The Villain's Host is a Boss

Chapter 634: Princess Primary Regent 19

Chapter 634 Princess Main Regent 19

After realizing this, most of the rebels instantly lost the courage to fight and put down their weapons and surrendered.

Since the Regent has set up such a trap to lure them into it, then he must have a surefire plan, otherwise, how dare he let them into the palace?

Since this is the case, if they continue to attack now, it is undoubtedly an act of giving away the head, and it is not wise.

Who wants to be beheaded if he can live?

A palace change was so unexpectedly subsided that it was like thunder and rain, without causing any consequences.

All the chaotic troops were taken care of, waiting for their release one by one. Therefore, for the next period of time, Yun Xi was too busy to touch the ground. Every day, she woke up earlier than chickens and slept later than dogs. .

Fortunately, after her hard work for a while, the situation in the court finally stabilized, and the pedantic royalists had to submit to her methods, tacitly acquiesced in her self-proclaimed king, and let her issue orders.

Although the court has been stabilized, there are a lot of vacant official positions and a lack of manpower. The remaining officials have a huge daily workload, which is simply miserable. Therefore, all the ministers went to Yunxi, asking to open a department to recruit scholars and seek for the country. Yin, to fill the vacant officials and share for them.

Yunxi was ready, and the ministers began to prepare.

"Sister-in-law, brother wants to see you."

In the imperial study, Yun Xi was reviewing the memorials when Feng Lingge suddenly walked in with Baby Candle Dragon.

Ever since she brought Feng Lingge by her side, Feng Lingge played the role of her personal bodyguard, and even took away the work of the attendant, and almost poured tea and water.

Yunxi closed the book, reached out and rubbed her eyebrows, only to realize that she had completely ignored him.

Yun Lin is young and no one around him is watching. Who knows if those servants will bully Yun Lin privately when no one is watching. Therefore, since Empress Dowager Shen was placed under house arrest by her, in order to take care of Yun Lin conveniently, She lived in the palace.

In addition to being so dizzy during this time, she didn\'t have time to think of him at all...

Well, it was her fault.

"Invite him in."

Soon, Fenghuangye was invited into the imperial study.

He is still dressed in simple white clothes, his eyebrows are picturesque and handsome, but he seems to be thinner than before, with a bit of ice and snow-like chill between his eyebrows and eyes.

"You, what\'s the matter?"

Thinking about it, Yun Xi asked softly.

According to his temperament, if there is nothing, he should not take the initiative to ask her to see her.

Fenghuangye nodded, looked at her uncertainly, and said, "Prince Regent, you once said that if Fenghuangye wants to leave, you can leave at any time, I want to ask, this can be said now. Still counting?"

"Do you want to go?"

Yun Xi\'s heart skipped a beat, but her face was calm.

It\'s too bad...

I\'ve been too busy during this time, and I didn\'t have a chance to flirt with him and cultivate a relationship with him. If he insists on leaving, she won\'t be able to show any affection to keep him, so she can only force it to stay?


Fenghuangye nodded and admitted frankly.

"Why? Do you have to go?"

The fingers in Yun Xi\'s sleeve subconsciously clenched, and honestly, I was indeed a little nervous.

"Yes, thanks to the rescue of the regent, Fenghuangye can get out of the sea of ​​​​fire. Great kindness, Fenghuangye is unforgettable, and in the future, I will definitely repay, but Fenghuangye has more important things to do now, so , I came here to say goodbye to the prince."

The reason why he stayed until now and decided to leave was because he saw that the situation in Chaotang had stabilized. Originally, he thought that she saved him, so if something happened to Chaotang, he could help her as if he could help her. in return for her salvation.

But now it seems that she doesn\'t need his help at all, and she manages the court well by herself, because he underestimates her ability.

There was no need for him, so it was time for him to leave.

"Are you going to the North Cold Land to find the Prime Minister and them?"

Yunxi thought for a while, and then she wanted to understand what the important thing was in his mouth.

The prime minister was the most powerful in the court, and he was also a veteran of the three dynasties, with a high position and authority, which blocked the way for Gu Jinxiu to take the power alone, so he was regarded as a thorn in the eyes by Gu Jinxiu and targeted.

In general, officials will have more or less unclean stains, let alone the prime minister who has been an official for so many years and is a very high-ranking minister?

How can    be clean and spotless?

is simply impossible.

Gu Jinxiu asked people to secretly investigate the prime minister\'s old background, and he really found out a lot of things. For example, in the years when the prime minister first became an official, he was still a county magistrate.

Another example is that he paid bribes to the top in order to get promoted, and another example is that his distant cousin used his power to bully others.

Under normal circumstances, these crimes would appear on officials, and colleagues would think it was innocuous. After all, they may have committed them. Even emperors turned a blind eye and didn’t bother to pay attention to them.

But who made the prime minister unlucky to meet Gu Jinxiu who wanted to get rid of him?

Gu Jinxiu not only dug up his black material, but also had people add a few trumped-up charges. Then, he publicly exposed those true and false charges in the courtroom, took off the prime minister\'s black gauze cap, and took the prime minister\'s black gauze cap off. A family is degraded, a banished exile.

It stands to reason that as the son of the prime minister, Fenghuangye should also be exiled, but Gu Jinxiu hated Shen Zhuji for admiring him when she was a girl, and even if she became the queen, her eyes kept chasing Fenghuangye, so , Out of anger, he sold Fenghuangye into Fengyuelou.

He just wanted to take advantage of such filthy places as Fengyuelou to break Fenghuangye\'s character, elegance, and self-esteem, and only in this way could he relieve his anger.


After thinking about it, Fenghuangye nodded heavily.

That was the father who gave birth to him and raised him. Even if he did a lot of wrong things, he was punished as he deserved. As a son of man, he could not sit idly by.

At least, he is going to accompany him and do his due filial piety by his side.

Yunxi held her forehead and sighed, "Didn\'t I tell you, Prime Minister Feng, don\'t worry about it, I will send someone to deal with it."

In fact, she has already sent someone out.

It\'s just that the North Cold Land is far from the Imperial Capital, and it will take at least three months for her to come and go, and her people will not be able to come back until three months later.

Hearing this, Fenghuang Ye pursed his lips and said nothing.

How should he tell her that she has already been very kind to him, and he doesn\'t dare to bother her anymore about her father\'s affairs?

I owe too much kindness, so I can\'t afford it...

"That\'s it, you are my prime minister, I ordered to send someone to the prime minister Yingfeng back to Beijing..."

Yunxi began to play Fenghuangye cheekily again, "The position of Prime Minister of the Northern Dynasty is still vacant. Apart from you, I have no other good candidates."

(end of this chapter)