The Villain Who Fell In Love

Chapter 79 - Meeting In The Green House II

The silence in the greenhouse grew. She couldn\'t shrug his hand off her wrist, which was hurting her. His question made her ponder was she in pain? And if she is, what will he do? Will this add to her pity points?

"And if I am, what will you do?" Asked Emelia, still not understanding why his eyes were filled with concern just because of the bruise on her cheek. It\'s not like anyone can\'t get a bruise. "Don\'t pity because of how they treat me. I don\'t need it," Said Emelia pinching his hand, which he had let go of her hand.

"I don\'t understand why you are so concerned about me when we don\'t have any sort of relationship," Emelia pushed his hand away as he tried touching her cheek. "Don\'t touch me," Emelia glared at him, making him laugh as he brushes his hair back.

"I wonder why?" He smiled, but at the same time, he was frowning.

"As I said earlier. The original crown Henry is wearing is not the real one. I doubt he knows about it too because it\'s such a small detail no one would bother looking at," Said Emelia, taking a few steps back.

"I see…then that means our efforts weren\'t into waste," Elliot sighed as his legs felt weak. He sat on the ground.

"What do you mean our efforts?" Asked Emelia, looking down at Elliot.

"Well…what did I expect? Of course, you lost your memories while we were escaping. I don\'t know if it was a good thing to switch bags while we were escaping or because you knew you were going to get caught," Elliot pulled a necklace out of his pocket, which made Emelia gasp. "You must have been terrified to lose this. I know how important this is to you," Elliot stood up and sweeping his clothes, then showing the necklace to her.

Emelia took the necklace and traced every detail with her finger. It\'s really the necklace she had been finding for. It\'s back within her hands.

She looked at him and wondered if it was alright to trust him, not to mention he is the Emperor of the Vivan Empire. Is it alright to step beyond her boundaries?

"Let me ask…after I went with you to the Vivan Empire, what happened? Why am I back here?" Emelia had more questions and couldn\'t collect herself to be calm. She wanted all answers to be answered.

"Why don\'t we take a seat? The night is long, and there is time to talk, don\'t you think?" Elliot smiled, making Emelia\'s heart skip a beat.

Others may say that the person themselves should know more of themselves than others do, but in this case, Elliot knew more of Emelia than she did.

"That day when we were escaping from the forest, you had asked me to switch bags with me. The bag you were carrying had the original crown, while the other was an empty bag. But I didn\'t think you would end up in their hands. I never wanted you to go back to this horrible place," Elliot frowned.

When he lost Emelia, his stomach sunk. Elliot knew he shouldn\'t have let go of her hand. But because of the heavy fog that day they had no choice but to separate ways. No one knew that the future would turn like this.

"I…it\'s my fault," Elliot muttered and lowered his head.

"Why is the Emperor of a great empire lowering his head to a princess who has nothing?" Asked Emelia, taking her seat.

"A princess who has nothing? More of a princess, the people, don\'t deserve," Elliot said, resting his hand on his lap.

"In that tower, did you find anything asides from the original crown?" Emelia asked Elliot, who nodded his head.

"Your mother\'s journal. I assume you want to read it; however, I didn\'t bring it with me," Answered Elliot, who then asked, "Speaking of our conversation earlier. Does that mean Henry faked holding the original crown?"

Emelia nodded her head. The original crown had other secret asides having a duplicate. The only way to determine the original crown was if there was a sapphire on it. However, not everyone knew about this because the sapphire was very small. Which means the original crown the late Emperor wore was fake.

Emelia knew this because it was written in old books and texts that were apparently burned. Not just from the books and texts, but it directly came from the mouth of the late emperor. How ironic, really.

"Even if no one will listen, that crown is fake. The late emperor never wore the real crown," Said Emelia while Elliot pondered. "That is also why do not sign the peace treaty. It\'s more of a scam," Added Emelia, which Elliot agreed to.

"Use this to your advantage. I trust you because…" Emelia paused, taking her word back. She was unsure if she could really trust this man.

"It\'s alright. You can trust me, and you won\'t regret it. Once your memories are back, you will thank me," Said Elliot, tucking a strand of Emelia\'s hair behind her ear and frowned, seeing the bruise on her cheek. It\'s unbearable to see, seeing the person he loved being abused.

The night continues as the two continued their conversation. Emelia didn\'t want to believe what she heard, but the man sitting in front of her didn\'t look like a threat but someone who could trust. Her instincts are telling her she could trust him, but why?

"That reminds me. Tomorrow we should pretend that we never had this conversation. Though you should enjoy the show tomorrow," Said Emelia, standing up. "I thought it would be nice to pay back what he had done to me," Added Emelia, making Elliot smile.

"You never change, do you?" Elliot asked Emelia, who titled her head but later on, her lips rose.

"I wonder. That depends on the person," Answered Emelia as she excused herself out of the greenhouse. Taking a few more steps away from the greenhouse, Emelia sighed out loud, and her legs felt weak, leaning her back on the wall.

She placed a hand on her chest, feeling her heartbeat faster every second. What is this feeling? Excitement? Joy? Or love?

"I must be crazy, Emelia."