The Villain Saves The Male Lead

Chapter 137 - 137 – Daddy Will Cry

Fang, obviously, couldn\'t speak out loud about what he was thinking in public, so he could only swallow his grievance say softly, "Ren can\'t cook every day. He\'s already working at SIMS and he\'s already exhausted with that and taking care of Sirocco…"

"Well, that\'s true," Wolf said. "Sorry, kids, you can only get your Daddy\'s cooking on the holidays."

Fang wanted to object to that as well, but seeing the shining faces of the babies and the doting expression on Ren\'s face, he couldn\'t bring himself to object to it.

Well, he could always help Ren with the cooking, that should make it faster and less tiring for Ren. And he\'d have to make sure that Ren didn\'t get himself injured in the kitchen again, too!

"All right," Fang murmured. "We have a public holiday next month, and we will stay home and cook and spend time with the babies."

Ren beamed at his fiancé. And the four babies beamed at their Papa, too! And Pax and Wolf started planning on how to free up their schedule around the public holiday so that they could drop in as well.

Thus, the extravagant and delicious dinner ended with the promise of another meal cooked by Ren in a few weeks.

Wolf then went out to fetch a basket of lollipops and ice colas from the car and put it on the table.

"What\'s this?" Ren asked curiously.

"Some of your well wishers have sent some gifts for you guys," Wolf said with a big smile. "Make sure to write thank you notes, all right?"

The babies pounced on the basket and Fang and Pax immediately dragged them away.

"Not now, you all can eat these tomorrow, all right?" Wolf said with a laugh. "If you all eat any more now, your little tummies will hurt, and then you will feel sick, and if you feel sick, then your Daddy will cry and if your Daddy cries, he will not cook for you next time."

Ren sent an aggrieved look at Wolf. Why was is always \'Daddy will cry\' that was used as a deterrent for the babies? Ren hardly ever cried, to begin with!

Wolf smirked at Ren. Who asked Ren to be the absolute favourite of all the babies? If he said anyone else would cry, it would have only a fraction of the one hundred per cent impact that Ren\'s potential crying would have! Fang\'s potential crying would perhaps have an eighty per cent efficacy, or at most, eighty five per cent efficacy, while Pax\'s potential crying would perhaps have about a fifty per cent efficacy. As for Wolf, it should be about thirty per cent – or, at most, thirty five per cent or so. And anyone else crying – perhaps Steward Paul or Chef Jules or Dr. Gordon may have some pull – maybe twenty per cent or so – and other than those, it would hardly matter to the babies!

"We won\'t let Daddy cry!" Smoke\'s little voice rung out immediately in everyone\'s head.

"Yes, we don\'t want Daddy to cry!" Snow\'s voice joined in right after, again, in the heads of the four adults.

"Daddy!" human baby Sylvia cried out loudly, stretching out her chubby arms.

Ren sighed and picked up the baby. Sylvia patted Ren\'s face with her small hands, clearly pacifying him and silently telling him not to cry.

Fang, Pax and Wolf burst out laughing.

Then Fang narrowed his eyes at Smoke and asked, "And what about you?"

The little pup squirmed in his seat, clearly unwilling to give up on the new treats…

"I don\'t want Daddy to cry," he finally said, but it was perfectly clear that he was very unhappy with the situation. "But Papa…"

Fang frowned at the little pup.

Ren sighed and put Sylvia down in Fang\'s arms.

"Well, a little sip of the ice cola should be all right," Ren murmured helplessly. "It will aid digestion. But only one small cup of ice cola, all right? After that, if you want more, you will feel sick, and then Daddy really will cry. You know how Daddy\'s heart hurts when his precious babies are sick, don\'t you?"

Smoke threw himself at Ren and licked his face affectionately. "Daddy is the best! Daddy is the best in the whole world!" the little pup said enthusiastically. "Daddy, can I have one lick of a lollipop as well? Please? You can brush my teeth for longer, too!" Smoke cajoled.

Ren rubbed his temples, feeling a headache coming on.

The other three babies also looked at Ren expectantly, and the great and fearsome Chairman Ren couldn\'t bring himself to turn them down.

"All right," he said finally. "One small cup of ice cola, and one small portion of a lollipop – and no more for tonight. If you want more, you will have to wait till the morning. And Fang and I will brush your teeth for an extra ten seconds tonight."

"Yes, Daddy!" all four babies said obediently.

"You really do spoil them too much," Fang said to Ren, shaking his head ruefully.

Ren sighed helplessly. Who asked his babies to be so utterly cute? How could he bear to say no to them, especially for such a small thing? That would be a shame, wouldn\'t it? And Ren thought that he had been quite strict in telling them that they would only get really small portions of ice cola and lollipops, so that was fine, right? There was no need for them to be worried at all. Ren could be strict, too! Besides, there was no real harm in letting them have a taste when it was clear that they really wanted to.

"You should have brought the basket in later, after the babies went to sleep," Pax muttered to Wolf, shooting him an accusing glance.

Wolf shrugged. He hadn\'t imagined that the little gluttons would still have any space left in their little tummies to pounce at new food items as soon as they were brought out! Clearly, he had underestimated them!

Fang and Ren measured out the little portions of ice cola and lollipops to the four babies, and the four babies immediately pounced on them happily.

After that, the babies had their teeth brushed one by one and were put to bed by their fathers.

When Ren and Fang returned after tucking the babies in, Pax pulled Fang away to discuss things about his new company, and also to secretly discuss things about Ren\'s birthday plans, while Wolf wanted to discuss some matters about the Blue Wolves with Ren.

Fang and Pax had actually been very efficient. The customisation was already done, and Miccan43 had been so happy with their discussion with Fang that along with the luxury car and the massage chair Fang had asked for Ren, Miccan43 had also sent along an extra massage chair for Fang, too!

The guest list and invitations were already done, the venue was booked, the menu had been decided, the little gifts for the guests had also been settled. The only thing that was left now was the clothes. Pax and Fang had already spoken to Ren\'s regular designer and tailor, and a matching set of outfits for Ren, Fang and the four babies had been ordered.

"How do we get Ren to try out the outfit in advance?" Fang asked. "I wanted to keep the party a surprise – but if I ask him to try the suit, he will know that it\'s for a party for his birthday, won\'t he?"

Pax chuckled. "I don\'t think there\'s any danger of that," he replied. "You can simply tell him that you want him to wear new clothes for his birthday and you bought him this, and you want him to be there for the fitting. Say something about couple outfits and that you want to wear matching clothes – and he\'ll be all over it right away. I don\'t think there\'s any chance that he would guess that you are throwing a grand party for him just from the outfit."

Fang frowned. "Are you sure?" he asked. He was not very convinced about this. "He was asking me yesterday why I had issued instructions at Sirocco to get back to using high quality things for him."

"Oh?" Pax asked. "And what did you tell him?" Ren had actually come to ask Pax about it first, and Pax had told him bluntly that it was Fang\'s decision and that he should ask his little darling instead.

So Ren had gone to ask Fang.

"Well, I told him that we were both rich now, and if he wanted to save money, I\'d pay for his expensive stuff, but I didn\'t want him to bring down his standard of living," Fang mumbled. "He was very annoyed for a moment, but then he laughed for a long time." He blushed a bit. Pax didn\'t need to know what had happened afterwards!

Pax raised his eyebrows. "You brat," he murmured in disbelief. "Ren has really spoilt you rotten."

Fang grinned rakishly. "Perhaps," he replied with a cheeky look on his handsome face. "But then, I\'m very happy with it!"

Pax shook his head ruefully.. "Of course you are," he said.