The Villain Saves The Male Lead

Chapter 138 - 138 – You Are My King

"How long are you going to keep up my Fang?" Ren asked, looking into the room where Pax and Fang were discussing.

"Well, you will have to ask your little darling if it is me keeping him up, or if it is the other way round!" Pax huffed.

"He\'s my big darling now," Ren pointed out.

"Yes, yes, you living jars of dog food!" Pax muttered. He pointed at Fang. "Get out and go to bed," he said. "I don\'t want your man breathing down my neck worrying about you. We\'ll discuss the rest of the things tomorrow."

Fang giggled. "All right, good night, then, Pax," he said sweetly and walked over to Ren, who was still at the door.

Ren took Fang\'s hand immediately with a smile.

"Pax, good night, and you should get some rest, too," Ren said.

"Yes, yes, I know where my room is, don\'t worry," Pax said, waving away the young couple.

Ren and Fang went off to their own room.

"Is there too much work in Zephyr?" Ren asked worriedly once the two of them were in their bedroom. "Are you finding it difficult to manage? I am happy to help, you know. I don\'t want you to be tired out…"

Fang smiled at his fiancé and then shut him up with a thorough kiss. "I\'m not tired," he said in Ren\'s ear in a soft whisper. "Do you want me to prove to you how energetic I am right now?" he asked lasciviously.

Ren flushed. "Stop kidding around," he murmured. "I\'m worried about you."

Fang chuckled and kissed Ren\'s nose. "Don\'t worry, love," he said. "I am actually enjoying it very much, and Pax is helping a lot. I want to prepare the first cut of the proposal by myself, and then I\'ll show it to you and Pax for approval, if that\'s all right?"

Ren caressed Fang\'s face. "Of course it is," he said. "I am always here for you."

"Thank you," Fang said gratefully. "Actually, I do have a request…"

"Anything," Ren said.

"Would you come with me for a fitting tomorrow? I want to take you out for dinner on your birthday, and I wanted us to wear matching outfits, and I gave the designs to the tailors but the final fitting still needs to be done and I don\'t want you to think that it is too childish but I wanted to…" Fang spoke in a rush until Ren put his palm over Fang\'s lips with a chuckle.

"Breathe, my big darling," Ren said with a smile.

Fang flushed and took a few deep breaths.

Ren pinched his cheeks playfully. "So my big darling wants to take me out for a birthday dinner?" he asked.

Fang nodded. "Is that all right?" he asked nervously. "You don\'t mind if I decide the details?"

Ren shook his head. "Of course I don\'t mind," he said. "I\'m very happy."

"And about the outfits…" Fang murmured.

Ren chuckled. "Anything you want, my big darling. When have I ever objected to whatever you have made me wear?" he asked.

Fang looked affronted. "Haven\'t you been getting compliments on your sharp dressing style since I took over your wardrobe?" he demanded.

Ren nodded. "Indeed," he said. "It was an excellent decision to let you take charge."

"So, about the matching outfits…" Fang circled back to the main issue. "Is that all right? You don\'t mind?"

Ren shook his head fondly and poked Fang in the middle of his forehead with a gentle finger. "Why in the world would I mind? I am very happy to wear couple outfits with you!" he said.

Fang\'s entire face lit up. "Really?" he asked.

"Of course," Ren replied. "Who else will I wear matching outfits with if not my own fiancé?" he demanded.

Fang beamed at him. "You don\'t think that it\'s too childish?" he asked.

Ren blinked. "I think it\'s really sweet," he said. "And as long as it makes you and me happy, what do we need to care about whether it is childish or cringe worthy or whatever?"

"Fair enough," Fang said with a grin. "Then we will go for the fitting tomorrow?"

Ren frowned. "Can\'t we postpone it? We promised the babies that we will spend the entire weekend with them, didn\'t we?" he asked.

Fang grinned. "The babies are coming with us – they are getting matching outfits, too!" he informed Ren.

Ren was stunned for a moment, then he decided that he rather liked the idea. "All right," he said. "Then that\'s settled."

"You\'re ok with it?" Fang asked to confirm.

Ren smiled at him. "Of course I am. They are our babies, aren\'t they? Why shouldn\'t we wear matching outfits?" he asked. "It\'s a great idea that you have come up with, my big darling."

Fang beamed at him and pulled him into a hug. "I\'m glad," he murmured.

A tender feeling washed over Ren and he put one of his arms around Fang, and used the other hand to rub Fang\'s fine, dark hair.

"I am glad, too," Ren said softly. He had to admit that he was feeling rather excited about his birthday now. Fang had planned to have matching outfits for them and the babies, and he had also made dinner plans for them! How sweet! Ren was thrilled – he hadn\'t expected it, to be honest. But now his heart was full of sweetness!

Fang could feel how happy Ren was, and it gave him more confidence about the grand plans for Ren\'s birthday that he was working on with Pax – and Wolf as well, because the Blue Wolves, as usual, would be in charge of the security. They had already invited all the usual guests of Ren\'s parties – people from Sirocco, business acquaintances and associates (even international ones, and several people from Sand Country and the Dragon Nation were especially flying down to attend, even!) – the usual lot. This time, all the people from SIMS had also been invited, including all their classmates. Fang\'s friends from school had also been invited – and while Fang had hesitated for a bit before sending an invitation to Wade, he had sent it out in the end.

And all the Blue Wolves would be there, naturally, to protect as well as to party!

There was one more set of people that Fang really wanted to invite, but he was not sure if it would be appropriate. He decided that he would speak to Pax about it tomorrow and get his advice. If inviting this group at dinner would not be a good idea, perhaps they could organise lunch, instead?

Because Fang really wanted Ren to meet this particular group of people. And he thought that Ren would be happy to see them as well.

Ren saw that Fang was in a daze and poked his fair cheeks with a gentle finger.

"What are you worrying about now?" Ren asked in a teasing voice.

Fang smiled slightly and kissed Ren\'s cheek in response. "Not worrying," he replied. "I was just making some plans in my head."

"What plans?" Ren asked curiously.

"You will know when it is the right time for you to know," Fang told him mysteriously.

Ren rolled his eyes. "If you don\'t tell me, I will assume that you are making some grand plans for my birthday and keeping it a surprise from me!" he said in a threatening voice.

Fang laughed. "Well, we can work with that assumption," he replied. "I will definitely make you really, really happy on your birthday."

Ren\'s heart thumped and he suddenly felt that his good seedling had grown up into a tall, magnificent tree. Fang suddenly looked rather cool in his eyes.

A faint blush rose up on Ren\'s cheeks. "I will look forward to it, then," he murmured.

Fang beamed.

"About the costs…" Ren began.

Fang put a finger on Ren\'s lips to shut him up. "I am very rich now," he said firmly. "Not as rich as you, but rich enough to plan my beloved Ren\'s birthday properly. And I promise you that I will get better and better in the future. I won\'t let you suffer any discomfort, Ren. So, please, please don\'t short change yourself and please don\'t deny yourself anything ever again!" Fang said sincerely, peering at Ren\'s face.

Ren flushed. "It was only a few non essential things…" he murmured.

Fang shook his head vigorously. "No way," he said.. "Nothing – absolutely nothing you want is non essential, not to me! I know I was being an idiot before, and I didn\'t understand these things at all – but now I do understand, Ren, and I am sorry for all the trouble I put you through because of my problematic mindset. But I promise you that I understand now, and I don\'t ever want you to compromise on anything ever again! You are the best, and you deserve the best of everything, and I never want you to suffer even the slightest grievance again! You are like a king – my king – and you will have the best of everything!"