There is Room For the First Wife (First Assistant's Petite Wife Has Space)

Chapter 826: emergency

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On the first day of the new year, Xie Yunjin and Lu Jiao were busy visiting relatives and friends. They also held two banquets at home to entertain friends who came to be guests. In short, this year has been busy, and it will not be finished until the fifteenth day. .

After the fifteenth day of the first lunar month, Bailu Academy began to teach, Dabao went to the academy, and Sanbao also set off for Ningzhou.

Lu Jiao prepared a bunch of things for him to take with him.

Sanbao left the capital with his parents\' love for him.

Dabao Sanbao left home, Xie\'s family returned to deserted again, Xie Yunjin began to go to court, although the wound on his face still did not heal, but it faded a lot, and it didn\'t look so scary anymore.

Lu Jiao was the only one left in the entire Xie family. Lu Jiao went to the beauty club to help people make faces. This made Nie Yuyao happy, and at the same time, it was very strange.

"Jiaojiao, why are you free?"

Because of Xie Yunjin\'s warning, Lu Jiao didn\'t plan to do any more eye-catching things. After listening to Nie Yuyao\'s words, she said with a smile, "I\'m not allowed to be free. I\'ve been too busy before. Let the men do it, and I will be responsible for eating and drinking."

Nie Yuyao laughed: "I\'m afraid you won\'t be able to relax."

"No, this time I promise to be free, and I will come to accompany you in the future."

This made Nie Yuyao happy, and nodded again and again: "Okay."

Lu Jiao thought of Hu Lingxue coming, and asked with concern, "In a few months, will Lingxue graduate?"

"Well, will you graduate in August?"

Dabao is 16 this year, Hu Lingxue is 17 this year, the children are all grown up.

Nie Yuyao and Lu Jiao felt a little bit, and Lu Jiao suggested, "After next year\'s Dabao Gold List is named, let them get married."

Nie Yuyao naturally did not object. Dabao was the eldest brother. After getting married, there were two treasures and three treasures to get married.

Thinking of the two treasures and the three treasures, Nie Yuyao asked Lu Jiao with concern: "The big treasure, the two treasures, and the four treasures have all arranged marriages, have you ordered the three treasures?"

Lu Jiao sighed and said: "During the Chinese New Year, I asked him if he wanted to book a marriage for him, he said no rush, he just wants to get the medical office in order, not in a hurry to get engaged, now the engagement is about Married, after marriage, his wife may not be willing to go to Ningzhou with him, and what he means is that he will be a doctor in the future, and he does not want to marry a noble girl, and noble girls may not like him, even if they like him, they may not be able to eat this. It\'s hard, so he doesn\'t want to find it in the capital."

After listening to Lu Jiao\'s words, Nie Yuyao sighed, "Your children are all idiots, and they are obviously young, but listening to his remarks, even an adult man can\'t say such things."

Lu Jiao smiled and said nothing, but she was in a good mood.

Lu Jiao\'s life was very comfortable, but Xie Yunjin\'s life was a little rough. Twelve nomadic tribes outside the northwest border launched an attack on the northwest. This time, the attack was very brave, and it meant to **** the northwest border.

General Wang sent a dispatch to Beijing overnight, hoping that His Majesty would send troops to support him.

The twelve tribes outside the northwest frontier have never been so united before. The reason why they are united this time is because the heavy snow this winter sealed the mountains and crushed several places. The twelve tribes were in urgent need of food, so they were rarely united. If they **** Yueluguan Pass in the northwest, the people in the pass will be slaughtered.

Because the opponent\'s background is relatively fierce, and they are attacking at several levels at the same time, the army in the northwest does not dare to mobilize at will, so General Wang can only urgently ask His Majesty in Beijing.

After receiving the report, Xiao Yu immediately called the cabinet to discuss this matter, and at the same time called several important officials of the court to the palace to discuss this matter, and who would send troops to the northwest to support him.

In the end, King Jin stood up and offered to lead troops to the northwest for support. Xiao Yu agreed after listening to King Jin\'s words.

The Northwest is in an emergency. If the prince leads the team in person, it will definitely inspire the courage of the soldiers, so Xiao Yu agreed with King Jin.

However, Xiao Yu agreed. The Queen didn\'t know how to know about this, so she rushed out of Kunning Palace like a madman to stop it.

"Your Majesty, you can\'t, you can\'t let King Jin go to the northwest. He is a prince who doesn\'t know how to march and fight. What is he going to do? Your Majesty, please take it back."

Xiao Yu looked down at the Queen with disheveled hair with an ugly face.

"Li Yunshan, look at your appearance, do you still have a bit of the queen\'s manners?"

Li Yunshan cried and shook her head: "I don\'t want my concubine, I don\'t want my son to die. I only have one son. Please, Your Majesty, please don\'t let Zhen\'er go to the Northwest because the concubine has served His Majesty for many years."

Li Yunshan felt that when King Jin went, he would definitely die. She even suspected that Xiao Yu wanted Xiao Zhen to go to the northwest just to kill this son.

She couldn\'t let him kill her own son.

Li Yunshan\'s thoughts almost overflowed on his face, how could Xiao Yu not see it, he looked at Li Yunshan with a sneer.

How can such a woman be worthy of being a queen, and even suspect that he harmed her son. Isn\'t her son his son?

The reason why Xiao Yu agreed to let King Jin lead his troops to the northwest this time was because Xiao Zhen had a rare chance to fight for such an opportunity. As a father, he still wanted to give Xiao Zhen a chance to prove himself.

It\'s just that he didn\'t expect the queen to guess him so viciously.

Xiao Yu looked at the next queen with deep eyebrows: "Does King Jin know that you stopped him from going to the northwest?"

The queen said quickly: "This palace will tell him about this, I just ask your majesty not to let him lead the troops to the northwest."

Xiao Yu ignored the queen, but ordered the **** Donglin: "Immediately Xuanjin King enters the palace."

Xiao Zhen soon entered the palace, and knew that his mother had stopped him from leading his troops to the northwest.

Xiao Zhen himself didn\'t really want to go to the Northwest, but Lin Jing told him that this was an opportunity to establish a good reputation, and he couldn\'t miss it. Besides, he was just pretending to lead troops to the Northwest, and he didn\'t want him to fight in person.

Xiao Zhen thought about it, so he asked to play it, and the royal father agreed.

He was happy at first, but his mother stopped him from going to the northwest.

"Mother, my son is willing to lead troops to the northwest to support General Wang and the others."

After listening to Xiao Zhen\'s words, the queen glared at him and roared: "Shut up, do you know how terrifying those nomadic tribes are? They all kill people without blinking an eye. If something happens to you when you go, what should the mother do? ?"

Xiao Zhen hesitated a little after listening to the queen\'s words: "Empress mother, no, my son doesn\'t need to fight, it\'s the generals\' business to fight."

After hearing this, the queen still disagreed, crying and said: "Zhen\'er, you are the only child in the mother\'s queen. If you have an accident, how can the mother-in-law live? Swords and swords have no eyes on the battlefield. It is easy to die if one is not careful. There are villains plotting against you, you are very dangerous."

As soon as the queen said it, Xiao Zhen thought of Xiao Wenyu, the king of Ming. Before Xiao Wenyu went to Lingyang, didn\'t he and his mother also send someone to plot against him? If he goes to the northwest this time, Xiao Wenyu will definitely instruct someone to go to the northwest to kill him.

This is really dangerous.

Xiao Zhen was a little hesitant, but thinking that Xiao Yu was ready to play, he was embarrassed again.

"Empress mother, royal father is ready to play."

After hearing Xiao Zhen\'s words, the queen immediately turned around to look at Xiao Yu: "Your Majesty, please take your life back."

Xiao Yu looked at the Queen, and then at King Jin Xiao Zhen, this time he was really disappointed with him.

The dignified prince of the Xiao was developed such a virtue by the queen. He clearly decided to do this, but hesitated because of the benevolence of the queen\'s wife. Is such a person worthy of being the emperor of Da Zhou?

Xiao Yu was very disdainful, and was too lazy to insist on letting Xiao Zhen lead his troops to the northwest.

"If you don\'t want to go, don\'t go."

Xiao Zhen saw his father\'s indifferent expression, his heart sank slightly, and he subconsciously wanted to express his willingness to go to the northwest, but the queen took him and thanked him and left.

Later, Xiao Yu pinched his eyebrows with a headache. Previously, he had approved King Jin\'s Qin, and all the courtiers knew that King Jin personally led troops to the northwest for support. As a result, King Jin flinched. What should I do?

Xiao Yu thought about it, and suddenly raised his eyebrows to signal Donglin to come over, and Donglin left in response, and soon this matter was reported to Xiao Wenyu\'s ears.

In the evening, Xiao Wenyu came to ask for a decree, willing to lead the army to the northwest.

Xiao Yu will play!