Thriller Paradise

Chapter 1169

When the door was closed, there was only one person left in the narrow ward.

He sat down and began to think.

"Although I have said what I want to say, I can't expect too much from this doctor..." "It's not hard to see from his attitude that he didn't intend to 'cure' me All he wanted to do was finish the basic job, get through two months of shifts, and then for the next ten months, he didn't have to stay in this ghost place. "

Brother Jue, thinking about it, moved to the wall and lay down slowly.

"It's not just him, but other doctors, I'm afraid they all have this mentality

"First of all, this mental hospital is a national institution, and the salary for their shift here must be fixed; that is to say There is no extra oil to catch. So the motivation for the benefits It can already be excluded.

"Secondly, our" patients "who are being held here are basically a group of guys who have been shot twice without misjudgment. According to the logic of ordinary people, it's cheap for us to stay here for a lifetime Under this premise, if someone really "recovers and leaves the hospital" and re enters the society from here, it will certainly bring great public opinion pressure.

"In short From the personal point of view of doctors, even if we take every patient seriously, there will be no benefit. On the contrary, if the patient is "cured", then the next troubles and responsibilities It's all unimaginable.

"Well I think it's a waste of time to put the hope of leaving here on the doctor.

"That report has been written for 14 years, but every doctor has studied it conscientiously It's impossible to find the doubt of "knowledge reserve".

"There are two reasons why no one has mentioned it up to now. One is that no one has ever looked at it seriously. They just look at it as a story, or sweep it out of work. The other is that some people have seen some doubts from it, but They didn't say anything, because they didn't want to pay time and labor for me, and they didn't want to take unnecessary risks for me. "

After reading this, Feng unconsciously stretched himself and said, "whoo It seems that if you want to leave this place, you have to rely on yourself...... "


After more than an hour, it's lunch time.

Today, the person who came to deliver the meal didn't even say anything, but knocked twice on the door with some kind of hard object (the guard was equipped with a electric shock stick), and then directly stuffed the plate from the lower part of the door baffle.

"Ah Is it time for dinner again... " I didn't realize it. I was talking about it. I climbed to the door and said, "to be fair, the food here is OK..."

He took the plate in front of him, looked at it for a while, and then began to work out eating strategies.

Here's an explanation. The so-called "eating strategy" is actually - what to eat first, what to eat later, how to eat, how long to eat and so on.

Generally speaking, when I was a child, my family was relatively poor, as long as my brain was not too stupid It's easy to get into the habit.

Because the children of poor families do not have the conditions of "eat what you want" or the capital of "leftovers" or "picky food".

When they sit at the table, they usually think about the question: "how can I dry this bowl of overnight rice with half of the old fat meat and two pieces of pickled vegetable pimples in front of me, and also make my mouth and stomach feel full and well fed?".

And this Undoubtedly, it is a kind of learning; it is a skill of "improving the quality of life by means and methods".

The so-called environment makes people, that's all

People who work hard and earn more than 2000 yuan a month are living; people who have never been to work but can easily take out more than 20 million people at home are also living; these two kinds of people's ideas, habits, horizons, etc Naturally, there will be great differences.

Here, we don't talk about the nobleness and baseness, good and evil, right and wrong, cause and effect It must be that the former has more knowledge about "saving costs and improving the quality of life under limited conditions".

Such things as renting a suit for an interview, buying a ticket in the morning, reusing the old daily necessities, buying discount vegetables in the supermarket in the evening For the former, it's common sense or common sense, but for the latter, it's something you don't know or need not know.

It's obvious that he is also a "poor man". Of course, he is not poor enough to learn the life skills of vagabonds (there are many ways to pick up rags and beggars, which I don't know about here), but the habit of "eating strategies" is at this level He was brought up from an early age.

"Such a match..." Looking at the dish, Feng said to himself, "you can eat half of the fried pork chops first, and put the remaining half on the rice to keep the heat and make the rice dip in some oil and water; then you can bake the bran It seems that we didn't adopt the common sweet way, but made it salty, which is a failure, because the salty taste conflicts with the salty fish taste, so we need to cooperate with the laver and egg soup... "

Just when brother Jue thought about these things, I thought it was just a matter of collecting words All of a sudden!

"Eh?" He found out something One thing he couldn't help wondering was, "this is What? "

When I was talking to myself, I opened my mouth half open, moved my tongue a few times, and then He just put his hand in his mouth.

A few seconds later, with his right index and middle fingers, he took something out of his teeth

"This is..." After staring at the residue of the food for a few seconds, he quickly came to the conclusion, "orange?"

Indeed, at this time, he was holding a handful of orange tendons.

"Don't you..." I don't know what he remembered. Next second, he wiped the saliva on his hand on his clothes. Then he put the ten fingers of both hands together in front of his nose and sniffed them carefully.

"Well It's true. " When Feng finished reading this sentence, he looked sideways and said, "but Why don't I remember eating... "

In addition to the present meal, brother Jue has had a meal since he came here, and he remembers it clearly There was no orange for dinner yesterday.

"The smell of oranges on my fingers indicates that I have not only eaten oranges, but also skinned them myself. No one put them into my mouth when I was not conscious..." But I have no memory of eating oranges, just like

At this moment, his mind flashed: "it seems There's a memory that's erased (to be continued. )Genius a second to remember this website, the fastest updated novel website!