The Villain is Happy Being a Father

Chapter 132: Research Dad (End)

The author has something to say: End of the chapter fang, dao, wait for about two hours to replace

After the sun set, the night gradually darkened.

In the grass, the dumplings were covered with mosquitoes, and they kept scratching their hands. She was hungry and her stomach was hungry. The system was wronged and complained: "Uncle system, you said that you will come out from here, not yet!"

The system also hurts the human cub, and the three-year-old human cub has completed the last task.

Even if the group doesn\'t think it is completing the task, she is just looking for her father, but the result is always good.

After the squad passed through, not only did the villains avoid the end of the blackening of the family, but also indirectly affected the original world that was already on the verge of collapse.

In that world, the villains wanted to kill the male protagonist, and then they played all the people together. But somehow, the villains suddenly changed their minds, disappeared without a trace, and the world resumed order. This is the system bureau is very surprised. .

The system decided to take good care of this human cub, and wait for her blackening villains to return to normal and then give her a wish!

He hesitated and said: "Little cubs, or you will go back soon, and find a way to see Dad tomorrow?"

The three-year-old little cub is not sensible. The system always has to know more about it. In case it is late, the Jingyuan Palace has closed the palace gate and locked it. Can you go back to the outside without being able to go out?

The dumplings were tender and tickle, but when they heard what the system said, they immediately shook their heads and said no, "I have agreed with you, and I have to wait for the sound to be washed."


Are you sure that it is not your unilateral agreement? ? ?

When the three-year-old squad was stubborn on seeing Dad, the system could not hold it.

She has been there for a long time.

I do not know how long it has been.

There was a far-reaching move from the front.

This is a cobblestone road, the boots are stepping on the sound is very small, the scorpion is half-squinting and dozing off, the little head is little by little.

Her ears were old and long, and when she heard the movement, she opened her eyes.

The voice squinted and the little milk sounded with a nasty nose. "Is Dad coming?"

The group is about to stand up, but for a long time, a pair of small short legs have long been soft and numb, and they slammed their **** to the ground.


"Where is the girl, who is the slave?"

The palace lady ran quickly and plucked the grass, and a small scorpion was sitting on the ground and staring at her in horror.

Haoyue Palace, the palace of Duanyi.

The woman was in a twilight palace dress, leaning obliquely against the chaise longue, looking down at the ground and standing on the ground.

The pink skirt of the dumplings has been rolled dirty, and the dust and dirt have been stained.

She grinned at the strange place, and the strange aunt, the aunt smiled really nice, but she was very bad, not allowed to sit and let her stand and talk.

"This palace heard that the emperor brought back a small wild species from outside the palace, is that you?"

Duan Qi looked up and down the eyes, "Is it still the emperor\'s dragon?"

"Say, who is your mother?"

The palace **** the side immediately caught the soft meat on the arm of the squad. "Speak well, tell the goddess that you know, and let you go after a while,"

The palace lady is not too hard, but the corps is tender and tender, and the tears are sore, but the sound is always a stubborn little corps. The more you are not good to her, the more she will come!

Even if she didn’t know anything, she didn’t know what the bad aunt was asking, and she barely leaned her head and kept her mouth shut!

The sound of "咕咕咕" sounded.

Duan looked at the small belly of the bulge and smiled. "Don\'t say yes, let this small wild plant stand at the door, don\'t allow her to eat, don\'t drink water, see when she said, when to eat." ”

“Let the kitchen do something delicious, just let her look at it.”

At this time, when the time was near, the Jingyuan Palace was in a mess.

Previously, the group took the bath and took the life of Dou Gonggong to the corps to arrange the residence of the palace lady Xiaoliu with four old weak and sick people looking for people everywhere.

I rummaged through the corners of Jingyuan Palace and didn\'t see the small one of the pink and jade.

When Wan Hao is old, his heart is softer, hesitating for a long time and said: "Little Liu girl, is it better to go to Dou Gonggong for help?"

Xiaoliu immediately refused. "No, I told Dou Gonggong that the emperor can immediately know that you don\'t want to live?"

When I think of the emperor, I can kill people. I don’t ask the killing method in one sentence. The four palaces are silent.

"Look, continue to find, look outside the Jingyuan Palace, Wan Hao you go to the east, no name is responsible for the west, I am going here..."

Here, I am looking for a squad, but the squad is standing in the courtyard of the palace of the moon, and is stared at the penalty station by the palace lady.

She placed a table with a roast chicken, and all the fruits and vegetables on the cake. It was not fragrant, and it was not called the dumplings. It was necessary for the dumplings to say "mother" outside her palace.

The squad was so flustered and his eyes were red, and he refused to cry. Dad said with the sound, when the father was not there, he had to be a strong child!

But she stood and stood, and gradually a pair of small short legs shook, and could not stand.

"Hey... Uncle system, the sound is not good, the sound is so tired, it’s so hungry!"

The girl next to the palace met and smiled and said, "What are you doing with this? You are going to talk about it, you will tell me that if you say it, the girl will give you something delicious and let you go."

Today, the emperor is not keen on the harem, and his temperament is elusive. Only a few of them have not received the rain and fear of the emperor. They are so stagnant. You have no children, no children, and everyone has a starting point.

But who knows that the emperor will bring a child from the palace into the palace?

We secretly guessed and concluded that 80% of the children are the dragons of the emperor!

Otherwise, the ruthless temper of the emperor will bring a child into the palace for no reason? I heard that when the child entered the palace, it was dirty. How much loved the clean person? No one else touched him with a corner, but he held the dirty dumplings into the palace.

There must be a stupid one. If the child is really a dragon of the emperor, it is also true. After all, the emperor has no children before, and this first child is treated as special.

Unlike other crickets, they bear the expectations of the family and enter the palace. They want to have a **** child. In addition to this, they also have selfishness. She loves the emperor.

I love and fear the man. If one day the emperor has a child, it will be a must to climb out of her belly!

After standing for an hour, the group finally couldn\'t help it. The leg fell softly on the ground. The system was anxious. He was annoyed that he didn\'t think about it. He directly taught the group to stop the villain on the road, but forgot the danger of the ancient palace.

Here is the center of the ancient imperial power. There are post-mortems with various thoughts. There are also some palace people who see the wind and make the rudder position unclear. In such a world, as long as the right to punish a child is not a crime, the scorpion is three years old. Little cub...

The system is annoyed by the current, the first world is going too well, and he is a little numb!

The body condition was detected to be poor, and there were symptoms of dehydration. The system bite the teeth.

At this time, the door of the royal study was finally opened, and the man came out from the inside. Dou Gonggong went up: "Is the emperor to return to the Dragon Palace?"

"You haven\'t used dinner yet."

Nodded in danger, he was tall and tall, walking on the road, and pulling down a long shadow in the moonlight.

The gate of the palace opens.

The man came out from the inside and he refused the sedan chair. "You don\'t have to follow."

Dou Gonggong is clear, the emperor loves to be clean, and often people are not allowed to follow. Dou Gonggong retreats from the palace, and he is far behind in the dust.

When passing through the grass outside the palace gate, the man\'s eyes were condensed, and a small pink shoe was lying on the outside of the grass. The shoes were less than half a palm, and the little one was covered with dirt.

He reached up and picked up his shoes and placed them in his palm for a long time.

Dou Gonggong saw the emperor not moving for a long time, followed up, "the emperor?" He saw the little shoes wonder, "there are no children in the palace..." Speaking of a certain scorpion here.

Dou Gonggong frowned, "Is it the Miss\'s shoes?"

"What about her?"

"The slaves are arranged in the Jingyuan Palace, which is close to the Dragon Palace and away from the harem. The slaves are thinking about being suitable for the young lady."

The man said: "Send someone to find."

The dumplings were locked into the firewood house. There was a small kitchen in the Yueyue Palace. The kitchen was on the side of the small kitchen. The firewood room was dark and black at night. There were no windows. When the door was closed, nothing could be seen.

The gang was hungry and thirsty, and her legs still hurt. She was confused and said in her mouth: "Uncle of the system, you must be jealous, you want to swear..."

The heart of the system is twisted into a twist. He learns the way of humanity and awkwardly comforts the group: "Little cubs, very soon, your father will come to you soon, save you from going out, hey, Hey..."

Kneeling, the group had slept.

At this time, Haoyue Palace had become a mess, and suddenly the squatting approached, Dou Gonggong took the guards to encircle the Yueyue Palace. The man’s face was dark and heavy, and he looked down at the woman who was lying on the ground.

"Where are you hiding your child?"

The man’s eyes are deep and he can’t see what emotions he is, but he knows that this person is angry.

This man is just like the ice, even the blood is cold, when was the last time he saw him angry?

Like ten years ago...

The Queen Mother rebelled against the emperor who had just ascended the throne. Duanyi had the privilege of seeing this man with his grandfather. He was still a teenager. He looked at his relatives with such eyes. After watching it for a long time, he did not say a word. The human head, the blood splashed on the ground.

She was suddenly scared.

He squatted on the floor and shook his body. "In, in the firewood."

Needless to say, the guards have come to sue, "The emperor, the partial firewood house was locked."

The dilapidated firewood door slammed open, and the dusty musty came on the scene. The man did not even move his brow, and walked to the small group of the curled up.

The corps was born small, she was only three years old, and she was short of food and clothing. She was born small, and now she is smaller in the corner, as if she is a big one.

He reached out and was about to lift the ball.

The bun\'s face turned white, a baby\'s fat face wrinkled into a ball, the little brows smashed together, she murmured the dream, the young voice of the young voice kept repeating: "粑, 粑粑粑, gangrene, hungry..."

He paused and changed his hand to hold it. He held the stupid scorpion in his arms. The little squad swayed down and drilled into his arms. The little man shook his clothes.

Dangerously said that he did not hug the corps and went out. Dou Gonggong suffered a face, almost no tears, and he knew that he had broken the errands. 2k novel reading network