There is Room For the First Wife (First Assistant's Petite Wife Has Space)

Chapter 827: 1 year later

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Xiao Yu quickly announced this decree. This time, the prince who led the troops to the northwest was replaced by the original King Jin Xiao Zhen to the Ming King Xiao Wenyu.

As soon as this decree was made, half of the courtiers disagreed. These people are not for the king, but because the king is too young. He is only sixteen after the new year, and he is still a teenager. How could he lead his troops to the northwest?

Many people ran to find Pei Shoufu and asked him to ask his Majesty for a memorial, and General Feng would lead the troops to the northwest, and don\'t let King Ming go.

Pei Shoufu did not agree with the courtier\'s reasoning. He cited the case of Ming Wang Xiao Wenyu building a neon dress when he was nine years old. Although he was young, his ability was not small.

The courtier was suddenly dumbfounded, thinking of what Xiao Wenyu had done before, building Nishang, taking an examination of Xiucai, and taking the minister to Lingyang to check the evidence of King Pingling\'s crime.

Although King Ming is young, his ability is indeed not weak.

At last the courtier did not speak.

When Xie Jia Lu Jiao heard the news, she was really worried and couldn\'t sleep well at night.

Xie Yunjin knew that she was worried about the Four Treasures, and coaxed him: "Don\'t worry about the Four Treasures, he is very smart and will be fine."

Lu Jiao turned to look at Xie Yunjin and said, "I\'m not worried about marching and fighting. I taught him so many things in the past, enough for him to deal with the twelve nomadic tribes. What I worry about is the queen and the queen mother Zhao, will they take the opportunity to In the military camp, plotting the Four Treasures."

Xie Yunjin also had this level of worry, looked at Lu Jiao and said: "Before he leaves Beijing, I will tell him about these things, let him deal with it carefully, and let him take all the guards who sent him before."

"It can only be this way."

Although Lu Jiao was worried, she still prepared a lot of things for the Four Treasures, most of which were all kinds of medicines, and a letter to Erbao, in which Erbao asked Erbao to protect the younger brother and assist King Ming in his achievements in the northwest.

Four Treasures can go to the northwest this time to make a contribution. If he can show the ability to coordinate one side in this war, he will definitely convince the soldiers in the army, and he can also take the opportunity to win over a few people he trusts and do things for the future. Prepare.

In short, going to the northwest has its disadvantages, but it also has advantages. A good man is determined in all directions, and a man still has to experience strong winds and waves.

On the seventeenth day of the first lunar month, Sibao led the general Feng Feng, General An and others, to the northwest to support General Wang and others with an army of 60,000.

On the day the army left, the mighty ceremonial car in front of the city gate, His Majesty personally led the Four Treasures to leave the capital.

The Four Treasures sat high on the horse, and there was a tenacious light like a secluded orchid in the peach blossom eyes. He raised his head and glanced at the team that came to send people. He didn\'t see his mother among these people, and he felt a little lost.

But as soon as he looked up, he saw Lu Jiao in red waving at him on the tall city wall.

Sibao couldn\'t help laughing, his heart was full of warmth, he turned around and left Beijing all the way.

Later, General Feng, General An and others said goodbye to His Majesty, turned around and left.

Xiao Yu watched Xiao Wenyu leave the capital, thinking of his son\'s last sight, he turned around subconsciously and saw a red figure standing on the city wall, that person was Lu Jiao.

Xiao Yu looked at the red figure and couldn\'t help raising his eyebrows. Now he wanted to know, what did Lu Jiao feel when he knew the Four Treasures leaving the capital? Has she ever thought about stopping the Four Treasures and preventing him from going to the northwest.

Thinking of this, Xiao Yu couldn\'t help calling Xie Yunjin who was on the side to get on the chariot, and the chariot went all the way back to the palace.

Inside the car, Xiao Yu looked at Xie Yunjin and asked, "This time King Ming left Beijing for the northwest, is Mrs. Xie worried?"

Xie Yunjin was stunned for a moment. He didn\'t expect the emperor to call him to the chariot, and asked Lu Jiao about the situation. He thought about it and said, "I\'m very worried. I haven\'t slept well for several nights."

Xie Yun told the truth, Xiao Yu nodded, yes, Lu Jiao had raised Sibao for fifteen years, so she would definitely be worried.

Xiao Yu asked again, "Hasn\'t she thought about stopping the Four Treasures and preventing him from going to the northwest?"

Xiao Yu asked this because he was thinking of the empress. He wanted to see if a woman like Lu Jiao, like the empress, had also had such thoughts.

Xie Yunjin immediately rejected: "That\'s not true, she is just worried, but it won\'t stop King Ming from going to the northwest. Your Majesty should know about my second son\'s going to the northwest to join the army. Although Lu Jiao is worried, she will not stop it. In the Sifang, men should experience more hardships before they can grow up. This time King Ming went to the northwest, which is a kind of experience for him. As the king of Da Zhou, he must grow up and take on his own responsibilities. "

After Xie Yunjin finished speaking, Xiao Yu fell silent. This is what a mother should have in mind. She will worry about being uneasy, but it will not prevent her child from growing up.

Thinking about Lu Jiao, and thinking about the queen, Xiao Yu realized that the woman Li Yunshan was not worthy of being the mother of Da Zhou. If King Jin was taught by someone like Lu Jiao, why would he be so narrow-minded?

Everything is fixed!

In March of the fourth year of Yuanhui, the entire capital was noisy and lively. The small streets and alleys were crowded with people, and the teahouses and pubs on both sides of the street were also full of people. Everyone was eagerly discussing this palace test, who would be in the front. Top three.

"I think the person most likely to win the champion this time is Master Xie\'s eldest son Xie Wenyao."

"Last year, this gentleman Wen Yao was able to try to solve the yuan, and it is no accident that this year\'s champion should be him."

"If you can\'t get the champion, you must be the third flower. This Young Master Xie is really handsome."

"The children in their family are all handsome, not only the eldest son, but several children are all handsome, even the King Ming raised in their family is very handsome."

"By the way, Duke Ming has led his troops to the northwest to fight for more than a year."

"Yes, I heard that the morale of our army has been greatly improved, and there have been many good news. King Ming should have returned long ago, but he vowed to make the twelve nomadic tribes afraid of our Dazhou and dare not harass us easily. I heard that he led his troops to ten The two tribes were driven to three hundred miles away."

"King Ming is really amazing."

"It\'s really amazing, Duke Ming should be back soon."

Say anything.

In the private room upstairs, it was full of people at this time. Lu Jiao was sitting in the most central Nie Yuyao, Tian Huanzhu Baozhu and others were sitting beside her, and they were still sitting around them. several girls.

Among them, the most dazzling woman is not only beautiful, but her brows and eyes are indescribably clear and wanton. The woman beside her is gentle and elegant, and her gestures are full of beauty.

Static and moving, complement each other.

These two women are Hu Lingxue and Zhao Yuluo who are engaged to the two sons of the Xie family.

The two girls are eighteen years old this year, the age of flowers.

Looking at them, Lu Jiao couldn\'t help feeling that she was getting old. In the blink of an eye, the children were all grown up, and so was she.

Seeing Lu Jiao staring at them, Hu Lingxue and Zhao Yuluo couldn\'t help smiling and asked, "Aunt Lu, what do you think we are doing?"

Lu Jiao said: "You are all grown up, we are old."

(End of this chapter)