The Villain Who Fell In Love

Chapter 81 - Revealing A Secret II

"And? You don\'t need to tell me something I knew," Answered Emelia.

Henry didn\'t want to believe she knew, but the way she acted and sounded was believable. But who told her? No one aside from him and his father knew about that. There is no way others knew about it.

"Is it alright to marry a false Princess? Suppose the people and nobles knew about this. In that case, our child will be called an eyesore to the society not only it will destroy your reputation but also the heir," Provoked Emelia and did not stop here as she continued on, "I wonder what will happen to you."

Of course, the answer was simple. The nobles will revolt and turn their backs on Henry. There are other more nobles who wish to become the emperor just for power. It\'s obvious, seeing the growth of Henry\'s fame and power.

"That won\'t go out," Henry answered in a confident tone only to be fooled by her question as she asked, "But isn\'t it more believable for me to share? As you know, the nobles don\'t respect me, meaning they are willing to do anything to bring me down." She smirked while Henry\'s expression turned darker, glaring at her.

It was a trap that she had set. It\'s as if Emelia had predicted he would tell her to shock her. But because it failed, he was humiliated. When the servant informed Henry that the guests arrived by the doors, he rolled his eyes.

"Don\'t do anything. No, don\'t try talking to them since you\'ll end up flirting with them," Henry mocked, only to be backfired by Emelia.

"But according to the late crowned prince, my talent is flirting with men. It seems like I can\'t break that habit," Smiled Emelia, leaving Henry unable to say another word when the guests start entering the dining hall.

Henry stood up, greeting the guests by the door, but when it was Elliot\'s turn to enter, he greeted him with a fake smile. Seeing the smile, Henry gave Elliot smiled back at him and shook his hand when Henry offered his.

"Thank you for coming," Said Henry, smiling as his grip grew stronger.

"Thank you for inviting us," Smiled back Elliot, griping his hand harder than Henry\'s.

After a few more minutes, the guests have settled down, food was brought to their tables while Henry entertains the guests. While Emelia had been looking down at her plate, feeling someone was watching her. At first, she didn\'t mind it but then, as time passes, it became uncomfortable.

She looked around, taking short looks at the noblemen and women who were present. When her eyes met a noblewoman who was sitting three chairs away from her, the noblewoman glared at her. Does she have a problem with Emelia?

Maybe because Emelia was the center of attraction now. It\'s funny how Emelia knew this noblewoman back ago. That\'s because her great obsession for Henry never stopped.

Valentine Flora, a daughter of a merchant. Everyone in the Redodel Empire knew how much Valentine liked Henry. Many think Emelia stole Henry since Valentine used to be Henry\'s fiancee. But then again, Emelia wanted nothing with this, but Valentine\'s great death stare didn\'t let her go.

"Are you done eating?" Henry asked Emelia, acting concerned in front of the people. Emelia shook her head and frowned. If he\'s going to act, the play must go on.

"I\'m kind of embarrassed to say this, but then my stomach is aching," Said Emelia as she leans closer to Henry\'s and intentionally whispered out loud, "It\'s the time of the month." Emelia bit her lip, acting embarrassed while the noblemen who heard it cleared their throats, acting as if they didn\'t hear anything.

Henry\'s face twitched while putting a smile on his face and said, "You must have felt uncomfortable. I permit you to go and rest. The servants will bring your meal to your room."

Emelia stood up and stood beside her chair. She bowed her head, raising it. She gave him a smirk of a victor.

"Thank you for your kindness," Emelia thanked Henry, then walked out of the dining hall. Either way, if she wanted to eat, she didn\'t feel hungry. She had plans to do while the servants and Henry were distracted.

Emelia looked at her surroundings and didn\'t turn her back to enter the secret library hidden underground. Those who knew of this were Emelia, her mother, and Mrs. Gilda. Unexpectedly that underground library was made by the first generation Emperor of the Redodel Empire.

It\'s thanks to her mother Emelia knew about this library. What Emelia\'s question is, why does a person like Mrs. Gilda know of that place? Unless she is someone important but not known in the empire. If that\'s the case, it\'s unexpected.

"Your Highness, where are you going? This is not the way to your chambers," Said a palace guard who had been following her since she walked out of the dining hall.

"I\'m taking a walk because my stomach feels bloated," Answered Emelia, making excuses to go to the gardens.

"His Majesty\'s orders are for you to go back to your chamber," Persist the palace guard as he stood in front of her, blocking her way.

Emelia\'s brows furrowed as she asked, "And do you have the rights to stop me?" The palace guard gulped, seeing her blank face. Emelia walked past the palace guard, but then he grabbed her by the wrist, restraining her.

"His Majesty\'s orders are absolute," Said the palace guards, fearing his own life he didn\'t follow Henry\'s orders.

"And is her privacy not absolute?"

Emelia turned her head after hearing the familiar voice asking the palace guard who releases Emelia\'s grip.

"Your Imperial Majesty," Greeted the palace guard still holding Emelia\'s wrist.

Elliot walked closer to them and removes the palace guard\'s hand off her wrist. He smiled at him and said, "You\'re not fit to be called a gentleman, holding a women\'s grip out of nowhere."

The palace guard bowed his head once more, but this time he left his head low, unable to beat the embarrassment.

"I have the permission of His Majesty, Henry, to escort her. Please leave us be," Said Elliot, and the palace guard listened and walked away from them as fast as possible.

"It\'s a lie, isn\'t it?," Asked Emelia as she rubbed her wrist, still feeling the palace guard\'s grip.

"Of course. Isn\'t it the princes\' job to save the princess?" Joked Elliot.

"You\'re an Emperor," Corrected Emelia.

"I know," laughed Elliot as he asked, "Back to business. How can I help you?"