There is Room For the First Wife (First Assistant's Petite Wife Has Space)

Chapter 422: Male white lotus is also lotus

Remember for a second【】

Xie Yunjin and Lu Jiao asked the people in the ready-to-wear store to keep the cloth they had seen before, and let Lu Gui deal with the clothes the next person was going to make.

Lu Gui invited the people from the clothing store to entertain, and Lu Jiao asked Feng Zhi to take the four little guys to the backyard to drink some water and eat.

The four little ones were somewhat unhappy. They liked being with their parents, but they were disturbed.

Lu Jiao coaxed them and said, "Didn\'t we say before that our family wears the same clothes? Do you think about the style of these clothes? I\'ll tell my mother later, yes, and help my mother think about the thin jacket made by my mother. What kind of pattern is good to embroider?"

As soon as Lu Jiao said it, the four little guys were happy.

"Okay, then let\'s go back and think about it for my mother."

The four little ones happily followed Feng Zhi to the backyard.

Xie Yunjin and Lu Jiao waited until the little guy left before ordering Lin Dong to invite Li Wenbin in.

Li Wenbin quickly walked into the main hall of Xie\'s front yard.

To be honest, if it wasn\'t to kill Xie Yunjin, Li Wenbin didn\'t want Xie Yunjin to see his embarrassment.

He was born in the same poverty as Xie Yunjin, but now look at the gap between the two. Xie Yunjin has a sweet wife and young son, and he has become a staff member of Hu County Magistrate. The sweet wife is not only a doctor, but also the vice president of the Qinghe Chamber of Commerce, and two key people. Still loving, look at him again, Zhang Biyan doesn\'t look down on him at all, and doesn\'t let him touch it.

Because Zhang Biyan didn\'t like him, the Zhang family looked down on him, and even the servants laughed at him secretly.

The more Li Wenbin thought about it, the more he hated it, and an evil anger lingered in his chest.

In the main hall, Xie Yunjin and Lu Jiao looked at Li Wenbin and saw that his face was indeed covered with bruises, and they were beaten hard at first sight.

Seeing him like this, Xie Yunjin and Lu Jiao secretly cursed in their hearts, but their faces were full of surprise.

"Brother Li, what happened?"

"Who beat you up like this? Do you want to report to the officials?"

As soon as he heard the reporter, Li Wenbin immediately shook his head: "Don\'t report it, Zhang Biyan hit me for this injury."


Xie Yunjin and Lu Jiao thought they heard it wrong. To be honest, although they hated Li Wenbin and wanted to catch him, they didn\'t expect that Li Wenbin\'s injury was actually hit by his wife, and they thought it was the old lady of the Zhang family.

Seeing Xie Yunjin and Lu Jiao looking at him in surprise, Li Wenbin was extremely ashamed and angry. If it wasn\'t for showing weakness and approaching Xie Yunjin, he would have turned around and left earlier.

But now he can\'t.

Li Wenbin\'s eyes were red, and his expression was indescribably sad.

He fell down on the chair in the main hall of the Xie family with a painful face and said sadly.

"Yunjin, you don\'t know, I joined Zhang\'s family, and Zhang Biyan not only disrespected me, but also beat and scolded me when I moved. My life was really painful."

After saying that, tears fell heavily.

Lu Jiao quickly looked at Xie Yunjin and pouted, did she want to do something again? Otherwise, go to Xie\'s house and say what are you doing?

Xie Yunjin gave Lu Jiao a look, signaling her to be calm and not to worry.

Xie Yunjin said to Li Wenbin with a condescending expression: "Brother Li, don\'t be sad, speak slowly, by the way, do you want someone to take care of the injury on your face first, we have medicine at home, we can help you deal with it first. ."

Li Wenbin shook his head sadly and said, "The pain in my body is not as good as the pain in my heart, Yun Jin, do you know how I have spent the past few years? I am suffering every day, and I am suffering from time to time. I really can\'t take it anymore."

Xie Yunjin looked at Li Wenbin with cold eyes, but Li Wenbin was only focusing on the performance at this time, and didn\'t notice his expression at all.

Lu Jiao rolled her eyes directly, she couldn\'t bear that you wouldn\'t get along with her. After all, she was greedy for the Zhang family\'s money.

In the main hall, Li Wenbin still said in pain: "Do you know? Because Zhang Biyan doesn\'t take me seriously, the whole Zhang family doesn\'t like me, and those servants secretly mocked me as the son-in-law of the family, and said that I was a little capable. No, he\'s a nerd who only knows how to read."

"Did I want to enter the door of Zhang\'s house? They recruited me to enter the door, and now they say that to me, my mother worked so hard for me to study, and it was so hard for me to be admitted to a scholar, is it easy? If not My mother\'s illness, I wouldn\'t consider joining the Zhang family and being their son-in-law, but this turned out to be the case."

Xie Yunjin and Lu Jiao listened to him talking for a long time, but they didn\'t hear the point where he plotted against Xie Yunjin, nor did Xie Yunjin let him into the Zhang family, nor did Xie Yunjin let the Zhang family treat him like this, So why did he want to harm Xie Yunjin?

The husband and wife couldn\'t figure it out, and the last two people were tired of listening. Xie Yunjin said in a deep voice to stop him from continuing.

"Brother Li, you are injured. I will ask the servants to treat your wound first?"

Li Wenbin stood up excitedly, looked at Xie Yunjin and said, "Yunjin, my heart is so painful and sad, can you accompany me to drink and drink?"

As soon as Li Wenbin opened his mouth, Xie Yunjin became vigilant. Why did Li Wenbin ask him for a drink? He knew that this person wanted to harm him, and he was looking for him to drink at this time, and he must be trying to trick him.

Does he want to give him a plan? Just as Xie Yunjin was thinking, Lu Jiao suddenly said.

"Li Xiucai, you see that you are seriously injured and you are making trouble with Mrs. Zhang again. There is no other place to go now. Why don\'t you treat the wound at my Xie\'s house first, and then stay there. I\'ll have someone prepare some wine for you. What do you think about having a drink with Yun Jin to get rid of the boredom in your heart?"

Li Wenbin wanted to refute as soon as he opened his mouth, because he acted like this to lure Xie Yunjin out.

^0^ One second to remember【】


Lu Jiao didn\'t wait for him to speak, and said again: "You should know that Zhang Liang and Cao Wang are staring at our house right now, so it\'s not easy for Yun Jin to go out."

After Lu Jiao finished speaking, she gave Xie Yunjin a warning look, and Xie Yunjin knew Lu Jiao\'s thoughts at once.

She guessed Li Wenbin\'s purpose and wanted to do something to him.

Lu Jiao didn\'t agree with him going out to take risks.

Xie Yunjin just felt that his heart was very couldn\'t help but chuckle slightly.

The eyes of the husband and wife met for a moment, and Li Wenbin saw it.

Li Wenbin only felt dazzling, and wished he could break up the couple.

He was so unfortunate, why are they so happy, the most important thing is that Xie Yunjin can marry a woman like Lu Jiao, or the reason why he designed him.

He designed him, but in the end he got such a powerful and capable wife, and the two of them are still very loving.

The more Li Wenbin thought about it, the more he felt hatred in his heart.

Lu Jiao turned to look at him, and before he could speak, she ordered: "Lin Dong, take Li Xiucai to treat the wound, and then arrange for him to stay."

Lin Dong responded, "Yes, lady."

After he finished speaking, he turned around and respectfully asked Li Wenbin to go down and deal with the wound.

Dear, this chapter is over, I wish you a happy reading! ^0^