The Villain's Host is a Boss

Chapter 633: Princess Primary Regent 18

Chapter 633 Princess Main Regent 18

As for Gu Jinxiu and Shen Zhuji, she ordered them to be temporarily imprisoned and executed only after the situation in the courtroom was stabilized.

For the next period of time, inside and outside the courtroom, it seemed calm and peaceful, but in reality, undercurrents were surging and turbulent.

Many ambitious ministers actually formed gangs in private, colluded with each other, and secretly recruited troops to buy horses. On the grounds that the eldest princess of Anguo was an out-married daughter, and that women should not interfere in state affairs or be regents, they planned to force the palace to rebel. The rule of the Yun family was overthrown in one fell swoop.

The current Yun royal family has been withered. Since the empress dowager Shen and the former regent Gu Jinxiu were fornicated and ordered to be imprisoned, the royal family is only left with the little emperor who is less than three years old, the eldest princess of Anguo, and the prince of Chu Yunze.

Prince Yunze of Chu, although he was known as the first **** of war in the Northern Dynasty, he was famous for his victories and viciousness.

In the imperial capital, there are only the little emperor and the eldest princess of Anguo, who are young and weak women. Now it is a golden opportunity to fight against the palace.

Without the support of Shen Guogong\'s party, it is very easy to overthrow this court today.

As for the Prince of Chu, who is thousands of miles away, he can\'t quench his thirst from afar. After he received the news, the situation had already calmed down, and he was powerless to return to the sky.

The chaotic parties reached a consensus, and it soon became a climate. Then, when they were in court, their arrogance became obvious and arrogant, and they had the momentum of turning over and calling the shots, facing Yun Xi.

This is not to mention, in order to exclude dissidents and cut off the wings of the little emperor, the chaotic parties even forged crimes, blatantly framed the royalists who were loyal to the royal family, and forced Yun Xi to issue an decree to cut off these officials.

Yunxi would not be persecuted by them, she directly ordered the Imperial Army to arrest all the chaotic parties.

Of course, the chaotic parties did not panic at all. They dared to be so arrogant, naturally they had capital and confidence.

The entourage they brought, after realizing that the situation was not good, sent a signal, and then the chaotic army quickly assembled and began to attack the palace.

Palace change, imminent…

In the imperial capital, people were panicking. After the people realized that something was wrong, they hid in their houses in a hurry, closed the door, and did not dare to go out. The whole street was full of chaotic troops running rampantly and quickly.

The guards guarding the palace gate had chess pieces placed by the rebel army. When they received the signal, they cut the guards beside them, opened the palace gate, and put the rebel army inside.

The chaotic army swarmed in, went straight to the court, surrounded the noble and gorgeous hall, and the rest of the courtiers saw this, their expressions changed instantly, and they almost fainted.

The Northern Dynasty has been peaceful for more than a hundred years. Have these courtiers ever seen such a scene of forcing the palace?

And the imperial guards, as if they were facing a great enemy, saw the menacing chaotic army, the Guards immediately drew their weapons, the whole army was on alert, and confronted the chaotic army.

Above the high hall, the little emperor who was placed on the dragon chair seemed to sense something was wrong. He rubbed his sleepy eyes, and suddenly burst into tears, and the cry shook the entire hall.

The shrill cries of the infants made the courtiers of a party tense and uneasy.

The royalists looked at the little emperor worriedly.

"Lin\'er is good, stop crying."

Yun Xi frowned, bent over and hugged the little emperor. During this time, the Queen Mother Shen was imprisoned, and she took the little emperor with her, so when hugging him, she couldn\'t be more handy.

"Aunt, aunt, I, I\'m afraid... uu..."

The little emperor\'s chubby little hand grabbed the corner of Yun Xi\'s clothes, crying out of breath, looking pitiful.

Yun Xi lightly patted his back to reassure him, and said softly, "Don\'t be afraid, there is auntie here."

After coaxing her for a long time, the little emperor\'s cry gradually became smaller. He seemed to be a little tired from crying. He rubbed his eyes and leaned in Yun Xi\'s arms in a daze.

"Tsk, isn\'t it good for the eldest princess to coax children, that\'s right, women, you should hide in the backyard to coax children, why did you come to do politics in the past? This is what we men should do, big Eldest princess, let’s do this, you hand over your military power and the throne, and the old minister will look at Emperor Chong’s face and spare you and the little emperor not to die, how about it?”

Ping Guogong, the leader of the chaotic party, saw Yun Xi coaxing the little emperor in public, so he could not help but stand up and ridicule him, and he did not forget to threaten him.

As soon as he came forward, the henchmen also stood up to help, and all of a sudden, there was a lot of chatter in the courtroom.

"That\'s right, go back to the backyard to raise the child, a daughter\'s house, what court do you control?"

"That\'s right, you shouldn\'t be so naive to think that with a weak girl and a little emperor who hasn\'t been weaned, you will be able to sit firmly in the Northern Dynasties, right? It\'s a big joke."

"That\'s not it, your Yun family is over, if you know the face, you should quickly surrender the throne, and then marry our father-in-law to be a concubine, maybe, you will be able to protect your prosperity and wealth for the rest of your life, otherwise, the dynasties will be In the past dynasties, the fate of the princess of the subjugated country was not very good."


Listening to the unashamed words of the chaotic parties, Yun Xi didn\'t lift her eyelids, she wanted to clean up these restless things for a long time, but the teacher is unknown, if you directly attack these people, it will make the loyal ministers feel chills.

Therefore, she kept her temper and waited, and finally waited for this day.

"Lingge, let people move faster, Lin\'er is sleepy, this king will take him to take a nap."

"Yes, my lord."

Feng Lingge flashed out from the back of the palace, her figure was like a phantom, and she was among the ministers in a blink of an eye.

The    fists and feet swept across, and the ministers had no time to react. The rebels were already lying on the ground, losing all resistance, and groaning in pain on the ground.

Such a formidable combat power directly stunned the army waiting for orders outside the hall.

Feng Lingge jumped up and landed on the high steps outside the hall, her strange phoenix eyes swept through the chaos army coldly.

"Listen, you are already surrounded. If you don\'t want to die, put down your weapons and surrender immediately, and wait for the Prince Regent\'s decision. Those who dare to resist will be killed without mercy."

Feng Lingge\'s voice fell, and a neat and clear sound of pulling bows and arrows resounded. The chaotic army was upset and looked around. Then, they saw the palace wall, the top of the palace, the corridor, and the front. Behind him, I do not know where, crowded with the praetorian guards.

The arrows in the hands of the imperial guards were aimed at them and surrounded them in all directions.

There is no way to advance, no way to retreat, and it seems to be in a desperate situation.

How could this be?

Didn\'t your lord    say that the Imperial Army surrendered to them?

Why are you fighting against them with swords?

After a moment of panic, the chaotic army finally realized that they were designed and took the initiative to enter the trap.

The Imperial Army did not betray the little emperor at all, and defected to their party, just to deal with them and pretended to defect.

(end of this chapter)