The Villain Who Fell In Love

Chapter 82 - Unknown Writings

From the corner of her eyes, Emelia checks if anyone was near them. She tipped toed and whispered in his ears, "The secret library." Elliot understood what Emelia said, but then at the same time, he didn\'t know what she was talking about.

The secret library was his first time hearing this from Emelia. From what he remembers, nothing was reported to him about the secret library. He nodded his head as he followed Emelia from behind.

When two servants arrived, Elliot bowed his head at Emelia, "It\'s an honor to meet you, Princess Emelia." He smiled at Emelia, who understood the situation. Rumors about them might spread if they were casually having a conversation.

The two servants greeted them and left immediately. Emelia made an awkward atmosphere around Elliot so that the two servants would think Emelia dislikes him. But Emelia continues, "I\'m sorry, who are you?" She intentionally said it out loud, and the two servants giggled.

When the two servants were far enough for them to talk, Elliot sighed out loud and asked, "Really? You didn\'t have to make fun of me in front of them."

"I wasn\'t making fun of you. This is who I usually am," Emelia smiles, taking a step. Elliot walked beside Emelia, where her shoulder was bumping Elliot\'s arm from time to time. She took a step to the side, distancing themselves and Elliot softly laughs at her actions.

Emelia took the same route as she did when she first met Elliot in the greenhouse. It\'s rather nerve-racking at first to have someone in the greenhouse because under it was the underground library or the secret library. This is why only a few people knew of this place. It\'s funny how the flowers and plants in the greenhouse were still alive. It\'s as if someone has been tending to them secretly.

"So this is where the secret library is? The greenhouse?" Questioned Elliot, looking around the greenhouse as he tried looking for clues to the secret library. While Emelia walked towards a water trough and pushed it to the side. And behind the water trough was a lever, camouflaged in the color of brown.

Elliot heard a loud noise from Emelia pushing the water trough and went to where she is. His eyes grew wide, shocked to discover a secret tunnel. He looked at Emelia\'s serious expression and thought she was not telling a lie. But is it possible to preserve books underground? It\'s hard because the worms would eat them unless there is a librarian down there.

As shocked and thrilled Elliot is. It was Emelia\'s first time going down to the secret library. It was thanks to her mother she knew about this. If not, she wouldn\'t be able to check the history of the actual royal family.

"It\'s amazing. Have you been here?" Elliot asked Emelia, holding a lamp in his right hand, providing them light to see as they walked down the stone staircases.

"Never. It\'s my first time," Answered Emelia as they finally reached the grounds of the secret library. When Elliot reached the grounds, he first asked, "This is it?" He felt disappointed, seeing nothing but pitch black in front of them.

Emelia looked around and walked towards a wall that had writings which she couldn\'t understand. She traced her fingers on the writings and didn\'t know what to do next.

"I recognize this language. This language came from the Safron Empire. They call it the Safronian language. It\'s a language most nobles use.

Though, as you know, all five empires use the language that we use or what we call the common language. They somehow created their own for privacy matters," Said Elliot, bringing the lamp closer to the writings.

"Then do you know how to read them?" Emelia asked, and Elliot shook his head. Of course, how will he understand their language?

"Though it is similar to the ancient language. Though it would be better to ask someone from the Safron Empire to decipher it for us," Suggested Elliot, which Emelia agreed to. But then time is limited, and she doesn\'t know anyone from the Saffron Empire. She lowered her head, thinking it\'s all over.

Elliot saw the hopeless expression on her face, "It\'s not over. You\'re in luck because I know someone who understands the Safronian language," Assured Elliot. That person who was talking about was his cousin, Archduke Yves of Melody.

"How could I have forgotten? Archduke Yves\'s mother came from the Safronian Empire. Which means it\'s possible for him to be taught their language. Since he\'s a half," Said Emelia, and Elliot nodded his head. It was a good thing Emelia studied other Empire\' history. But the Safronian language wasn\'t mentioned in the records she read.

"And now you\'re wondering why nothing is written in the records?" Said Elliot as he read her mind like an open book. "That\'s because it was just recently made. How recently you asked?" Elliot looked at Emelia and answered, "Eight years ago. Around the time your mother had passed."

"Eight years ago…" Emelia muttered to herself.

A small pebble drops onto the ground out of nowhere, alerting Emelia and Elliot that there was someone else in this place. Elliot grabbed onto his sword, looking in the direction the pebble was thrown. Footsteps were then heard, gradually getting louder each second until they revealed their shoes. A worn-out leather shoe that looks like a woman would wear.

"Is that…Your Highness? Princess Emelia?" An old-sounding woman asked, making the two more alert. "You\'ve finally come to this place. I have been waiting for you," The woman said as she took a step closer to the light. Emelia gasped and ran to give the old lady a hug.

When Emelia ran towards the old lady, Elliot removed his hand off his sword and watched the two from behind. Emelia looked at the old lady as if she had seen a ghost, but she was rather pleased to see her again.

"You\'ve grown prettier," Said the old woman, comforting Emelia, who wouldn\'t let go of her.

"I\'ve been wondering where you have been, Mrs. Gilda."