There is Room For the First Wife (First Assistant's Petite Wife Has Space)

Chapter 832: Self-guided self-performance

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The queen looked at her son\'s back with a puzzled expression, what did Xiao Zhen want to do? Run well and show affection to Xiao Wenyu.

What does he want to do? The queen became worried. She had always discussed with her what her son did, so she won\'t do anything without authorization this time.

The queen thought about instructing the **** beside her to follow out, so as not to let King Jin suffer.

The **** followed suit.

Outside the hall, Xiao Zhen and Xiao Wenyu walked for a while, and soon there was no one around, Xiao Zhen stopped and looked back at Xiao Wenyu.

His face was no longer as gentle as before, his eyes were full of bone-breaking hatred, and he stared at Xiao Wenyu.

Xiao Wenyu burst out laughing: "If you don\'t pretend, I thought you were going to keep pretending? Tell me, why did you call me out?"

Xiao Zhen stared at Xiao Wenyu and gritted his teeth and said: "Xiao Wenyu, I am the orthodox Da Zhou, I am the prospective prince of the Da Zhou, you are a wild seed from nowhere, you are not worthy of being the crown prince of the Da Zhou, I do not I will watch you take away my throne."

Xiao Wenyu looked at him amusingly and said, "You should tell the father and the emperor, and the courtiers, not me. What\'s the use of telling me."

He turned around and planned to leave, not wanting to pay attention to Xiao Zhen.

Seeing his disdainful look, Xiao Zhen was almost mad.

"Xiao Wenyu, I won\'t let you become the crown prince of Da Zhou, I am."

He rushed to Xiao Wenyu after he finished speaking. Xiao Wenyu already knew martial arts and experienced the killing of the battlefield. He had already felt the movement behind him. He felt Xiao Zhen rushing towards him, and he quickly stepped back. He originally thought to avoid Xiao Zhen will do.

Unexpectedly, Xiao Zhen rushed to his side not far, so he raised his hand, raised his hand and inserted a knife into his chest.

Xiao Wenyu stared blankly, this person was so cruel to him, he was willing to be so cruel to him.

Xiao Wenyu also pretended to be plotted before, but that was because the other party assassinated him, and he didn\'t escape.

Now Xiao Zhen is directly attacking him. In order to frame him, he is also fighting hard.

Xiao Wenyu was thinking when someone screamed out not far in front: "No, King Ming stabbed King Jin, and King Ming stabbed King Jin."

The place where they lived was originally the garden next to the palace. At this time, when this person called, many people in the hall heard the movement and rushed out.

The queen and others also ran out.

When the queen heard that King Ming had stabbed her son, she went crazy and ran out like a madman.

After she ran over, she saw her son lying on the ground, with a knife stuck in his chest, the blood on his face faded away.

It looked so scary that the queen couldn\'t help crying: "Zhen\'er, Zhen\'er."

Xiao Zhen struggled to look at the queen: "Queen mother, I didn\'t mean it, I told the second emperor\'s brother that the father only asked him to help, let him not think about some things, and the second emperor\'s brother was annoyed and hurt his hand. got me."

After King Jin finished speaking, the queen raised her head angrily and looked at Xiao Wenyu, the king of Ming, who was opposite.

"Xiao Wenyu, you dare to stab my son, this palace will never spare you."

When she finished, she shouted at the **** beside her, "Go, invite your majesty over."

After she finished speaking, she instructed others: "Go and ask Royal Doctor Qi to come over immediately."

Behind the queen, the courtiers all gathered around, babbling about everything.

"King Ming stabbed King Jin, is it true?"

"King Ming can\'t stab King Jin just because of a few words."

"That\'s not necessarily true. Maybe I was angry, so I stabbed King Jin."

"If King Ming really stabbed King Jin, then he would be too unsympathetic to actually stab his own imperial brother."

The imperial doctor came over quickly and drew a knife to stop the bleeding for Xiao Zhen. Although it looked scary, in the end, he stabbed himself and didn\'t dare to use too much force, so the stab was not deep.

Qi Yuyi looked at the queen and said, "Don\'t worry, madam, the lord has no worries about his life, and everything will be fine."

The queen breathed a sigh of relief, but seeing Xiao Zhen\'s pale face, she was still heartbroken.

When Xiao Yu came over, the queen knelt down and begged: "Your Majesty please punish King Ming severely, he is too cold-blooded and ruthless, just because of a few words, he would not hesitate to stab his brother with a knife, such a person is not severely punished, it is not enough to convince the people of the world. ."

Xiao Yu looked at the queen coolly, and then at Xiao Zhen: "Zhen\'er, was it really your emperor\'s brother who stabbed you?"

Xiao Yu felt that with Xiao Wenyu\'s ability, it was impossible to design such a flawed game.

Seeing Xiao Yu\'s eyes, Xiao Zhen felt so guilty that he finally spoke calmly: "Go back to the emperor, yes, the second emperor stabbed me because of his anger, but Erchen doesn\'t blame him, it is Erchen who speaks. If it\'s too much, the second emperor\'s younger brother will be angry and stab me, so please don\'t blame him."

Xiao Zhen\'s words fell, and some of the courtiers onlookers muttered.

"Although King Jin lacks ability, he has a kind heart. In fact, King Jin is also quite good."

Xiao Yu ignored Xiao Zhen and looked at Xiao Wenyu: "Xiao Wenyu, what do you say?"

Xiao Wenyu replied with a faint smile: "If I go back to the father, the son did not stab the eldest brother. It was a play he directed and acted."

As soon as these words came out, there was silence all around, no one said a word, all of them looked at Xiao Zhen, and Xiao Zhen looked at Xiao Wenyu with an incredible look.

Now everyone doesn\'t know who to believe, whether to stab or not to stab?

Xiao Yu looked at Xiao Wenyu and said, "What evidence do you have to prove that you didn\'t stab your eldest brother?"

Xiao Wenyu called behind him, "General Feng, General An, will you come out?"

Footsteps sounded behind him. In addition to General Feng, General An and two other ministers in the court, several people came out and looked at King Jin Xiaozhen without words.

Xiao Zhen saw them, his brain buzzed, and his whole body turned to stone.

Xiao Wenyu said slowly: "Eldest brother has always looked down on me, but he came to toast me before, and then invited me out for a walk. I doubted what he wanted to do, so I asked the little **** beside me to invite General Feng. Waiting for people to come out, presumably General Feng and others should see that I didn\'t stab the eldest brother."

General Feng, General An and the two courtiers all knelt on the ground and said: "Go back to your majesty, I see King Jin rushing towards King Ming with a Then King Ming ducked, and King Jin stabbed the sword. into himself."

Xiao Zhen couldn\'t bear this kind of stimulation any longer, his eyes darkened and he passed out.

The queen did not expect Xiao Zhen to stab herself, she felt both distressed and annoyed.

Finally, he turned around to look at General Feng and others and said, "Your Majesty, they are the ones who went to the northwest with Prince Ming, and their words cannot be used as evidence."

These words provoked General Feng, General An and the others, and the two quickly said, "Does the Empress suspect that the ministers are giving false testimony? The ministers don\'t."

The two ministers at the back also came out: "The ministers did not wait."

?? There are a lot of typos, I will modify it later



(End of this chapter)