There is Room For the First Wife (First Assistant's Petite Wife Has Space)

Chapter 828: champion

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As soon as Lu Jiao\'s words were finished, Hu Lingxue and Zhao Yuluo disapproved and protested, "Aunt Lu, are you not getting old at all? People who don\'t know it all think you are our sister."

"Yeah, we graduated last year. You went to cheer for us. Many little sisters thought you were our sister."

In the private room, Nie Yuyao and Tian Huan said with a smile: "You must never say this in the future, you will be hated for saying this."

To be honest, Nie Yuyao and Tian Huan are also very young compared to other people of the same age, but they really can\'t compare with Lu Jiao.

Lu Jiao\'s skin is fair and beautiful, and there is not even a single fold on her face. Her skin is as tender as an egg that has been peeled off its shell. Although their skin is fair, there are wrinkles at the corners of their eyes and foreheads, and their hair is also slightly gray. .

Nie Yuyao and Tian Huan stretched out their hands and grabbed Lu Jiao, and then touched her face: "Look at this tender face, it makes people hate it, and she dares to say that she is old. You are not allowed to say this in front of us in the future."

Lu Jiao was amused by them and giggled, and clapped her hands apart: "Okay, okay, don\'t talk about it later, okay?"

Zhu Baozhu\'s mother and daughter watched them playfully with a smile. In the past few years, they have been in Beijing. Fortunately, they are here, otherwise their mother and daughter would not know how to deal with those people.

Zhu Baozhu thought about it and said, "After the Dabao Gold List is named, it\'s almost time to get married, right?"

As soon as these words came out, the private room became quiet, and Hu Lingxue said embarrassedly, "Aunt Zhu."

Lu Jiao smiled and said, "It\'s time to get married. There are two great joys in life, the title of the golden list and the bridal candle."

When she said that, the little girls in the private room blushed.

Nie Yuyao pinched Lu Jiao: "You old bastard, don\'t talk nonsense, there is a little girl here."


Lu Jiao responded casually, looked at Zhao Yuluo beside Hu Lingxue and said, "I just don\'t know if Er Bao will be able to come back, Yun Jin and I mean that the marriage of the two children will be done together, and we also sent a letter to Er Bao earlier. , I don\'t know if he can make it back smoothly, if he can, I\'ll do it for them both together."

"It\'s not bad, double happiness is coming, no, three happiness is coming, Dabao will definitely be admitted to the top spot."

As soon as Zhu Baozhu\'s words were finished, someone outside cheered: "Look, the top three are out, and they are parading across the street."

"Let\'s see which three made the top three?"

In the private room upstairs, Lu Jiao and others naturally heard the movement downstairs.

Xie Linglong quickly ran to the window and looked out, and said while looking, "Today\'s champion must be my brother, my brother is amazing."

When she finished speaking, she turned around to look at Hu Lingxue and called, "Sister Hu, come and see, the people who are parading across the street are coming."

Hu Lingxue didn\'t look like the petty family he had three years ago, she was very generous. Hearing Xie Linglong\'s cry, she got up and walked to the window to look out.

Zhao Yuluo, Wen Miao and others also went to the window to see the three people who were walking on the street outside.

Wen Miao is 16 years old this year, and the marriage relationship has not been decided yet. Yu Li meant to choose one of this year\'s students. She had already met one before. Settle down.

So Wen Miao was very curious and wanted to see if the person in her picture made the top three in the exam.

At this time, the parade of horses had come over, and the people on both sides of the street were all staring at the scene, the scene was indescribably lively.

In the private room, Lu Jiao, Nie Yuyao and the others couldn\'t sit still anymore, they got up and walked to the window to look out.

At this time, the team that crossed the horses and paraded the streets had already come over. The three leaders who sat high on the horses were young people, and the eldest son of the quadruplets, Xie Wenyao, was at the head. .

People on the street praised him for his excellence. He smiled and nodded, with a gentle smile on his face from beginning to end, until he rode his horse to the private room where Lu Jiao and others were, and then looked up.

Before, Lu Jiao told him that he would be here today to watch him parade across the street.

So Xie Wenyao drove to this place and looked up subconsciously.

Just when he saw his mother, dragon and phoenix, and fiancée crowded into the window to look down, Xie Wenyao immediately waved with a smile, and Xie Linglong couldn\'t help shouting upstairs: "Brother, you are holding on, you look good."

Xie Wenyao smiled and waved, and many people downstairs subconsciously looked up at Xie Linglong upstairs, and then whispered.

"That\'s the dragon and phoenix of Xie\'s family. It looks really good. I heard that she was admitted to the Chongde Women\'s Academy at a young age. There is nothing simple in the Xie family."

"People will teach children, Master Xie is the champion of Lianzhong Sanyuan, and now he has become a cabinet bachelor."

Upstairs, Xie Linglong looked at Hu Lingxue mischievously and asked, "Sister Hu, doesn\'t my eldest brother look good in the champion robe?"

Hu Lingxue was made a big red face by Xie Linglong, raised her hand and patted the little girl\'s arm, and said, "Your elder brother is always good-looking."

Xie Linglong laughed, and later Lu Jiao reminded her daughter: "Linglong, if you let the master of the Chongde Women\'s Academy see this, will he discipline you?"

Xie Linglong was admitted to the Chongde Women\'s Academy in August last year. She is now a student of the Chongde Women\'s Academy. The Chongde Women\'s Academy is very particular about the rules and etiquette. If Xie Linglong is seen by the master, she will definitely reprimand it. He immediately smiled and stood up, but with a pair of spiritual eyes, he looked around, wanting to see if there was a master of the Virtuous Women\'s Court today.

In the private room, Nie Yuyao looked at Xie Linglong and said amusingly, "Linglong, ignore your mother, she scare you again."

After speaking, he turned to look at Lu Jiao: "Linglong is good."

Lu Jiao smiled and waved Xie Linglong over: "We should go back, your brother will be back tonight."


A group of people got up and went downstairs, and the people on the street had already dispersed. The group said goodbye in front of the restaurant, and then got on the carriage and left.

After Lu Jiao brought Xie Linglong home immediately ordered the kitchen to cook more food, today is a good day.

Young Master Wubao came back and saw that his mother was so happy because his eldest brother was admitted to the top spot, and secretly swore in his heart that he would come back with a champion one day, to make his mother happy.

"Mother, when I\'m older, I\'ll take the top spot in the exam to make you happy."

When Lu Jiao heard this, she immediately looked at Wubao with joy: "Okay, a three-scholar in a school will not only become a great Zhou Qingliu, but also retain Shi Qing\'s name. In the future, when people talk about our family, they will also say that our Xie family is a family. A noble family."

As soon as Lu Jiao\'s words were finished, Xie Yunjin strode in from outside the door. Hearing Lu Jiao\'s words, he said, "What kind of Qingliu family?"

Lu Jiao turned around and saw Xie Yunjin and Dabao walked in one after the other. The seventeen-year-old Zhuangyuan Lang was taller than his father. He was dressed in the Zhuangyuan robe, with a python and jade belt around his waist. He said no with his eyebrows. He was handsome and gentle, like a gentleman like a jade-like man on Mo.

(End of this chapter)