The Villain Saves The Male Lead

Chapter 136 - 136 – The Long Awaited Dinner

Pax and Wolf arrived with human baby Sylvia in Pax\'s arms and Wolf pushing the empty stroller next to them.

Sylvia gurgled happily when she saw Ren. "Daddy," she said sweetly, holding out her chubby little arms.

Everyone froze, especially the staff members. Ren, Pax and Wolf looked at each other, confused as to whether Sylvia had spoken out loud as a human baby or she had just called out to Ren in his mind, as usual. The voice was the same, but the reaction of the normal, non magical people was not!

Their confusion was soon laid to rest.

"Did – did the young lady just speak…?" Steward Paul asked slowly.

"Daddy!" Sylvia said again, making a cute and pouty face, and looking impatiently at Ren, clearly wanting to be in her beloved Daddy\'s arms.

"She did!" Steward Paul said happily, almost dancing with happiness.

Ren immediately came over to Pax and Wolf and took the human baby Sylvia from Pax, and then he swung her around happily, making her giggle cutely.

"Our little Sylvia can speak now!" Ren declared proudly.

"Daddy!" Sylvia said in response and grinned at Steward Paul, who had already whipped out his phone by now and was recording a video to show to Fang (and Dr. Gordon as well as Chef Jules) later.

Ren beamed at Sylvia and then kissed her brow lightly. "My little girl is growing up," he said, rubbing his nose on the top of her head.

"Daddy," Sylvia repeated happily. She was quite happy, too – finally being able to say something like a human in this form!

Pax and Wolf also looked rather proud and happy and smiled at Sylvia.

Then Wolf sniffed at the air hungrily. "I smell something good…" he murmured.

Ren chuckled. "Yes, yes, we have all twenty seven dishes as promised," he replied. "Fang has gone to get the babies, and we will start as soon as they come."

As if on cue, Fang arrived with three furballs in his arms.

"Ah, Sylvia is back with Pax and Wolf," Fang remarked.

"The young lady just spoke," Steward Paul informed Fang. "She called out to Master Ren!"

"Daddy!" Sylvia said obediently, nuzzling her small face against Ren\'s.

Fang was stunned for a moment and then smiled broadly.

"Good girl," he praised. "Our clever little girl!"

Sylvia preened happily.

Ren poked Sylvia\'s chubby cheek with a gentle finger. "Do you want to try saying \'Papa\' as well, little one?" he asked softly.

Sylvia blinked innocently at him and then she turned her head to look at Fang and pointed a chubby finger at him. "Papa?" she asked, acting super cute.

Fang was stunned for a moment and then a beautiful smile bloomed on his face.

"Daddy, Papa, hun – hungry!" Sylvia pronounced with great difficulty.

Everyone froze for a moment and then collectively dissolved into peals of laughter!

"All right, let\'s get to the table, the babies are hungry!" Pax said, clapping his hands, bringing some order to the room.

"Mmm. Food," Sylvia said.

"The young lady seems to be a little foodie," Chef Jules said, his eyes shining with joy. One could almost see new recipe ideas pouring out of him as he looked at Sylvia like she was the chef\'s ideal customer come to life!

Sylvia beamed at Chef Jules, making the middle aged man almost swoon from the cuteness overload. Chef Jules decided that he had to go back home and remind his own two grown up kids that they needed to get married soon and give him cute little grandchildren as well!

The group moved to the dining hall. Ren settled Sylvia on the baby seat meant for her, and Fang settled the three furballs on their respective seats as well. Pax and Wolf claimed their usual places around the table, and so did Ren and Fang.

And thus began the long, harmonious dinner with plenty of food.

"You really did make twenty seven dishes?" Wolf asked, wagging his eyebrows rather comically at Ren.

Ren chuckled. "Well, I had a lot of help – in fact, for half the dishes, I was only giving instructions," he said, giving a modest shrug. "Fang did a lot of cooking, too, but it was mostly Chef Jules and the kitchen staff who did the lion\'s share of the work. I was mostly just lording people around."

"If you hadn\'t gotten yourself hurt, you would have been cooking the remaining half of the dishes with your own hands, too," Fang said crossly.

Ren chuckled. "It was a mere scratch," he said. "Don\'t worry, so, my big darling." He wriggled his bandaged fingers at Fang, showing everyone that he was perfectly all right – and the four babies and Pax and Wolf understood that Fang had already healed the injury with magic. So there was nothing to worry about.

Besides, none of the babies could smell blood, so that meant that there was no injury on Ren anyway, despite the scary bandaged fingers.

"Come on, guys, you have to eat," Ren said, gesturing at the grand feast piled up on the table. "All twenty seven dishes await you!"

And then, one by one, everyone started eating – Pax, the smartest one when it came to pragmatic things, took little portions of all twenty seven dishes and went about sampling them first. Sylvia immediately noticed what Uncle Pax was doing, and insisted on doing the same. And seeing her big sister copy Uncle Pax, Snow also wanted to do the same thing.

Wolf and Shadow, on the other hand – the gluttonous pair of uncle and nephew, were digging into all the meat dishes as if they had been starving for a whole week!

Smoke looked a bit conflicted – not sure if he ought to do what his twin brother was doing, or if he should do what his sisters were doing. He wanted to taste all the dishes, but he also wanted to eat his favourite meat dishes as well! And he was a bit worried that with the ravenous way in which Wolf and Shadow were digging into the meat dishes, there would be nothing left for him if he waited until after he had tasted everything to dig into his favourite meat dishes!

Fang noticed his little canine son\'s dilemma. "Don\'t worry, Smoke," he said, patting the little pup\'s head affectionately. "There is plenty of food, and no matter how much your Uncle Wolf and your brother Shadow eat, there will be more than enough for you to gorge on later. So if you want to have a small bite of everything first and then have big portions of your favourites, that is perfectly fine."

So, Smoke happily followed his Papa\'s advice.

After settling the babies\' plates, Fang prepared Ren\'s plate along with his own. Left to himself, Ren wouldn\'t eat much, do Fang had taken over the task of dishing out food at the dining table these days – there was no other way to make sure that Ren would eat properly!

Ren watched fondly as Fang scooped up Ren\'s favourite dishes and piled up his plate quite generously. But then, Ren was in a great mood today and was feeling rather hungry, so didn\'t object like he usually would at the quantity of food Fang was putting on his plate.

After placing a full plate in front of Ren, Fang served himself and sat down next to Ren.

Ren, who had been waiting to start eating until Fang was ready, smiled at his fiancé and the two of them started eating as well.

"This is so good," Wolf muttered, finally stopping to take a breath. "Ren, you should totally open a cooking academy and a restaurant! It\'ll be super awesome and will sell so well!"

"That\'s not a bad idea, actually," Pax said, agreeing with Wolf. "But not immediately, of course. First you two need to settle down properly and get your degrees from SIMS, and Fang also needs to work on his company."

Ren nodded. "May be when we have more time in the future," he said. "Or may be one of our children can take it up instead. They are all quite the foodies, aren\'t they?" he asked fondly, watching the four little ones dig into their plates with great gusto!

"They are your kids, of course they would be foodies," Wolf pointed out. "I\'m only amazed at how well behaved they are that they don\'t insist on you cooking for them every day!"

"Don\'t give strange ideas to our babies," Fang warned Wolf, shooting him a glare. If the babies insisted that Ren cook for them personally every day, how tired would Ren be? As it was, Fang had enough trouble keeping himself in check and try his best not to jump at Ren – and if the babies made Ren cook every day, then wouldn\'t that mean that Fang would never get to lay a finger on Ren until they finished their education at SIMS?!

Wolf rolled his eyes.. "I\'m praising your babies, kid," he pointed out. "Why are you getting so antsy?"