The Villain's Light (BL)

Chapter 122 - 119

When Reif exited the spatial portal he created, he was already far away from the Mesha City

He landed on top of a tall mountain with lush greenery. His body was still screaming with rage and his surroundings trembled from that

"Damn it!" Reif cursed while punching the mountain with his fist. It instantly shattered the top of the mountain and long cracks appeared on it

The cracks spread far and wide and the mountain experienced a high magnitude earthquake

That was just Reif\'s punch yet it already causes such a phenomenon. He has such power yet he still let his big brother be taken away from him

"I\'m so useless!" Reif berated himself. The first punch was followed by the second, third, fourth, and so on punch

The whole mountain collapsed and a large part of it turned into dust. Reif\'s punches were terribly apocalyptic that the surrounding monsters fled away from fear

Reif seems to have turned into a demon that destroyed everything in his path. His eyes were so dark as if they hold an abyss inside them

He vents out all of his anger in his surroundings, destroying the mountain and the forest surrounding it

Countless magic beasts have died from his wrath and the skies even darkened

When Reif calmed down a bit, he already leveled his surroundings. The once tall mountain and lush forest is nowhere to be seen anymore

Only a large wasteland by left. Although he calmed down a bit, his aura was still murderous

Everyone that would see him would surely be terrified. He looks like a demon that crawled up from hell and arrive in the mortal world

"Nath Lumine, you will pay for your crime!" Reif vowed while seething with anger

Now that he vent out his anger, he has to start planning whatever he should do

His big brother is currently not with him and this time, all planning must be made by him

The current problem at hand is not something that could be dealt with by raw power alone

"Think... think... what would big brother do in this situation" Reif muttered

Just like what Rhash said, for now, he has the upper hand. He could literally destroy the churches that were spread out in this world

Even if he does that, Nath still wouldn\'t possibly kill Rhash as he knows what would happen next

Even if Reif cannot defeat the entirety of the church, that was only if he fight all of them at the same time

However, he has the ability to create spatial portals. Escaping wouldn\'t be hard for hin

He can simply come and kill the clerics before escaping. After he recuperates, he can then come back to kill more until none of them was left

What Reif needs now is a concrete plan on how he should proceed

Fortunately, his intelligence is also not to be underestimated. He just really doesn\'t have the chance to plan things that much

His previous lives were spent running away while in the current one, it was always Rhash that is responsible for the planning

Only now did Reif\'s high intelligence can be put into use

"Killing the clerics that are spread all around the world would take too much time. Although killing a lot of them wouldn\'t force Nath to kill my big brother, if he were to lose all of his people, that would be the same as sentencing himself to death"

"I cannot go on that path. For now, I must think of a plan to take big brother back but if I only do that, he would be focused on hunting me"

"Although I don\'t think they could kill me, I still won\'t have time for other things. Since that is the case... what should I do?"

Reif forces himself to clear his mind. Getting too swallowed by his fury is not good

He thought for a long time before thinking of a possible solution

Aside from him, there is still one superpower in the world that is resisting the church and that is the Royal Family

The Royal Family that doesn\'t have much presence as if they were just props for the story where Nath is the protagonist

"Even if they are props, they should still want to keep their monarchy, right?" Reif muttered as his eyes glowed with a cold light

He thought of what he should do and he instantly created another spatial portal


Imperial Capital

This City should have been the most prosperous and important city in the world yet Reif don\'t feel its presence much

There really is something wrong in this world for something like this to happen

Although Reif doesn\'t have much impression of the Imperial Capital, this city was still really beautiful

Reif was still outside the city, flying high above the sky but in the middle of it, he can see a magnificent Palace

Most of its colors were white and gold, giving off a majestic vibe. That should the Royal Palace where the Royal Family, including the Emperor lives

Reif stared at the Palace for some time before surveying the other parts of the city and he discovered several churches inside

"This... how could the Emperor easily let the church grow its influence and undermine his authority so easily?" Reif wondered

The Emperor is either an idiot or there is something wrong with his head

Reif shook his head for a moment before he flew down and blend in with the people waiting in line to enter the city

As the biggest city in the world, there are naturally a lot of people that enter it

"Did you hear the news? The Church of Light is planning to recruit more Priests and Paladins!"

"Yes, yes, I heard that. I actually have a son that wants to be a Paladin!"

"Hahahaha, you\'re aiming too high. Your son is too weak, how could he become a Paladin and receive God\'s blessings?"

"What do you know?! Those who are pious enough are still accepted!"

Most of the discussions of the people entering the city are about the church

"Too bad, even though I have previous lives that I can\'t count them anymore, the number of times I have seen the Emperor is low" Reif thought in pity

Although he has countless lives before, they are almost completely identical to each other

After all, when Reif shattered the reality to go back in the past, his memories are erased as the consequence

Without his memories, he would choose the same decisions and foolishness over and over again

There wasn\'t much difference that they were almost negligible. Aside from honing his fighting skills as he was always living a life of desperate battle for survival, he is not very knowledgeable

Most of his knowledge is only about the church and their powers that he had experienced before

Reif waited for some time before he could enter the city after paying some gold. Inside it, the city is almost the same as what he had seen in his memories

However, both in his previous and past lives, Reif doesn\'t have the luxury to enjoy such a wonderful place as he has something he needs to do

Reif walked around the city, listening to the gossips of the people in it to have as much information as he can

He might have entered this city in his previous lives but he was mostly hiding inside it while thinking that the Royal Family\'s power could stop the church from hunting him. That was just wishful thinking though

Reif walked around the city for a whole day and when nighttime arrives, he entered a tavern

One of the best places to gather information is inside a tavern where the drunkards would spill almost everything they now

Reif tried to minimize his presence as much as possible. He hid his aura to the point that almost no one has noticed him

His face was in a disguise and he was also wearing a hooden cloak that hide his features

Reif walked towards the bar counter and he threw some coins to the bartender

"Mind telling me about the current issues in the Imperial City?" Reif said. He use money to bribe the bartender that was more than enough to receive a large sum of money

The Imperial City might be beautiful and prosperous but the cost of living is extremely high especially with the heavy taxes

"Understood!" The bartender replied as he spilled the information he knows

Reif learned a lot from this bartender but none of them were useful for him

Seeing Reif\'s expressions, the bartender immediately changes the topic

"Oh, I also heard that the Emperor would soon announce that he would give a Noble Title to someone that could give him a certain treasure. I just kind of forgot it... hmm, I wonder what it was"

The bartender instantly acted after seeing how he piqued Reif\'s interest with the new information he was given

Reif didn\'t think much of it and he give the bartender some more coins