The Villain's Light (BL)

Chapter 121 - NOT EDITED

"If you really hate and don\'t care for me then why are you crying right now?" Reif asked with a bitter smile

He never want to see his big brother\'s crying from pain. That was a scenario he would do everything not to happen

Those droplets of tears were too precious to be shed. They should only come out whenever Rhash is happy

Reif can\'t believe how much of a failure he is. He can\'t even prevent his big brother from crying and showing such a pained expression in his face

"H-huh?" Rhash muttered in shock before touching his own face. Although he was drenched with his own blood, he could still feel that it was not only blood that is in his face

He cried? He actually cried?

He said those hurtful things all for the sake of Reif. Rhash don\'t want Reif to sacrifice himself for him

However, despite wanting to do that, his tears actually betrayed him?

Idiot... what a big idiot he is! How could he mess up such a simple thing? No one in this world might be as stupid as him!

"I know that big brother is lying but please, don\'t say something like that again. It still hurts" Reif said sadly

Although he was completely aware that Rhash doesn\'t mean what he said, it doesn\'t mean that he is completely with it

It still felt like countless knives stabs his heart. It was so painful that Reif don\'t want to experience that ever again

"S-stop this nonsense! Kill yourself now if you don\'t want your precious big brother to die!" Nath shouted in urgency

Nothing could go wrong in his plan to finally get rid of Reif. He certainly wouldn\'t let something stupid as affection ruin his plan

If he let Reif go, who knows what will happen in the future?

"Heh... Reif, try to kill yourself and I\'ll see you in hell" Rhash barked back as he pointed his fingers in his throat

If he wants to, he could take his life any moment from now

Reif\'s eyes widened in fear snd he desperately shouted "No!"

Nath doesn\'t like this development and he raised his hand to control the cage. Rhash can feel that his body was being restricted again but before that can completely happen, he stared at Nath with a smile in his face that made him look like he turned insane

"Even if you were to restrict me with all your might, that\'s useless. You can seal my power but I assure you, I can kill myself any moment from now. Do you think I never thought the a scenario like this would happen? You\'re too naive!" Rhash said loudly while laughing insanely

"Stop bluffing, that will not work!" Nath shouted back but Rhash\'s crazed smile just deepened

"Hehehehe, to be honest I am not originally from this world. Are you sure that I don\'t have my own means?" Those were Rhash\'s last words before his body froze again

His words were enough to make Reif change his mind. How could he sacrifice his life for Rhash when that means Rhash would also die?

Reif\'s eyes darkened as he stared at Nath. The gravitional pressure was multiplied heavily

Even Nath wasn\'t able to completely escape the pressure from the heavy gravity. It felt as if he was shouldering an entire mountain in his back, making it hard to move

"Give him back to me!" Reif said darkly, putting more pressure on Nath that is now slightly trembling

"Nonsense! You are being fooled! How could he escape God\'s power? He wouldn\'t be able to take his own life!" Nath rebuked. The only thing he want now is Reif\'s death, no one could take that away from him

"No, since my big brother said it, I\'m sure he has the means. I warn you, if my big brother dies, I\'ll make sure that you\'ll have a death that would be the worst death ever!"

Nath can only grit his teeth. He thought hat his scheme this time is foolproof. Who would have thought that it would be in the brink of failure

If he is a schemer so was Rhash!

In terms of intelligence, he wouldn\'t lose out. Not to mention, Rhash even has the knowledge of novel plots from his previous world

He can have a completely different and fresh perspective that no one in this world other than him would have

"Give him back while I\'m still being nice!" Reif threated as he raised his hand

Countless condensed crimson energies of destruction formed above, ready to obliterate everything in this world any moment from now

"Don\'t you dare! Even if he was telling the truth, I still have the power to kill him as long as I will it. Try to hurt me and your precious big brother would die!"

His plans were already ruined and the only thing that Nath could do was to lessen the damage

If an allout battle were to happen here, he would definitely lose and he cannot let that happen

Reif made a \'tsk\' sound. Although he could kill his enemies, he can\'t if he don\'t want his big brother to die

His hands were tied all because of this bastard Son of the God

This world is reallt set on making Nath the protagonist and Reif as the villain. How ridiculously unfair!

The two were in a stalemate. Neither side knows how they should proceed

Nath can\'t perfectly use Rhash as the bargaining chip anymore to kill Reif. As for Reif, even if he can kill Nath, he cannot do so in fear that his big brother would suffer the same fate

The two sides were thinking of what they should to emerge as the victor and another disturbance happened in Rhash\'s cage

The imprisoned man continue to harm himself to take back a little bit of control of at least one part of his body

"Reif, killing me means you would kill Nath and he wouldn\'t be able to touch me. You know what this means? He cannot touch you no matter what you do!"

"Even if you do something bad as long as it is not killing Nath himself, he would not risk killing me as he knows you wouldn\'t let him off!"

"We are the one in the advantageous position. This means that you could do everything in this world as long as you don\'t plan on killing Nath!"


Those were the words of Rhash before he was sealed again

Nath\'s face flushed with anger. He can\'t believe that he let Rhash speak not only once but twice and that ruined his plans

Not to mention, a look of enlightenment even appeared in Reif\'s face. His big brother was right!

No matter what he do, Nath wouldn\'t be able to kill Rhash as his death would surely follow suit

Reif is confident enough that he could defeat the whole church. After all, the church couldn\'t possibly recall their manpower, right?

Only the strongest would remain in Nath\'s side but Reif is confident enough to kill all of them

Not to mention, Nath still hasn\'t completely conquered the world. The Royal Family might seem insignificant in this nove like world but they are still a monarchy!

The Royal Family is still resisting the church\'s influence although it wasn\'t to the extent that one would expect as if the church eclipsing their power is a matter of course

"I understand, big brother. I didn\'t grew up with your side for nothing. I learned a lot with you!" Reif said with a smile

He was originally unsure of how to proceed. He might have inherited the memories from his predecessors but all those lives are very similar with each other

Reif spends his whole life trying to gain love and affection while running away from his enemies

There was almost no room to learn how to scheme. After all, every time that he shattered the timeline to return in the pass, his memories would he wipe out as a result

It was like a book that no matter how many times you read, the flow and plot are still exactly the same

Reif is definitely not as scheming as hig brother. Fortunately, he now know what to do

With that in mind, Reif was forced to resolved himself into letting Nath have his big brother for now

Reif shattered the space besides him to create a spatial portal

"Fucking bastard, start praying now. Soon, you would have countless trouble knocking into your doorsteps. Be prepared for that!" Reif threatened, his eyes filled with endless malice that could make everyone fearful

"You demon! What are you planning to do?!" Nath questioned angrily, a bad feeling arousing in his heart yet Reif merely gave him an insane smile, the same one that Rhash has earlier

"You will soon now, there is no need to be anxious!"

That was the last thing that Reif said before entering the portal