The Villain is Happy Being a Father

Chapter 131: Research Dad (21)

The squad was held in his arms by Dad and couldn\'t help but show off with the system: "Uncle system, you guessed it wrong, it is good to come out!"

"It must be so good that I want to pronounce the sound, so I will come out, he still hugged me!"

System: "..." Isn\'t it that you are forced to hold?

The system feels that Xiaoxiao’s self-talking efforts are getting deeper and deeper.

Unlike a simple nephew at the beginning, she is now a narcissist.

Who said no? Being favored always has no fear, and the system thinks that when you just took the little cubs through.

From the beginning of the first world, the little cub was still a little comfortable. Every day, he followed his father and patted his ass, blowing a rainbow fart, like a little sticky person.

After these few worlds, there is obviously a lot of courage, even if she does not remember which worlds, but the traces of the past always leave traces.

The system tried hard to think about it and thought it should be a kind of personality.

Xiao Nian has no sense of security from the beginning, and now she can confidently say that her father loves her most. Dad is like this because she likes her. It is not difficult to see that under the favor of those villain dads, small The young human seedlings of the cubs are like being well irrigated, taking the nutrients from the guardians and growing happily.

It’s not unreasonable to think about the parenting of the human world. The younger need love, the love from the elders from the guardian, the personality can be perfect, and they will be confident in themselves and think they are loved. The.

Although the system couldn\'t understand such a complicated thing, he agreed with it. He watched the little cub change little by little.

If at first the little cub is like a fragile and lovable little flower bone, she is now more like a windward show, with a sun-confident little sun flower on her back, and her body is full of warmth.

The system database flashed images of several major villains in the past, and they have a better impression on them. Even though they were dangerous people, they are likely to cause trouble to the system bureau at any time, but they are still They are a bit useful, at least to make the little cubs better.

During the period of the system, the group held his neck and pointed at his little face and said, "Hey, kiss."

She put the little fat face up, looked up with her eyes closed, and secretly said in her father\'s ear: "Dad, if it is a bad guy, he will be pro-sound."

Mo Linqing\'s footsteps, watching the white face like a small dumpling of the small fat face, I only feel that the problems in the lab that need to be overcome, it is harder to get this face.

His big brother is not a person who is so outgoing. Because of the soldiers, they are very serious and decent. Why are the daughters born so... warm and lively?

Every day, I’m flattering, I’m sticking to people, and I’m always going to kiss and hold high, Mo Linqing thinks, maybe the old boy’s old child has changed.


The researchers present at the scene, including the one coming out with Mo Linqing, could not help but stretch their necks.

What is the reaction of Professor Mo who wants to know the feelings?

Will he be relatives?

The group urged: "Dad, you are so slow!"

"Hurry up, the sound will be divided into things for you to eat. When you are not there, the sound secretly hides a lot of delicious!"

After the talk, the group responded and quickly slammed his mouth. In the eyes of Dad, he quickly changed his mouth: "The audio and video snacks are not for themselves, but for the father, and the father is too hard."

Also sticking out the fat claws to learn the appearance of adults, patted on Dad’s shoulders, and the crowd of researchers on the scene laughed and died. It is expected that Gao Leng, such as Professor Mo, will get along with his daughter and the style must be fun, but see it with his own eyes. I still feel that I don’t dare to believe it more than a few times.

Everyone still looks good and looks forward to watching. The group quickly transferred the topic and pointed to Xiaofei’s face and said, “Hey, kiss me!”

She still sighed with a small head and said: "I heard that adults like their mouths very much. I didn\'t expect you to be like this. It\'s really disappointing!"

Mo Linqing: "..."

His legs stopped in the same place, and they were rooted, and they couldn’t move. Under the look of the group’s face, and the researchers who watched the show, they bowed their heads and took a sip in the dumplings. Next, overfulfilled the task, also printed on her forehead.

The squad can be happy. If it wasn\'t for the time when Dad was holding it, she couldn\'t get it, but she couldn\'t get it, but as it was done, she sipped on her father\'s face and forehead.

After the kiss, the group said: "Hey, I am sincere, reward you."

Researchers of the Gaoming Molecules who eat melons: "..." Professor Mo’s baby is really clever!

No one saw it, Mo Linqing flashed a trace of struggle, his face changed for a moment.

The scorpion smoked his nose, smelled it on Dad, and then asked the system: "Uncle system, how do I smell the gangrene?"

The system stared at the villains for a few seconds, and the last face was sure: "Hello, Dad and Bad Dad are fighting, who do you choose to support?"

This question is like telling her that her favorite father was split in two and asked her if she wanted the left half or the right half.

In the face of the uncle of the system uncle, the group snorted, "I will not choose, my father is my father!"

Until entering the office, Mo Linqing revealed a strange look.

He placed the squad on the ground, squatting and sitting still.

The breathing sound was slightly enlarged. The scorpion took Dad’s big hand and was in a hurry. She just wanted to speak and the system stopped her.

"Little cubs, don\'t move, let your two dads fight one more."

The group did not understand, "Why did Dad fight?"

The system joked: "Oh... maybe it’s because you are jealous?"

"Your good father kissed you, bad father is not happy."

When I said that the group understood, she could understand that Dad likes her the most, and it is normal to be jealous. Like a toy she likes very much, she doesn’t like to be taken away. She wants to sleep and take it. Hidden in the bed and watched every day.

But - Dad won\'t have anything?

Before the system was spoken, the group was hugged.

The gangrene looked at the scorpion with a smile on her face. After a few sighs on her face, she sighed with satisfaction. He was the father of the cockroach, and the master of the master died!

Even dare to kiss his nephew!

When the group asked why the good father had disappeared, Mo Linqing touched her little head: "Because, he is clumsy, he is not as powerful as your father!"

The squad didn\'t believe it. Some suspicions looked at Dad. They were all dads. How could a good father be worse than a bad father?

Mo Linqing changed his mouth. "Probably... because he worked too tired for a long time, he went to rest."

"Why, does the sound not like Dad?"

A small group of good people? Seeing Dad’s face is not awkward, he quickly said: “Like!” Both dads like it!

Early the next morning, my good father came back.

Mo Linqing took off his apron and hung it aside. The breakfast was already on the table.

The scorpion squinted at the edge of the door, reluctantly said: "Dad voice is sleepy, I want to sleep late today."

Mo Linqing said: "Go brush your teeth and wash your face. After dinner, say."

However, it was the effort to turn the hot cup of milk. Mo Linqing turned back again. The group had already fallen asleep on the carpet, and four small forks and a small dumpling.

Mo Linqing took the dumplings to the bathroom, placed them on the stool, and handed the toothbrush over, "brushing teeth."

"Dad, your heart, your voice is so sleepy that you can\'t open your eyes. You want to let your teeth brush your teeth and wash your face. You have to eat too. You are too bad!"

The squad didn\'t see Dad for nearly two months. She was too excited last night and had a night. Hey, let Dad tell the story, let Dad play with her, and toss until late.

Mo Linqing woke up in the middle of the night. When he woke up, the group looked at him with anticipation and said that Dad continued and continued to tell the story.

Mo Linqing once again confirmed the unreliable degree of the sub-personality, and brought the child to play in the middle of the night as long as he can do it.

In the heart, Mo Linqing distinguishes himself from the deputy personality, and does not regard them as one person. Mo Linqing is very clear about his character. He is never going to do the sub-personality.

Those who are cozy, laughable, out of control, and who are afflicted with such words have nothing to do with him.

Mo Linqing suddenly helped the group to squeeze the toothpaste, and bent down to help her brush her teeth. The group immediately woke up and couldn\'t believe watching Dad.

Bad dad likes to tease her and likes to play with her. If it is replaced by a bad father to help her brush her teeth, the group feels that there is still some possibility.

But.. good daddy...

Mo Lin Qing Jun\'s face is clear, still faint, no expression, but the group feels that Dad is very serious, he is very serious to help her brush his teeth.

Mo Linqing\'s hand for experimentation is very flexible and very light. Even if it is the first time to help the child brush his teeth, he did a good job. He didn\'t hurt the scorpion at all. The scorpion looked and let Dad brush his teeth. After finishing, he consciously put a small face on it. Stretching over, the meaning can\'t be understood.

Brush your teeth, and wash your face, hey!

Mo Guosheng waited for a thousand, and finally waited for his son to come over.

The squad jumped out of the car and ran over with a small short leg. The arms stretched out and ran fast, rushing up like a small shell.

"Grandpa, the sound is coming, the sound is coming home with Dad!"

Mo Guosheng said in a row, if the wheelchair is under the support of the guards, they must let the small shells fly.

He smiled and pinched the face of the ball, and he didn\'t want to see the son who had not seen him for two months. He was even jealous because this guy, his granddaughter was going to go to Dad and other dads every day, and he didn\'t have time to stay with him. This bad old man spoke.

The two grandsons looked at each other with tears in their eyes. The group said with a sigh of relief. "Grandpa, don\'t tell my father about snacking. He is bad. The snacks hidden in the sound are stolen." ”

Mo Guosheng thought of the little box of baby snacks hidden in the cupboard by his granddaughter. His eyes were full of smiles and said: "Well, this is the secret of our grandson, your father doesn\'t know, don\'t let him know." !"

The voices of these two voices can be heard from a few steps away.

When Mo Linqing walked, the footsteps were not visible.

Mo Guosheng looked up and looked at the two small soldiers who were guarding the wood at the door. The brows were slightly wrinkled.

These two are following his son?

The author has something to say: What is it, there is a chapter, it will be late, it should be the ending chapter of the world, the baby can go to sleep first, look up tomorrow morning.

The next chapter is to set up the anti-theft badge and replace it later. Thanks to the little angel who voted for me or the irrigation nutrient solution~

Thanks to the little angel who cast [grenade]: warm, 1 Luo;

Thanks to the little angel who casts [land mine]: it is a wine-baked dumpling, a ghost, a snow swallow, a feather ☆, a daily salted fish, ten amps, a bell-free salt ld, a high-speed bar, warm, rain, free, three One, lemon Nana;

Thanks to the little angel of irrigation [nutrition solution]:

Who, who, who, who, 297 bottles; snow dance poppy 187 bottles; I am the big devil 180 bottles; leisurely 150 bottles; love you 哟 147 bottles; small twelve twelve bottles; LF 135 bottles; purple Mo 125 bottles; 124 bottles; Shangguan also marks 118 bottles; suffocating 114 bottles of small suffocation; shallow recall of 110 bottles; leisurely swim 101 bottles; A Yue, green bamboo, 100 bottles of resignation; helpless name 98 bottles; Bottle; 85 bottles of a straight dog; 82 bottles of Moxi Yao; jessiiiiiii80; 槿樾77 bottles; barley, stars are not 70 bottles of orangutans, plums, aptx cats; heart month thinking, face 68 bottles; soft wind 67 bottles of feather; Punch, Nini 60 bottles; 2682605857 bottles; 喵喵 56 bottles; 51 wood bottles; yoyoy, high-altitude wine banner, moon, white, green city, purple charm, small rot, 50 cakes; 49 bottles of bamboo shoots; 喵喵100, 46 bottles of nightmare; 45 bottles of snow Swallow; mona no lisa, du Chen, imaginary drink song, Shili, Sumei, Zeng Kehua do not remember , eaishu 40 bottles; coffee beans, spring and Jingming 38 bottles; ink jade dust mites, yafeichang, moonlight songs, leaves, lemon sprouts, bank30 bottles; Shilin 29 bottles; ten `27 bottles; 虞feilan 26 bottles; krisyeol,羡25 bottles; 24 bottles of rain; ferry boat, iris 23 bottles; Mo Shi 绯 22 bottles; clear dyed shallow, white first lying pine, snow mountain 巅, chuya, final Li, simple, Huai Yu, Huan Yu Liu Nian, Fenglin night, married a microphone, Mrs. Curie, Da Tan, pineapple is not a pear, Xiao Adie, Yan Yi, Xia Ruosheng 20 bottles; 19 bottles on the cat street; I have a big 16, 绯 17 bottles Purple smoked blue, Xiaotian 16 bottles; Jiang Yan, 朕 is a squeamy, dumplings, Yang Liuqing, rain and rain 15 bottles; Wen female Lisheng knife 14 bottles; Kaka, Apple, Xiaoqiu, I love hamsters, Qing 苒, Xi Mo Yao, A-Yu, Xiao Kui, Xia Mi Xi, Moon-colored Chang Ning, Yang Liu Yi Yi, Yi Qing Huan, Mo Shang Yi, Jun Mo Qing Nuo, Meng Hu, Dark Night Toon, Xi Ying, Heaven fell a forest younger sister. , gentle, elegant, morning, unparalleled, enron silent, saba sauce, ink, fire, nightingale, rot, rot, sap, sap, sorrow, sorrow, dream, quiet, sorrow, full of 10 bottles; Sunset over the East Capital City, 哄哄, greatly not pitted, karroy, a moment, An 76 bottles; big pig hooves, pouting cat, cumin, Yi Xue May, Nini Nizi, lemon Nana, Yangko, Meng Meng , Wen Yu Nan, 鲛 很 very charming, who cares u, Nan Li An, 25667548, zzz, light smile, 岙, wool ball, 5 flowers on the line; 绯雪,司深, 39151371, ink dyed, silently drifted over 3 Bottle; crystal moon, year, dawn, strange, small cloud, Qingqing, You, Baiwei, love sweets ~, smoke 2 bottles; A nine will be thin, Yunxiaoyan , red dust dreams, disperse the way, landroverz, anthropomorphic 0v0 /, Xiao Mo, jeawen, Wang Ya, a bottle of braised pork;

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