Thriller Paradise

Chapter 1166

The development of things is the same as that predicted by Feng unconsciously. The first thing Dr. epilepsy did after returning to the past It's about finding his "self.".

In 8225 years of the cosmic calendar, that is, 50 years of the time when fengbujue and the Ministry are located (Note: Although the "cosmic calendar" here has the word "universe", it is actually a way of counting the earth's time), there is no such a super criminal as Dr. epilepsy in the world, there is only a brilliant scientist of blaster star - Perez epilepsy.

For Dr. epilepsy, we need to find Bailes epilepsy It's easy; he just needs to confirm the current date and then recall what he was doing 50 years ago.

Such "memory ability" may seem a little strange to human beings, but for those wise people in the universe with high intelligence, it's as difficult as the earth people remembering what they had for dinner yesterday Be prone to.

In short, Dr. epilepsy soon came to his hometown.

However, when he was ready to enter the atmosphere of the planet, he found The residual energy in his body is not enough for him to land safely.

There is no way Although the technology Dr. epilepsy mastered is very advanced, the loss of direct interstellar migration with the modified body is still too large.

Of course, the doctor is not totally helpless. He has the option of "forced landing". It's just After thinking for a moment, he realized that there was no need to do that.

Because While he was thinking, a space station in blaster orbit had discovered his presence and sent a small space shuttle to contact him.

After that, I think you can guess

Dr. epilepsy, who was taken back to the space station, easily controlled the site. After adding energy to himself, he grabbed a spaceship and landed on the blaster.


Zedi, on the other hand, is at a space base.

At this time, in the conference room of the base, all the Ten Heroes of fengbujue, the headquarters, and this time Yuchao union still gather here.

After a brief introduction and introduction of the foil man, Feng unconsciously started his explanation work

Brother Jue used a very efficient way of expression. In the shortest time, he told the whole story from the beginning.

And the heroes who learned about it There are also different responses.

Among them, toad man, foil man, eternal doctor and thousand eyes man are all thoughtful and dignified.

Captain Shixing and lucky Xia, however, don't seem to understand the situation, but they all know the seriousness of it.

Next, poison Xia and bad sir These two goods belong to the kind of impatient heroes. They may not understand brother Jue's practical theory, but They didn't bother to use their brains at all. For these two people, as long as they knew "where to go" and "who to kill", they immediately put them into action Just fine.

Finally It's the black hole queen and the queen of worms (if you have to worry about gender, yes, they are all female); because the former is a black ball of light, the latter looks like a walking hoof So no one can judge their thoughts from their expressions.

"Well, that's about it." When I finished, I said, "in view of our current situation, I'm afraid that our support for you in terms of force is very limited. As for intelligence, what I know will naturally be told to you without reservation, but as I said I'm also an "Earth man from the parallel universe". I don't know about some common historical knowledge between our two eras. Of course, in this respect You can ask Park man. "

"Intelligence or something I think it's enough. " Jue Ge said that the first thing he said was poison Xia. "According to what you said, the fighting ability of Dr. epilepsy, if it is changed into a hero level, is it just so-called" star level " He paused for half a second, and then said, "even if he calculated you in your time, he has lost all the resources in the future and has no time to prepare. In this state, it's not like all of us are out Any one of us can wipe it out. "

"Well, my idea is similar to poison man." Two seconds later, Mr. baddy said, "in my opinion, the most effective way to solve this crisis is to find this guy named" Dr. epilepsy "with the fastest speed, and kill him before he has made too much change in history."

"Then..." Toad at this time opened up, "who have different opinions?"

As he spoke, he looked around the conference table.

About five seconds later, when no one spoke, toad said, "well That's settled. " During the conversation, he looked at the two men. "Although poison Xia and bad Mr. always put forward simple and rude suggestions, I have to admit this time They are right. "

"Hello..." The poison Xia turned his mouth and said to toad, "that's right It seems that nine out of ten suggestions we put forward in our daily life are wrong. "

"Ha ha..." The tin foil man sitting next to Toad smiled at this time. Before he grabbed toad, he replied, "that's because it's not appropriate to have a simple and rough plan nine out of ten times..." He spread out his hands. "Simple probability problem..."

While they were talking, toad had left his seat without saying a word and walked towards the meeting room.

"Hey, toad, where are you going?" Asked the lucky man.

"Prepare the ship." Toad replied in his usual calm voice, "fly Blaster. "

When the voice fell, he had passed through the electronic door and walked out of the room.

"Well, everyone, let's prepare for each other." The foil man also stood up, "follow me with the spare equipment."

After a while, the heroes left the conference room one after another; however, there were two people who did not leave

One is not to be aware; the other is Black hole queen.

It turns out Two minutes ago, when the tin foil man was talking, a woman's voice suddenly sounded in brother Jue's mind. The voice only left two words: "don't go, I have something to tell you."

At that time, brother Jue was not sure who the source of the sound was, because during the whole meeting, the black hole queen was silent.

Until now When there are only two of them left in the conference room, Feng unconsciously confirms who he is looking for.

"Just now Did you implant sound in my brain? " After a brief silence, brother Jue was the first to speak.

"That's not a sound." The black hole Queen's response came from the one meter diameter black photosphere, "like, 'you' is not what I see. '

"Oh?" Feng didn't realize what he had caught from the specious words. He asked tentatively, "what do you mean?"

The next sentence of the black hole queen surprised Chueh Ge. "As a projection, what you 'hear' is not determined by you, but by the 'being' that 'projects' you here. However, whether you' hear 'the form of these contents is in the general sense of' listening 'or telepathy, is just a sense created by' it '" "

"You know I am..." Feng didn't realize that he only said half a sentence.

"Foreign tourists, players..." The black hole queen didn't wait for brother Jue to finish saying, "or an artist or a literary giant? To be honest, I don't care. " The information she revealed in these words is obviously beyond the scope that the general NPC may grasp, or even beyond the derivatives, "what I care about is The order of the universe. "

"You What is it? " I can't feel that I won't even mention the word "human".

"I am also a kind of being, just like the one who sent you here..." The black hole queen replied, "our existence is incomprehensible to the knowledge system of most species in the multiverse Naturally, it also includes the system you are in. "

"In short Are you not a creature? " I can't feel the way.

"Biology" is also a kind of wrong cognition The black hole queen said, "the inferior nature of low-level intelligent life is that they almost have no basis for arrogance; they build the most basic theory based on their own uniqueness, and" define "countless things they don't understand. They explain everything in the world with the measurement standards that are easy to understand, so as to forget, ignore and abandon what they are difficult to do To understand Truth. "

Listening to her words, the excited color appeared on her face: "ah I also know that all the systems we create are * * * and that the world has never really been governed by the laws of mathematics. " He paused, "just I have never known that the one who dominates everything What is it? "

"What?" The queen of black holes hears the words and doubts, "do you want to know the truth?"

"Of course I do." I don't know.

"I have to remind you..." The queen of the black hole said in a deep voice, "the ancestor of being in the same dimension as you, the reason why he abandoned the truth at the time of origin There's a reason. "

"Ah..." "That's why After I know the truth, I must know it. "

As soon as this speech, the black hole queen moved slowly to the front of the blind.

Chueh geben thought that the other side would say something to himself, but The other side didn't even say hello; the next second, a huge traction came from the black light ball, which dragged Feng wuchuisheng in

The feeling of this moment is very similar to the moment when he left the space-time gap.

And when brother Jue came back to God, he was lying on the ground, and in front of him was a white ceiling

"Is it transmitted again?" He said something and sat up.

I don't know why, at this time, he suddenly felt dizzy, as if he had just woke up after a long sleep.

"Here is..." After sitting down, I can't sleep or observe the surrounding environment according to the Convention, "psychiatric ward?"

It's true that the place he's in now is a mental ward, or a kind of special custom-made one with a certain self