There is Room For the First Wife (First Assistant's Petite Wife Has Space)

Chapter 830: annoyed

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After dinner, Xie Yunjin and Lu Jiao urged the Four Treasures to return to the palace as soon as possible. The Four Treasures were a little reluctant to part with them. After being separated for so long, he missed his parents very much, but he also knew that it was not suitable for him to stay at Xie\'s house for a long time.

Four Treasures took Zhou Youjin away from Xie\'s house in response, and went back to the palace all the way.

After Sibao left, Xie Yunjin and Lu Jiao called Erbao in and asked them about their situation in the northwest.

They knew that the two children had concealed something in order not to worry them. Xie Yunjin and Lu Jiao didn\'t want to ask the four treasures in front of them. They only asked the second treasure when the four treasures were gone.

Er Bao still wanted to talk, Xie Yunjin said seriously: "We mainly want to know if anyone took the opportunity to assassinate the Four Treasures?"

When Er Bao heard that he didn\'t dare to hide anything, he admitted: "Yes, and several times, but they were all repelled by us, and Si Bao was also injured. I was fortunate to have arrived in time once, otherwise he would have been afraid that time. I was going to be seriously injured, and then I never dared to leave him, I kept following him, and those people never succeeded."

Xie Yunjin and Lu Jiao looked at each other and asked Erbao, "Have you seized the opportunity to find out who ordered those people?"

"We have caught this, but without exception, those people killed them without saying anything, and they all tried their best to kill themselves in the end, so we don\'t have any evidence."

Xie Yunjin nodded and said, "Even if they committed suicide, it is not difficult for us to guess that the person who assassinated the Four Treasures was either the Queen and King Jin, or the man of the Duke of Zhao."

Lu Jiaowang said to Xie Yunjin: "The Four Treasures have made great contributions this time, and the Queen and King Jin will not be able to sit still anymore. You must keep an eye on their movements, and don\'t let them harm the Four Treasures. If you have the opportunity to shoot, you will shoot, and you don\'t need to worry about anything."

Xie Yunjin nodded, Lu Jiao stopped talking about this, but looked up at Erbao and said, "We called you back this time to get you married with your eldest brother. You are not too young, so it is time to get married."

When it comes to getting married, Erbao blushed, and it took a long time to say, "It\'s up to my parents to decide."

"Bring some gifts to see your father-in-law and mother-in-law tomorrow, and let them know that you are back and that your marriage has been settled with our family before."

After Lu Jiao finished speaking, she waved her hand and said, "Okay, go back to rest and see Yuluo tomorrow."

"Okay, mother."

Erbao walked out, and behind Lu Jiao and Xie Yunjin looked at each other: "The Four Treasures returned to Beijing smoothly. The Queen and King Jin are afraid that they won\'t be able to sit still, so they have to be more careful in the future."


In the palace, Xiao Yu looked at his son in front of him, and couldn\'t help but feel that his son had been baptized on the battlefield, much more calm and restrained than before, and his gestures were all majestic.

Not bad.

Xiao Yu smiled and motioned for Xiao Wenyu to get up: "Okay, get up, and tell your father what happened on the battlefield."

Xiao Wenyu found that her father\'s appearance was not very good, and remembered what her mother said, the father\'s health is not good, and his life expectancy will not be too long.

He couldn\'t help but said with concern: "Father, are you not in good health? Didn\'t the imperial hospital dispense medicine?"

Xiao Yu listened to his concern, and his heart softened a little.

This son obviously did not support him, but he cared so much, he could feel his worry from the bottom of his heart.

"It\'s okay, the father is fine. Don\'t worry, come and tell the father what happened on the battlefield."

Xiao Yu got up and pulled Xiao Wenyu to ask about the battlefield.

Xiao Wenyu told him what happened on the Northwest battlefield. The more Xiao Yu listened, the more he felt that this son was smart, and the most important thing was that he was in good health, so that he could sit firmly on the throne of the Great Zhou Emperor, not like him. , Even if he sits in a high position, his body is not up to par.

Before Lu Jiao entered the palace, he took his pulse and prepared medicine for his body, but Lu Jiao had said that he needed to worry less about his body in order to keep it healthy.

But as the emperor of Da Zhou, he couldn\'t do anything without worrying about it, how could he not worry about it as an emperor.

While thinking about it, Xiao Yu looked at the young man in front of him who looked calm and chatted with satisfaction. The young man\'s eyebrows and eyes were delicate, and his gestures were all noble and calm, but there was some majesty in his calmness. Such a man is really a born emperor. By.

Xiao Yu thought about it and thought about King Jin Lai.

King Jin, as the emperor\'s direct son of the Great Zhou Dynasty, had no fault of his own, he would not have passed him and established the second prince, Xiao Wenyu, as the crown prince.

So how can he justifiably make Xiao Wenyu the prince of Da Zhou?

In this way, he can come out to share his worries and let him worry less.

Xiao Wenyu spoke for a while, but didn\'t hear Xiao Yu\'s words, he raised his head subconsciously, saw Xiao Wenyu\'s spirit is getting worse, he stopped his mouth: "Father, if you are tired, rest first, I will talk to you about the battlefield later. up."

"Okay, you have contributed a lot to the defeat of the twelve nomadic tribes in the northwest. Tomorrow, the royal father will hold a celebration banquet for you."

"Thank you, Father."

Xiao Wenyu thanked her for retreating and went back to her palace.

The palace outside him has already been built, so he will report back to the royal father and live in the palace outside. When he lives in the palace outside, he can secretly go to the Xie family.

Xiao Wenyu thought of this feeling indescribably good.

On the other side of Kunning Palace, the queen soon got the news that King Ming had quietly brought people back to Beijing to enter the palace.

All of their previous plans had failed.

The queen was about to go crazy and walked back and forth in Kunning Palace like a trapped beast.

"Why, why can\'t he kill him, is he really the prince destined by Da Zhou, can\'t he die?"

No one dared to say a word in the head of the Great Highness. The queen is crazy, who would dare to speak.

At the same time, King Jin of King Jin\'s mansion also got the news that King Ming returned to Beijing smoothly.

King Jin stayed for a long could not react for a long time, Lin Jing frowned lightly and said, "When the concubine asked the lord to go to the northwest, the lord listened to the queen\'s words and didn\'t go, so all the great credits are due. It falls on the head of King Ming, and it is no surprise that the ministers in the court are afraid that they will trust King Chongming more than the lord."

Xiao Zhen couldn\'t say a word, and he couldn\'t help but blame the empress. If the empress didn\'t stop him, all these great credits would now be his, not Xiao Wenyu\'s slut.

Xiao Zhen felt pain when he thought of this, and couldn\'t help wandering back and forth in the room.

After Xiao Zhen finished speaking, he suddenly turned around and looked at Lin Jing: "Do you think the emperor will make him the prince of Da Zhou?"

Lin Jing raised her eyebrows and said, "It\'s possible."

After hearing her words, Xiao Zhen couldn\'t help but get mad. He lifted his foot and kicked the stool in the room. He gritted his teeth and roared, "This king should be the prince of Da Zhou."

(End of this chapter)