There is Room For the First Wife (First Assistant's Petite Wife Has Space)

Chapter 423: Five father and son practice martial arts together

Remember for a second【】

Li Wenbin didn\'t want to stay, he wanted to invite Xie Yunjin out, but Lu Jiao said just now that the four surname families are staring at them now, he insisted on Xie Yunjin going out at this time, I was afraid they would suspect that he had ulterior motives, so he could only Stay at Xie\'s house for now.

Thinking of thanking Lu Jiao, Li Wenbin turned around and followed Lin Dong out.

In the main hall, Lu Jiao came to Xie Yunjin\'s side and said in a low voice: "The visitor is not good, this time he appears, it is very likely that the Zhang family forced him to deal with you, you have to be careful, and don\'t go to the academy for a few days. Now, just stay in the house, I want to see how Li Wenbin does this?"

Lu Jiao was very close to Xie Yunjin, and the faint and slightly sweet smell of medicine penetrated into Xie Yunjin\'s nose. Xie Yunjin only felt it smelled extremely good. It fell on Lu Jiao\'s red lips.

The red lips were moist and soft, as if a delicious pastry tempted him to taste it.

Xie Yunjin became distracted, and finally leaned over subconsciously and kissed him.

Lu Jiao was stunned and forgot to respond.

With a kiss, Xie Yunjin knew that he was being abrupt, and he was reluctant to let go, so he pressed down heavily, for fear that Lu Jiao would blame him, so he hurriedly got up and turned around and left: "I\'ll go see Li Wenbin."

After speaking, she turned around and walked away in a panic. After Lu Jiao reacted, she was a little embarrassed at first, and then she couldn\'t help laughing.

Xie Yunjin\'s kiss just now was just a light touch, not a real kiss, and looking at the guy, she didn\'t seem to understand that this kiss was not a real kiss.

The more Lu Jiao thought about it, the more amusing she felt, especially when she thought of Xie Yunjin\'s panic and fleeing, she felt even more amused, but she forgot to blame him.

As soon as Xie Yunjin left the main hall, he raised his hand and touched his lips, and it took a long time to calm the beating heart in his chest.

Jiaojiao\'s lips were so soft, but he let go before he had time to feel it.

Xie Yunjin had a touch of regret in his heart, and then quietly thought, next time, the next time you kiss again, you must kiss for a longer time.

But I don\'t know if Jiaojiao is angry?

Xie Yunjin thought to himself, and didn\'t dare to go back to see that Lu Jiaosheng was not angry, so he took someone to check Li Wenbin\'s situation directly.

In the evening, Lu Jiao prepared a table of dishes and served Li Wenbin.

This is Xie\'s house, and Lu Jiao was present. Li Wenbin didn\'t dare to do anything, because Lu Jiao\'s medical skills were very good. Liang Ziwen\'s death, people from the four major families guessed that someone had been manipulated, the most powerful of them. It is said that Liang Ziwen was drugged, so the drug must be something that this lady Lu made.

Li Wenbin didn\'t dare to use an axe in front of Lu Jiao to avoid being discovered.

So this dinner was safe and nothing happened.

Li Wenbin was a little absent-minded all night, and Xie Yunjin was also a little absent-minded. From time to time, he glanced at Lu Jiao and saw Lu Jiao\'s expression as usual. Xie Yunjin secretly guessed that he was not angry with him? Then can he kiss again next time, just a little longer.

Xie Yunjin\'s eyes fell on Lu Jiao\'s lips like nothing. Lu Jiao saw it for the first time, and immediately raised her head and glared at Xie Yunjin.

Is this a step up again?

Xie Yunjin immediately gave her a smile.

The confrontation between the husband and wife fell into Li Wenbin\'s eyes, which made his eyes red.

Why, why is everyone happy, only he fell into such an end.

As a result, Li Xiucai drank too much alcohol because of his suffocation.

Xie Yunjin and Lu Jiao wanted to get something out of his mouth, but this man was drunk and slept like a dead pig.

Finally, Xie Yunjin called Lin Dong in and helped Li Wenbin out to rest.

As soon as Li Wenbin left, only the husband and wife were left in the main hall. Xie Yunjin quickly apologized: "Jiaojiao, I just couldn\'t help myself in the afternoon, so I will, I will..."

Lu Jiao angrily warned him, "Next time you dare to kiss me without my consent, let\'s see how I deal with you."

After Lu Jiao finished speaking, she didn\'t want to continue the topic, she got up and planned to go to the backyard.

Xie Yunjin gave Lu Jiao a surprised look at the back, and it was so easy. If this is the case, he will dare to do it next time!

Xie Yun smiled, but Lu Jiao didn\'t notice him at all, she turned around and led someone to the backyard to sing nursery rhymes for the four little ones.

The next day, Xie Yunjin got up early and went to the backyard to call the four little ones, but no one disturbed Lu Jiao.

The five father and son went to the small martial arts field in the west to practice running, squatting, standing, pressing legs, pressing shoulders, and practicing spin.

Not only are the four little ones actively practicing basic skills, but Xie Yunjin is also actively practicing basic skills.

Li Nantian said that even if he is old, he can still develop his inner strength, but it will take more time to comprehend it.

After Xie Yunjin heard about it, he was determined to lead four little guys to follow Li Nantian to learn martial arts, two years if he failed in one year, and three years if he failed in two years. Jiao Jiao.

Because of this belief, Xie Yunjin is not afraid of suffering at all.

The four little guys are led by him, and they are more and more willing to work hard.

Lu Jiao had told them about the benefits of practicing martial arts before. The three treasures of Dabao and the Four Treasures had gone from being absent-minded at first to practicing hard and earnestly now, and now with the example of Xie Yunjin.

The five father and son practiced very hard.

Li Nantian was relieved to see it, his father\'s example was really powerful.

In the martial arts field, father and son five

^0^ One second to remember【】

Start practicing the spinner.

Spinning is a basic skill in martial arts, and it is very important to people\'s endurance.

The five fathers and sons are not too hard to bear, all of them grit their teeth and insist on practicing.

On the side of the martial arts field, Li Wenbin looked at the figures of one, four, and five on the field, and the gloom in his eyes almost spurted out.

Those five were as dazzling as five rays of light, and he could imagine that, given time, the four boys of the Xie family would not lose to their How dazzling the Xie family would be at that time.

Thinking of that scene, Li Wenbin\'s heart was filled with hatred.

He, Li Wenbin, joined the Zhang family. He wanted to use the Zhang family as a springboard to become a superior person. He didn\'t expect that he would not get half of the benefits when he entered the Zhang family.

He was not reconciled.

Xie Yunjin and Si Xiao only practiced for a while, when he felt an uncomfortable look from behind him falling on him.

He looked back subconsciously and saw Li Wenbin standing by the martial arts field, looking at their father and son with hatred.

Those gloomy eyes were as dark and vicious as snake pupils.

However, as soon as Li Wenbin saw Xie Yun Jinwang, he immediately restrained the expression on his face, walked over quickly, and said enviously.

"Yun Jin, the four little guys in your family are really good looking."

Dear, this chapter is over, I wish you a happy reading! ^0^