Thriller Paradise

Chapter 1167

"The 3232 is very cooperative today."

"Hum This kid is very cunning. I advise you to be careful. "

"This is also I heard that he nearly blinded a temporary worker last week. "

"That's lucky You've been here a short time, maybe you don't know Before the boy was isolated, he stole the pipe tongs in his toolbox while the electrician was repairing things. Then he beat another patient to the head and nearly killed him. "

"Ho! So serious? "

"That's right, so You'd better have a heart and an eye when dealing with these psychopaths. Some of them are more polite than doctors. But once they get mad, they will be like mad dogs Jump up and kill you and bite you. "

While talking, the two guards tied a restraint for the seal on the chair.

They talked about this in front of brother Jue's interview, but they didn't think so, because in their opinion Psychopaths are like runaway animals, with no need to worry about their thoughts or self-esteem.

"Two......" A few seconds later, Feng unconsciously joined in the conversation, "can you tell me..." He paused for half a second and asked, "where is this? Who am I? "

"Ha!" Hearing this, the nurse, who sounded like an old employee, gave a dry smile and replied, "why do you forget this? This is Buckingham Palace. You are the prince of England! "

When the new employee heard this, he also laughed: "yes, we are both your servants, this is not I'm ready to serve you in shaving. "

When they answered these two sentences, they had fixed the seal firmly on the restraining chair.

This chair is made of metal, with leather on the surface and back, and it is very wide. In each section of the chair, there are adjustable restraining belts Obviously, the design is for patients of all sizes.

"I didn't mean to joke with you..." Although the two didn't give a serious answer, Feng still kept a calm attitude and said again, "I really want to know where I am and what I am..."

"White sand mental hospital." This time, before he finished, the old employee interrupted impatiently, "as for your name I don't know. You've been here longer than me. I only know your code number is 3232. Other things You'd better ask yourself that crazy brain. "

When he said that, he paused for two seconds, then picked up an electric razor from the tool stand in front of the chair, and said, "now, I suggest you sit still Let's finish the work at hand, then You can go back to your room and think about your life. "


Fifteen minutes later

Feng didn't feel that he did anything unusual in the process of shaving, so the two nurses helped him finish shaving and send him back to the ward.

On the way back to the ward, Feng unconsciously proposed to see his attending physician.

But the nurse's answer was: "the doctor is very busy and will not see you until the day of regular examination."

Brother Jue immediately asked the other party when his next examination was.

And the answer he got was, "tomorrow.".

After the conversation, the two paramedics left.

In the narrow room, there is only one person left.

Feng unconsciously lies on the ground, with his hands resting on his head, and begins to ponder the situation in front of him.

First of all, one of the most important questions he needs to make clear is whether he is still in the game world.

According to the available information, more than 90% of the answers to this question are Be not in.

In the game world, he can open the game menu, but now he can't open it; in the game world, he can force offline, but he can't leave now; in the game world, he can't take off his pants, but he took off smoothly before.

In addition, what luggage, equipment, skills, and spirit He can't make it all out; even in terms of physical fitness, he has passed a simple exercise test, and the conclusion is that his physical fitness is worse than that of ordinary people, and even his real life self is worse.

Of course, there is also the possibility that he is in some kind of script world that transcends the general connection form.

So far, however, Feng has not found any evidence to support this hypothesis

So, he began to think about the second question - assuming that he is not in the game world, but in reality, then Can this be classified as "crossing"?

For example His soul has come to the "reality" of another universe. He is no longer a projection, but really controlling the state of a body.

If this hypothesis is true, then he has to face a third problem: how can he return to his own world?

Finally, beyond all these questions and assumptions, there is one of the worst, but plausible, guesses.

Here is the real The real world.

As for this hypothesis, Feng didn't think about it deeply, because he thought This possibility is basically zero.

In any case, the vast amount of knowledge in juega's mind, as well as those thinking abilities that can only be acquired through training, are all real and can be verified at any time.

All these can prove At least on the level of consciousness, he was not the patient 3232 who had been locked up in a mental hospital for many years.


Two hours passed in a flash, and a sound came from the door.

Feng unconsciously looked up and saw that someone had opened a baffle at the lower part of the door panel and sent in a plate of food from the outside.

"Dinner." The next second, the old guard's voice rang out of the door again.

Previously, because of the focus on thinking about things, Feng unconsciously ignored the physiological needs, and now When he smelled the food, he realized later I'm a little hungry.

"Well It's another setting that shouldn't be in the "game world." When Feng moved towards the door, he said thoughtfully, "according to the trend of" hungry and thirsty ", I may have to go to the toilet later."

If you want to go back, he still has to eat

Because the room was very small, Feng didn't even feel that he didn't get up at all. He turned over at will, moved on the ground a few times, and came to the back of the door.

When he looked closely, he found that even the tableware here is a kind of "suicide proof" design: the plate containing food is light green, made of a memory material, which can make a certain degree of bending like rubber, deform when under pressure, change back to the original shape and maintain a certain hardness when there is no external force If you start with this thing, it's probably no different from playing with a children's bat. It's not as hard as a man's fist.

As for eating utensils It's not chopsticks or knives and forks, but a special "fork spoon"; its color and material are consistent with that of the dinner plate, and its hardness is It must be higher than food, but it's not enough to hurt people.

"It's really thoughtful..." Feng unconsciously picked up the fork and spoon and then said a word. Then he opened it without politeness.

Let alone The food in this mental hospital was much better than Chueh Ge thought; they didn't give the patients cheap, mushy and dark food as some films and TV works showed. Instead, we have arranged the same dining standard as the staff - two meat and one vegetable, with rice and soup.

Soon, he swept all the contents of the plate. Then he put the plate behind the door and lay down with his head on his back.

"Ah --" after a satisfying burp, brother Jue could not help sighing, "this kind of life has been going on. It's almost Ji Chunsheng..." When it comes to Ji Chunsheng, he wants to use other people's lines to say, "although the conditions here are a little bit worse, there is a way -" although cold kilns can be broken to avoid rain, it's sweet to eat and drink for nothing "~ this kind of opportunity to exercise will and stand test is quite rare..."


Feng can't sleep.

He didn't know how he fell asleep, but it was probably due to his tiredness after eating.

He didn't know how long he slept. Anyway, when he woke up, the plate behind the door was gone, and The lights in the room have also changed.

Before that, the light tube in the ceiling was soft white light, but now, the light turned into night light blue, and its brightness also dropped very low.

"Is it evening..." Seeing this, brother Jue, still confused, said to himself, "or They found me asleep through a hidden camera, so they turned off the light for me... "

At this time, he no longer thought about "I won't sleep in the game world", nor about "how long has time passed" or "how am I in the game cabin".

Human instinct, let him start to adapt

Adapt to the immediate environment, adapt to this strange "reality".


At one point, the light came on again.

Feng did not wake up, thinking, but did not open his eyes.

After another period of time, the baffle on the upper part of the door moved away. The voice outside the door was different from that of the guard yesterday: "3232, wake up."

"Can I go to see the doctor?" he said

After hearing this, the man outside the door was silent for a few seconds and replied: "your inspection is arranged at ten o'clock. Now Go wash with me first. "

Brother Jue didn't say much, just stood up, stretched his limbs, and waited quietly behind the door.

He heard the sound of people outside the door pressing the code to lock, and then the door opened.

Waiting for him in the corridor, he is still two carers, but today both of them are strange faces.

"Did the two of you take turns yesterday?" When Feng unconsciously confronted the two men, he asked them another question.

"It's none of your business." The other side responded coldly, and then grasped his arm.

Just like yesterday, Feng was clamped down by two big male bodyguards, one on the left and one on the right, and went to the destination


"Are you still listening to me?"

All of a sudden, a familiar voice came into the deaf ear.

"What?" This sudden change made brother Jue shocked, and instinctively responded to these two words.

The next second, he was surprised to find I have been sitting in an office.