The Villain's Light (BL)

Chapter 123 - 120

After receiving his gold, the bartender immediately became enthusiastic and acted as if he remembered something

"Ah right, I remember that the Emperor doesn\'t need a particular treasure. As long as it could make him immortal, he would take it!" The bartender continues and Reif had an urge to kill this man

He was clearly taking advantage of him. He made it sound like his information is a good one making others anticipate

Who the hell could possibly have a treasure for immortality? It was clear that the bartender just wants to make money

After all, Reif\'s appearance and aura was toned down to make him look like a completely normal person

Why would a person speak of such a thing to a normal person?

Reif\'s eyes sharpened as he stared straight into the bartender\'s eyes that instantly trembled

He felt as if a demon from hell was looking straight at him and one wrong move would take his life

The experience was extremely horrible and his whole body sweated heavily as his face turn pale

"I need you to give me information on how I could meet the Emperor" Reif said in a low voice yet it was filled with threat

Although he can barge in the palace without dying, that is not a good move. It would attract a lot of attention and resentment which is something that he currently doesn\'t need

As the bartender can feel the threat of death, he immediately spilled what he knows

"G-gladiator... t-the gladiator colosseum is  a way for a commoner t-to meet H-His Majesty!" The bartender replied and Reif nodded his head

"Give me more details" he demanded

The bartender has tack and he immediately explained. "A-as long as you won 10 matches at S level in a row, you would be granted an audience with His Majesty. He might even offer you a position!"

"How do I participate in the S level matches? I want it to be as fast as possible!"

"Y-you could go to the coliseum and ask for a match that would rate you as an S rank fighter though the fees are extremely high, enough to buy a large mansion"

In this world, there are many powerful but hidden masters that would travel the world from time to time

These powerful masters are the audience\'s favorites. Not only were they new and fresh to the eyes of the people, but these hidden masters would also even give them a big surprise most of the time

However, they definitely wouldn\'t want to waste time battling in low-level matches. As such, a system wherein they can immediately jump to the highest rank is implemented though it would need a large amount of money, enough to buy a large mansion in the Imperial Capital

That is a big headache for most people but money has never been a problem for Reif. He could simply attack one of the church bases and rob them of their money

Those churches definitely has a large amount of money stored

Without saying anything else, Reif walked out of the tavern as he already obtained what he need. Only then did the bartender heave a sigh of relief and wonder if he had offended someone that might take revenge later in the future

Reif immediately went out of the Imperial City to attack and rob one of the churches. With his power that is not a hard thing to do

Since he already knew where most of the churches are thanks to his previous lives that always avoided places with a church, finding one of them is not hard

"Hmm, this one will do. They definitely have enough money for the challenge" Reif commented while staring down at a magnificent church

Its walls were pure white in color as if nothing in this world could taint it. Clerics and worshippers entered and exited it almost every minute

It was a medium-size church and churches like this have a lot of money from the offerings

Money is nothing in Reif\'s eyes but since it was a means for him to get his big brother back, he would take it

Not to mention, he could even vent some of his anger in the church

Reif raises his hand while looking down at the church with cruelty in his eyes. When he lowered his hand, a gravitational pressure that no one in the church has experienced before bore down on them

The gravitational pressure was so heavy as if several mountains were pressing down in the entirety of the church

In just a split second, the whole church instantly collapses. Its walls and ceiling weren\'t able to endure the heavy pressure

Even with the protection of the God of Light, it still wasn\'t able to keep itself intact

Even the people inside the church got crushed whether they be the clerics or just worshippers

In Reif\'s demonic eyes, they are all the same. Nothing and no one in this vile world is important, only his big brother is

The resentment he has for the world accumulated from his previous lives overpoured when his big brother was taken away from him

All he wants is to live with his big brother peacefully where they don\'t need to worry about their lives. Is that really something hard to have?

Reif raises and lowered his hand multiple times while demolishing the whole church. His gravity magic was so dreadful that a crater was already forming from where the church was originally

Reif vented his resentment in the church when a bright light broke out from the broken debris

"YOU DEMON! HOW DARE YOU DESTROY A CHURCH OF OUR GOD! YOU SHALL DIE FOR YOUR SINS!" A paladin shouted in a mad manner. He looks really devoted to the church and seeing it get destroyed with his own eyes filled with him endless anger

His anger was extremely shallow compared to the one that Reif has though

"Ant!" Reif muttered in a scornful tone as he waved his hand. The Paladin that is willing to sacrifice his life for the church was immediately dragged down

Heavy gravitational pressure bore down on every inch of his body. There wasn\'t any part of him that wasn\'t screaming in pain

In the end, a single move was enough for Reif to shatter that paladin\'s internal organs. His sacrifice using his own life didn\'t mean much in front of Reif\'s power

Just as Reif was about to go down and retrieve the money of the church, his danger sense immediately warned him as he look at the body of the paladin

He raises his guard and was about to turn that body into dust when it glowed with a white light

The body of the Paladin that should have been dead by now stood up and raises its head to look at Reif

With how much different the presence of that paladin was, Reif is completely sure that it wasn\'t him. Something was possessing the Paladin\'s body and to give off this much sense of danger to Rhash... there is only one existence that could do that

"Even in my previous lives, you almost never talk with me personally yet in this life, you appeared before me twice now. Should I say that I am lucky or what?" Reif said coldly

His tone was completely unfriendly

"You do know the reason why I appear this frequent" the one that possesses the paladin\'s body, the God of Light himself replied

"If you want to stop me don\'t even try. I will turn this world into a safe place for me and my big brother!" Reif said firmly. Nothing would be able to change that

"Deep inside you, you only know that you would fail. Everything in this world is already predestined the moment it was created. You cannot do anything to change that"

Reif clenched his fist at that. The God of Light is right, deep inside Reif, he is afraid that he would not be able to change anything

The destiny in this world is not an easy thing to change

There is also a reason why Reif is not afraid of Nath and the church. If this world is really the book, in the original version, Reif would always die in their hands

However, this world is not the original anymore. Fate has been changed with the existence of an outsider

Rhash is here which is not included in the original. But even with Rhash being here,  he is only a single entity. How could he defeat the fate of this world?

Reif is not afraid of the church as Rhash\'s existence made him grow up faster and stronger than he should have been. He also has the fighting skills of his previous selves

However, fate should still force him to die in Nath\'s hands. As for what fate would use to do that? He is unclear

But the fact that despite how weak Nath is in front of Reif, the world would still do everything it can to make him kill a person far above his level remains