the distance can hear them.

However, at present, the speaker's tone and voice sounds like understatement; among the people in the Wulin, Yuan Qi is the only one who can do this, which can be seen from the speaker's internal skill cultivation.

"Will you finally show up?" Yuan Qi looks up to the sound