Thriller Paradise

Chapter 1168

"So..." After listening to Dr. yuan's answer, Feng was not too surprised. He just calmly answered, "excuse me Who pays for my medical expenses? "

"Ha ha..." When Dr. yuan heard the question, he couldn't help laughing, "this You can rest assured that for your case, the state will support you for the rest of your life and invest in research. "

"Oh..." If it's convenient, can you tell me if anyone has visited me in these years? Parents don't have to say, but also classmates, friends... "

"No. 3232." Dr. yuan's expression suddenly became cold, and he didn't wait for brother Jue to finish saying, "this is not the first time I've said it to you, but I don't mind telling you again - your parents died in a car accident a few years ago; even before they died, they never came to visit you; because, they And one of the victims of the injury you committed when you were ten. After that case, your mother lost her right eye vision and right ear hearing forever. She also received a long period of psychological counseling before she came out of the shadow you caused. Of course, compared with other victims, your parents are lucky... "

At this point, Dr. yuan straightened up and leaned against the back of the chair. Then he put his hands and elbows on the armrest of the chair and crossed his fingers in front of his chest Therefore, it is impossible for them to come to see you Ah... " He sneered. "3232, if you were a parent or a teacher, would you let your child have any interaction with a child who was put in a mental hospital under the age of ten because of a serious violent crime?"

"I see." Feng unconsciously nodded and said, "so The person who has the most contact with me in these years should be the doctor, right

"Hum I don't have that honor. " Dr. yuan immediately denied brother Jue's reasoning in an ironic tone, and said, "this mental hospital is set up by the state to accommodate you, the incurable lunatic; in order to avoid the mental instability of the staff by you, the 'patients'..." He also raised his hands and made a quotation mark All posts here will be rotated regularly. Simply put I only work here for two months every year, and I'm responsible for only two of your 12 regular inspections every year, but I'm very familiar with your inspection reports over the past ten years... " He smiled. "In fact, your examination report is very famous here. All the doctors who have seen it say If it can be adapted into a novel and published, it will certainly sell well. "

"Is it..." Feng also smiled, "why didn't anyone do that? Is it inconvenient to sign? Or considering the controversy over copyright? "

"That's not the case." Dr. Yuan said, "simply because we have regulations, we can't transmit information about patients or the inside of the hospital to the outside..."

"I thought you were worried about confidentiality agreements and basic professional ethics." I can't feel the way back.

"Are you kidding?" Doctor yuan, with a smile on his face, said, "you, who are not even sound in the most basic human nature and reason, talk to me about professional ethics?"

"Listen to you. You didn't abuse me, a murderer who has lost human rights in essence It's been kind, isn't it? " I can't feel the way.

Dr. yuan didn't answer this question because their conversations were recorded. Although these recordings can't be transmitted outside and can be played in a large scale, it's obviously inappropriate to respond positively to such questions. For Dr. yuan personally, this is also a matter of instructing others.

"All right, 3232, I've said enough." After waiting for a few seconds, Dr. yuan chose to change the topic, "now, it's my turn to ask?"

"Of course." "I'll do what I say I will cooperate with you. "

In the next 20 minutes, the two sides began a one-to-one, question and answer conversation.

Dr. yuan's questions are all formulaic questions, such as "Have you felt any changes in your body recently", "what's your opinion on your current life status", "do you have any requirements for us to complete" and so on.

Every patient in his charge will be asked these questions.

In addition, there are a few questions set according to the specific situation of patients, such as "do you still think" Thriller Park "is real?" "Can you tell the difference between virtual world and reality?" , and "do you still have an impression of your 'real' violence over the years?"

But I can't feel it According to my own memory, I have made short and clear answers to these questions one by one and truthfully.

Twenty minutes later, Dr. yuan finished asking the questions he had prepared. He didn't need to speak. He could not help but read a line from his face: "it's time to end this boring examination."

"OK..." Sure enough, the next second, Dr. Yuan said, "I see That's it today... "

"Knowledge." Suddenly, Feng unconsciously said two words in a loud voice and choked back the last "Li" word of the other party's sentence.

"What?" Dr. yuan was stunned by his words and instinctively said, "what knowledge?"

"I have a question about my knowledge reserve." Before Feng could wait for the other side to stop asking questions, he asked quickly, "after I was put in this mental hospital, did I continue to receive education? Or... Is there any way to get information from the outside world? "

"Well..." After thinking about it, Dr. yuan replied, "anyway, the information shows No.

"That is to say, my knowledge reserve should remain at the level before I was imprisoned, that is The fourth grade level of primary school. " I can't feel the way.

"Er..." When Dr. yuan heard this, his face changed a little. He seemed to realize something in a faint way, "yes, it should be like that."

"Dr. yuan, if you are a person who has been isolated from the world since you were ten years old, who has not received any external information for 14 years, and only has the fourth grade culture of primary school, do you think it is possible to make up the" stories "I said?" Feng unconsciously uses the tone that the other party just used to ask in a substitute way.

Dr. yuan seemed to be enraged because the problem left him speechless.

He didn't answer. He just pressed the phone button on the desk, reached the phone and said, "the examination is over. Take the patient away." (to be continued. )Genius a second to remember this website, the fastest updated novel website!