There is Room For the First Wife (First Assistant's Petite Wife Has Space)

Chapter 831: toast

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Lin Jing looked at Xiao Zhen and felt very uncomfortable. Is this the man she chose from thousands of times? For his sake, he even became a concubine. He didn\'t know how to think of a solution when something happened. He only knew how to get angry and mad, but his ears were still soft. He had promised him to go to the northwest to make meritorious deeds before, but when the queen said it, she changed her mind again. Can someone really be the Crown Prince of Da Zhou?

But in his previous life, he was indeed the Crown Prince of Da Zhou, and he was highly trusted by His Majesty. His Majesty taught him hand-in-hand, and finally passed the throne to him. Why is this life different?

Lin Jing couldn\'t understand, looked at Xiao Zhen and said, "Now we have to prevent Duke Ming from becoming the heir of Da Zhou."

Xiao Zhen turned to look at Lin Jing: "Jing\'er, do you have a solution?"

"Yes, but there are. I\'m afraid that you will blame me for talking too much. Another, I\'m also afraid that you will tell the Empress Empress about it. When the Empress does not blame you, she will blame me in turn, and I will be unlucky."

Xiao Zhen immediately said, "Just tell me, I won\'t tell my mother if anything happens in the future."

Lin Jing nodded and beckoned Xiao Zhen to come over.

After Xiao Zhen came over, she leaned over Xiao Zhen\'s ears, carefully said a trick, and said in a distressed voice: "Although this plan is good, but the prince is going to suffer, and the concubine feels distressed when she thinks about it, or else just forget it."

Xiao Zhen listened, and said in a deep voice, "This king is not afraid of suffering, and the king\'s crown prince will never let it be given to others."

Lin Jing listened to Xiao Zhen\'s words and was very satisfied. She looked up at Xiao Zhen and encouraged: "Jing\'er believes in the prince and will eventually sit on the throne of the prince. Your majesty is not in good health right now. , Your Majesty will definitely hand over the affairs of the court to the prince, and by then, the prince will be under one person and above ten thousand people."

In the previous life, Xiao Yu was not in good health. After he established the crown prince, he handed over the affairs of the court to the crown prince. He later pointed out how the crown prince should handle affairs. Let go.

But even so, the lifespan of the emperor in the previous life was not very long.

After Xiao Zhen heard Lin Jing\'s words, the gloom in his heart dissipated a little.

The next day, General Feng and other generals who were ordered to go to the northwest for support all returned to the court.

When the emperor was in the palace, he expressed that he would reward him for his meritorious deeds and give him a celebration feast.

The people inside and outside the court were also very happy, and they all praised the young wizard of the king.

In the evening, a celebration banquet was held in the palace. The queen looked at all this, but felt her heart twisted and her face was indescribably ugly. Concubine Shu, who was on the side, seemed to have not seen it, and kept praising how powerful Duke Ming was. , How to be brave and good at fighting.

When the queen heard the back, she couldn\'t bear to shout angrily: "Shut up."

Concubine Shu looked at the Queen aggrieved, but did not dare to say more.

When the Empress saw Lu Jiao, she wished she could swallow Lu Jiao to relieve her hatred.

In addition to the queen, the queen mother Zhao was also in a very unhappy mood, because this time the Zhao family also sent someone to attack the Ming king, but the result was that the Ming king escaped, and he was allowed to return to the dynasty smoothly.

Is Empress Dowager Zhao in a good mood? However, even if he was in a bad mood, he also participated in this celebration banquet.

This celebration banquet was not only held for King Ming, but also for General Feng and others.

Although the Zhao family has military power, it is not easy to take credit and be arrogant.

So the queen mother straight was in a bad mood, so she also brought people over to the banquet.

At the banquet, Xiao Yu not only praised the generals and others, but also praised King Ming, saying that he was extremely capable and could help him with the affairs of the court. Later, King Ming would enter the court to help him deal with the affairs of the court.

As soon as these words came out of the hall, there was a moment of silence. Although the emperor did not confer Prince Ming as the crown prince of the Great Zhou Dynasty, these words actually showed his attitude.

Xiao Wenyu got up without being humble or arrogant to thank him: "My son, thank the father and the emperor for his kindness."

Xiao Yu looked at the boy next to him with satisfaction, and said with a smile, "In the future, be careful and don\'t let the father down."

"Yes, Father."

The queen and Xiao Zhen\'s faces were as ugly as the bottom of a pot.

The two people\'s mouths opened and closed, closed and opened, and they were speechless after several times.

The emperor did not make Xiao Wenyu the crown prince, what can they say, they just let Xiao Wenyu enter the court to help with the affairs of the court.

The queen was about to vomit blood.

The Empress Dowager Zhao wanted to speak, but she finally thought about it and stopped talking. She was just entering the court to handle affairs, not the crown prince.

At the banquet, many courtiers congratulated Xiao Wenyu with wine glasses, and Xiao Wenyu responded neither humble nor arrogant.

Xiao Yu watched the first episode for a while, then got up and left.

Empress Dowager Zhao was too lazy to look at it, got up and took the people away. They left, and the courtiers got up and gathered around Xiao Wenyu as if they had received some kind of message, and toasted him. The scene was indescribably eager.

The queen and the king\'s faces darkened.

In the end, King Jin gritted his teeth and walked in front of Xiao Wenyu with the wine.

"Second emperor brother, I toast you, I wish you great achievements this time."

Xiao Wenyu raised her eyebrows and looked at Xiao Zhen with a half-smile, and said lazily, "Thank you, Big Brother, this opportunity was given to me by Big Brother. Logically, I should thank Big Brother."

"In this way, I will toast the eldest brother with a glass of wine."

Xiao Wenyu was the first to touch Xiao Zhen\'s cup.

Xiao Zhen felt that his heart was bleeding, thinking that he could have gone to the Northwest, but because of his mother, he was prevented from going there. In the end, Xiao Wenyu got all the credit.

At this moment, Xiao Zhen\'s heart was blaming the queen.

However, he was not good at showing it, so he could only open the mouth with a smile: "What did the second emperor say, we don\'t have to see things like this between brothers."

"What the eldest brother said is."

Xiao Wenyu and Xiao Zhen touched the cups.

Xiao Zhen looked at Xiao Wenyu with concern and asked: "The second emperor\'s brother went to the northwest this time, didn\'t he encounter any danger?"

Xiao Wenyu immediately said: "Why not? I escaped from the tiger\'s mouth several times and almost died, but unfortunately my opponent was too weak, so I came back alive, but unfortunately I didn\'t catch the messenger behind, if you asked me to find out The messenger, he must make that life worse than death."

Xiao Zhen\'s forehead jumped suddenly, UU reading always felt that Xiao Wenyu\'s words meant something, wouldn\'t he know that those people were instigated by them?

Not likely.

Xiao Zhen said worriedly while thinking about it: "The second emperor has suffered, and he should have suffered for his brother\'s sin, but the second emperor has suffered, and the emperor is ashamed. The emperor will toast you again."

The two brothers just said a word, and the atmosphere seemed to be very harmonious.

The ministers nearby saw that they were talking eagerly, and they echoed it from time to time.

Xiao Zhen looked at Xiao Wenyu, smiled and invited: "Second Emperor, how about we go out and talk?"

Xiao Wenyu heard Xiao Zhen\'s words, and immediately felt that he was making up his mind again, but he was not afraid.


(End of this chapter)