The Villain's Host is a Boss

Chapter 632: Princess Primary Regent 17

Chapter 632 Princess Main Regent 17

"Ah, this..."

Qi Cheng was stunned, this is the Prince Regent, do you really want to take it?

"Ah what? What is the crime of forging a military talisman, do you need this girl to remind you?"

Feng Lingge raised her eyebrows and glared angrily. If this guy really dared to remind her, then she wouldn\'t mind sending him back to the west.


Qi Cheng hesitated for a moment, thinking that he was ordered to be ordered by Suzaku, not the Prince Regent. Besides, although the Prince Regent had the eldest princess, he was not a member of the royal family, so he really didn\'t need to worry about it. .

So, he gritted his teeth and waved his hand, and gave the order to the guards behind him.

"Someone, will... take down the Regent."

Above everything else is always imperial power and military orders.

"Who dares?"

At this moment, Shen Zhuji on the phoenix bed suddenly shouted loudly, she stood up with her waist up, raised her chin and looked at Qi Cheng with contempt.

The guards didn\'t dare to move for a moment.

"Bengong is the emperor\'s biological mother and the queen dowager of the Northern Dynasty. Now, in this Northern Dynasty, Bengong is the most powerful and honorable person. Now, Bengong ordered you not to move the regent. You, who would dare not listen?"

Qi Cheng and the guards were silent. She was right. She was the mother of the emperor and the most powerful person in the Northern Dynasty. In terms of identity and status, she was much more noble than the eldest princess.

Even if they were ordered by the Suzaku Ling, before the Suzaku Ling, their allegiance was always the emperor.

Today, the emperor is young, and all power is exercised by the descendants of Shen Tai.

If they dare to disobey the queen mother, it means that they are disrespectful to the emperor, which is a big sin.

Seeing that the guards did not dare to move, Empress Dowager Shen breathed a sigh of relief. In the next moment, her chin was raised higher and her fingers pointed at Yunxi.

"Commander Qi, the eldest princess trespassed into the Fengyi Palace without being summoned, which frightened this palace, and this palace ordered you to take her into the Ninghe Palace for custody. Without this palace\'s decree, she is not allowed to step out of the palace. Ning and Gong Banbu do not allow anyone to visit her."

This is the meaning of wanting to put Yun Xi under house arrest.

She was afraid that Yun Xi would really tell the civil and military affairs of the Manchu Dynasty about her and Gu Jinxiu\'s affairs, so she planned to strike first and control people.

Then, remove the idea in order to avoid future troubles.

If Yunxi was the original owner, she would have succeeded, but unfortunately, Yunxi was not.

She lowered her eyes and slowly fiddled with the jade wrench on her hand, and said without emotion, "Lingge, make a quick decision."


Feng Lingge took the lead, turned her head to look at Shen Zhuji with malicious intent, "I want to put my highness under house arrest, tsk, it\'s a pity, my highness is beautiful, but you, but you want to be beautiful."

When the words fell, her figure flashed like a phantom, appearing on Shen Zhuji\'s side, her palm turned into a knife, and she slashed at the back of Shen Zhuji\'s neck. In the next instant, Shen Zhuji slowly closed her eyes and her body fell softly. Down, consciousness gradually darkened.


Gu Jinxiu\'s pupils tightened immediately, he rushed towards Shen Zhuji like lightning, and put Shen Zhuji, who had fallen into a coma, into his arms.

However, Feng Lingge patted him on the shoulder, neither light nor heavy. Gu Jinxiu only felt a mysterious force rushing into his body, and then, his inner strength and the strength of the whole body seemed to have disappeared. Can\'t stand still.

Even though his martial arts are unparalleled, in front of Feng Lingge, he has no power to fight back.

A series of changes stunned Qi Cheng, the guards, and the palace people all over the ground. Everyone was stunned and didn\'t know how to react.

Next, is Yunxi\'s home court.

She subdued Qi Cheng by means of thunder, and at the same time, took away the Xuanwu decree on Shen Zhuji\'s body and the Qinglong decree that she kept in place of the little emperor.

As for the White Tiger Order, it was in the hands of Yunze, Prince of Chu, the **** of war in the Northern Dynasty.

These four tokens are the highest-level military talismans in the Northern Dynasties. Under these, each state capital has its own military talisman.

On this day, the minister of civil and military affairs was urgently summoned to the court.

In the courtroom, the one sitting in the position of the regent was no longer the regent they were familiar with, but the most honorable Anguo eldest princess of the dynasty, Yun Xi.

Suddenly, all the ministers in the court were startled, and they were all wondering about this strange appearance.

However, Yun Xi ignored the reactions of many courtiers when they saw her, and directly asked the **** to read out the indictment she had already written about the prince regent and the empress dowager Shen having adultery and harboring evil seeds.

The slender voice of the **** in charge was like a thunder on the ground, and the courtiers were scorched inside and tender outside.


Empress Dowager Shen actually had an affair with the Prince Regent, and she still harbored evil seeds?


The rest of the ministers hadn\'t regained their senses yet. The Queen Mother Shen\'s family, together with Gu Jinxiu\'s party members, stood up to fight against Yun Xi.

They made it clear that these crimes were fabricated by Yun Xi and intended to frame the Queen Mother Shen. As for the purpose...

Although they didn\'t say it clearly, it can be clearly stated that Yunxi wanted to seize power, and wanted to take over the power of the Northern Dynasty alone.

Yunxi was too lazy to argue with them, so she directly carried the unconscious Queen Mother Shen out, and called all the imperial doctors of the Imperial Hospital to check the Queen Mother Shen\'s pulse one by one.

As a result, all the imperial doctors agreed on the diagnosis, and Empress Dowager Shen was nearly three months pregnant.

Shen Guogong refused to accept and did not believe in those imperial physicians, so he asked someone to invite an old doctor from the people of the imperial capital. However, after reading it, the old doctor said what he said was the same as that of the imperial physicians in the palace.

Shen Guogong suddenly burst into blood and almost fainted on the spot.

At present, the ironclad evidence is like a mountain, and Shen Guogong\'s party is powerless to justify it, but Gu Jinxiu\'s party members are still struggling.

After all, although Empress Dowager Shen was diagnosed as pregnant, but the child has not yet been born, it is not necessarily the regent of their family.

Even if it is the regent of his family, at this juncture, he must have been bitten to death and cannot admit it.

Gu Jinxiu\'s henchmen instantly abandoned Empress Dowager Shen\'s subordinates, and firmly believed that Gu Jinxiu was wronged and that Empress Dowager Shen was lewd in the palace. That was Empress Dowager Shen\'s business and had nothing to do with their regent.

Then, Feng Lingge slapped the divorce letter written by Yun Xi on the faces of the ministers headed by Gu Jinxiu\'s party and let them pass it on to each other.

Only then did the party members learn that the regent of his family had been divorced by the eldest princess, and the ministers were so shocked that their jaws almost dropped.

Next, as the eldest princess of Anguo, Yun Xi, in front of many ministers, issued a decree on behalf of the little emperor, abolishing the queen mother, abolishing the regent, and establishing himself as the regent. After that, he helped the little emperor to handle state affairs and control the government.

This decree naturally aroused the opposition of the ministers. However, Yun Xi\'s attitude was very firm, and he held the military power of the entire imperial capital in his hand.

In this way, although Yunxi was awarded the title by herself, she occupied the position of the regent in an upright manner and became the first female regent in the history of the Northern Dynasty.

(end of this chapter)