There is Room For the First Wife (First Assistant's Petite Wife Has Space)

Chapter 424: sunny and healthy

Remember for a second【】

After Li Wenbin finished speaking, he lowered his head and looked at the four little ones. Originally, they looked like four shriveled little sticks. Now, looking at them again, they were four smart and cute little guys.

They didn\'t make Li Wenbin like them, they just made him even more jealous.

Xie Yunjin looked at Li Wenbin\'s eyes full of jealousy and hatred, and knew that he was jealous that he had four cute and smart sons.

However, his jealousy towards his son made Xie Yunjin extremely angry, and he would never allow him to live.

If he is alive, he is a poisonous thorn, and he stares at their house like a poisonous snake all the time, so he must die.

Xie Yunjin thought to himself, but he didn\'t show it on his face, but there was no temperature in his eyes.

"They are naturally the best, how could my son be bad."

There was fatherly pride and pride in his tone.

Si Xiaozhi listened to Xie Yunjin\'s words, and practiced Xuanzi more and more seriously. Although every little face was sweating, he still insisted on gritting his teeth.

Li Wenbin felt uncomfortable when he heard Xie Yunjin\'s words.

He didn\'t want to look at the four little ones, so he turned to look at Xie Yunjin and said, "Yunjin, it\'s getting late. Let\'s go to the academy after breakfast to study. Next year\'s township exam is just around the corner, so we can\'t miss the business."

As soon as Li Wenbin said it, the four little ones said sensible: "Dad, you go to have breakfast first, and we will practice for a while."

But Xie Yunjin smiled and said to his sons, "Daddy doesn\'t plan to go to the academy to study these days, he just reads at home and teaches you how to draw by the way."

Si Xiaozhi stopped and turned around in surprise.


Xie Yunjin nodded: "Yeah"

Li Wenbin was anxious: "Yunjin, why don\'t you go to the academy? Next year is the township exam. Although you are smart, you can\'t be proud."

Xie Yunjin sneered at the corner of his mouth, was he worried that he would not be able to attack him?

Xie Yunjin looked at Li Wenbin with an unmoved expression and said, "I didn\'t tell you before that the four major families are staring at me. I\'m a little dangerous now, so I won\'t go to the academy for a few days."

After Xie Yunjin finished speaking, he looked at Li Wenbin and said, "Brother Li, we have such a good relationship, tell me, did the Zhang family instigate people to secretly attack me?"

Xie Yunjin looks like a good brother, Li Wenbin\'s mind is in a mess now, Xie Yunjin doesn\'t go to the academy to study, how can he start? Zhang Biyan only gives him three days. If Xie Yunjin doesn\'t go to school for three days, then he can\'t do it. already?

How to do this, Li Wenbin was so anxious, looking at Xie Yunjin and persuading again.

"Yunjin, let\'s go to the academy to study. Although the four of you want to plot against you, isn\'t there Ruan Kai by your side? Ruan Kai meets martial arts, and the four of you can\'t plot against you."

Xie Yunjin suddenly turned around and stared at Li Wenbin and said, "Brother Li has been telling me to go to the academy for what? I can study at home, although the environment of the academy is good, but my home is also very good, no one bothers me, these few days. Going to the academy, I don\'t think it will have any impact on my studies."

"Brother Li looks anxious. I always feel that something is wrong with this."

After Xie Yunjin finished speaking, he suddenly stared at Li Wenbin and said, "Could it be that the Zhang family ordered Brother Li to lead me out?"

Li Wenbin\'s face changed immediately, and he said quickly, "Yun Jin, what nonsense are you talking about, how could I do that, we are classmates and friends, how could I do such a bad thing."

Xie Yunjin stared at Li Wenbin.

The sweat on Li Wenbin\'s body was frightened until Xie Yunjin let him go.

"I believe what Brother Li said. Brother Li is a scholar. Scholars know etiquette, righteousness, integrity, and shame, and they would not agree with what the four major families did. I can\'t wait to be with them for such villains. I believe Brother Li is like me. Think so."

What can Li Wenbin say now, he nodded quickly: "Yes, yes."

After Xie Yunjin finished speaking, he looked at Li Wenbin and said, "Brother Li is injured, so you don\'t have to go to the academy. Stay in my Xie family for two days. You have an injury on your face. If you go to the academy and your classmates ask, you won\'t Well, isn\'t it?"

Li Wenbin agreed after thinking about it, but this is the only way to see if he can find an opportunity to attack Xie Yunjin. If he leaves Xie\'s house and Xie Yunjin doesn\'t go out, it is impossible for him to attack him within three days.

"Okay, then I will trouble you, Yun Jin."

Xie Yunjin\'s eyes were cold, and he raised his hand and lightly tapped Li Wenbin\'s shoulder: "What are you and I doing politely, I was paralyzed in bed before, you can still see me, then I will treat you as a brother."

Li Wenbin sneered, I just wanted to see your desolate appearance.

However, he was very excited: "Then I will treat Yun Jin as a brother in the future."

When the two of them were talking, the four little guys had finished practicing Li Nantian\'s daily routine, and the four little guys ran over sweating profusely: "Dad, we went to the backyard to take a bath, mother should wake up."

"Well, you go."

The four little ones turned around and said to the four little guys who accompanied them to practice martial arts: "You guys also go back to wash and have something to eat."

"Yes, little boy."

The two groups of little guys left separately, and Xie Yunjin also talked to Li Wenbin and walked to the main hall of the front yard.

Li Wenbin went back to his room to rest after breakfast.

Xie Yunjin went to the backyard to find Lu Jiao, who was having breakfast with the four little guys, and asked them about their morning martial arts practice.

"Daddy also practiced with us, we don\'t

^0^ One second to remember【】

I wanted to disappoint my father, so I practiced hard without any slack. "

Dabao always wanted to be a proud and proud child of his father, so he was afraid that his father would be disappointed in him. When Xie Yunjin was here, he worked extra hard not to disappoint him.

The second treasure is that he likes to practice qigong, and is very self-conscious.

Sanbao and Sibao keep Lu Jiao\'s words in mind. Only by practicing martial arts can they climb mountains to collect herbs, and only by practicing martial arts can they have a good body and make money to support their mother and sister.

"Don\'t worry, mother, we will practice kung fu hard in the future."

Lu Jiao looked at it and was very satisfied. She could see that the four little ones decided to practice kung fu whether they liked it or not.

This is a good thing.

"Well, you have worked hard today, eat more."

The table is full of dim sum and delicious food, including goat milk, eggs, porridge, all kinds of steamed buns, and side dishes.

The four little dogs supplement their nutrition daily and are not picky eaters.

This caused them to move very fast. When Lu Jiao first came over, they just passed her knees, but now they have reached her thighs and soon reached her waist.

Of course, Lu Jiao Ling\'s spring water is the reason for this, but if they are kept like this, it is no surprise that their height is definitely not lower than their father.

Dear, this chapter is over, I wish you a happy reading! ^0^