The Villain Who Fell In Love

Chapter 80 - Revealing A Secret I

"P-Princess? H-his Majesty is a-awaiting y-your presence I-in in the dining h-hall," Stuttered Tanya. Emelia closes her book and laid it on the table. She gave Tanya a smile and stood up, walking towards the door.

Emelia was about to open the door, but then she stopped and removed her necklace. "Tanya, make sure no one touches this and make sure to hide it well," Tanya nodded her head as Emelia hands her the necklace.

Emelia kept looking at her necklace, unable to look away from it, but she had no choice because it was supposed to be a secret her necklace was found. It would appear weird if her necklace came back to the owner all of a sudden, especially since it had been missing when Henry had her.

Emelia stepped out of her room, and as soon as the door closes, she heard a familiar voice of a man laughing. She looks to the side, looking at the door of the room beside her. Emelia still couldn\'t believe that Elliot had been resting in that room since their arrival.

A coincidence? Probably it\'s a one in a hundred chance that her neighbor is someone who knew about her. But then thinking of the good side, communication would be easier. Emelia made her way to the dining hall, and as soon as she arrives, she sees Henry smiling at her. That smile made her feel uncomfortable, as if something bad was going to happen.

"You look gorgeous with that dress," Praised Henry, wrapping an arm around her waist. Emelia looks down at his arm, then back at him, looking with disgust. She tried pushing his arm away, but then he whispered, "Don\'t push me away. You\'re going to destroy our image of a loving couple."

Still, Emelia didn\'t listen and pushed his arm away. She looked at him and said, "I don\'t care about our image. I\'ll do anything to burn it down." Henry shot a glare at her and couldn\'t believe she dared to say that out loud in front of the servants.

"What are you looking at?" Henry yelled at the servants, who shifted their eyes and lowered their heads. "Jason, Inform the guest that the meal is ready," Ordered Henry, entering the dining hall.

As Henry walked to the side of the long table and sat down, looking at Emelia. The anger burning in him wouldn\'t shake off, but he held it because his image would be broken if the guests come into the dining hall out of nowhere.

"Are you trying to embarrass me?" Henry asked Emelia, staring at the window. For her, it was the only way to look distracted and not have him talk to her.

Emelia blinked once and looked at him with a smile. A smile he had not seen before, which looked like a smile that was mocking him. "I didn\'t mean to?" Answered Emelia.

Henry pulls his necktie, losing it as he felt his face burning up once more. There was always a question he asked himself. Why can\'t Emelia be a normal person? It\'s not normal for a princess to be this arrogant and this shameful. Sometimes he doesn\'t understand why he wanted her.

"You didn\'t mean to?" Henry repeated her words and let a laugh out. "I can\'t control you now, but then one day I will," He grinned, which made Emelia look away from him.

This man never knew what a red flag is. Sometimes it\'s funny how a man longs for a woman when his mind is unstable. No one likes a possessive and controlling man. It might be nice for some to have their full attention, but then at the same time, it\'s too much. It\'s as if the woman wouldn\'t have their freedom anymore.

Emelia softly laughed out loud, annoying Henry, who asked, "What is making you laugh?" When Emelia looked at him, he felt shivers crawling down his spine. Emelia titled her head, "Are you curious?" His eyes twitched as he kept the anger from blasting out.

"Do you know why I loathe you?" Asked Emelia while confusion was written on Henry\'s face. Emelia continues, "Perhaps you don\'t know the word loathe? It means hate." Emelia intentionally gasped out loud. To exaggerate more, she covers her mouth with a hand. The tone in her voice changed, asking, "Do you know why I hate you?"

"Hate? I was expecting more of dislike?" Said Henry, placing his elbows on the table, crossing his fingers together. "Didn\'t you tell me once that you don\'t use the word hate?" Henry asked Emelia, wanting her to be speechless, but instead, it backfired.

"I never said I won\'t use it. But this time, just for your sake, I\'ll use," Emelia answered, satisfied with the face Henry had. "Answer me, are you angry at me? Is the anger piling in you ready to hit me?" Asked Emelia, knowing this question was going to anger him all the more.

Somehow Henry couldn\'t find a way to win against her. Using her advantage to make herself look pity, just what is she thinking? He took a deep breath then answered, "I won\'t hit you. Why would I? I can\'t have my doll be broken with bruises. This reminds me, do you want to know something grand?"

"If you don\'t wish to tell me. I don\'t mind not hearing it. It\'s none of my business anyway," Lied Emelia. Even if she was curious about it, Henry would end up saying it. How Henry works and thinks is just too easy for her to decipher.

"I\'ll just say it because you have the right to know. You\'re not the real daughter of the late Emperor. That means your mother was not loved because she had another man," Henry said while Emelia didn\'t find it amusing at all.

Rather it\'s alright since Emelia knew about this already. It was a good thing Emelia asked Elliot earlier about her mother. At first, he looked hesitant, but then, in the end, he told her because she had the right to know.