The Villain is Happy Being a Father

Chapter 130: Research Dad (20)

Mo Linqing wanted to refuse, and thought that she could not refuse anybody\'s kindness to her for the group, she nodded.

Captain Zhang tried to test: "Does Professor Mo remember the scene when he broke into the laboratory and found the orange in it?"

"Is the details to be used for interrogation. Do you have trouble remembering it?"

Mo Lin looked at him with a light look. It seemed to see through his intentions, but he did not expose it.

For a father who loves a daughter, it is not a pleasure to recall the scene of the child being bullied.

His brows from beginning to end did not relax.

Both the description and the expression can be seen that he is indeed present.

Captain Zhang couldn\'t help but doubt himself. Did he feel wrong with his sixth sense?

The team of the Interpol team, who is directly under the central government to handle some confidential cases, does have a wealth of case-handling experience and amazing intuition.

If Mo Linqing is in the previous state, it may still be seen.

But since that time, the squad was bullied by the woman of Lin Tang, and the two personalities were vying for each other. Although the deputy Ge Molinqing finally got a short-term advantage by taking medicine, but unexpectedly, the owner Ge Molin Qing has been able to share the perspective of sub-personality. He is no longer as blind as before. The deputy personality has done everything and said everything.

After listening to him, Captain Zhang apologized to Mo Lin, and said a little about the situation at the other end. For example, because of Lin Tang and Li Jiaxing, some of his recent actions may require someone to accompany him.

This time, Captain Zhang came over not only to send Lingquan water, but also to inform Mo Linqing in advance.

Mo Linqing is worthy of such a serious person.

Mo Linqing can nod and nod.

The gang was waiting to be seen in the dad\'s office of the institute. When he was bored, he and the uncle of the system guessed that this time was a good father or a bad father?

The system feels that it is more likely to be a deputy personality. The deputy personality and the villain have a life to push to the master, and wait until nothing happens.

Now that the two-month experimental project is finally over, what time is he waiting for now?

In the days when Mo Linqing entered the laboratory, the group had just been able to stay in Mojia and grandfather to wait for Dad to finish the work. Later, after a week passed, the group could not sit still.

The grandfather took her to find her father.

The laboratory was closed, and no one could get in. Director Lin took the group to Professor Mo\'s office. Later, these days, the group will come to the institute to report every day.

This can break the people in the institute.

The biggest fun of the day is to tease the daughter of Professor Mo’s family. By the way, she is eager to feed. Seeing that she is holding a small mouth and a small mouthful of mouthfuls, she feels happy and has a strange satisfaction.

When I was fine, I would like to say a few words with the small group. Listening to her voice and milking voices is a kind of enjoyment.

In the feeding and snacking of snacks, the dumplings did not wait for Dad to come out of the laboratory and have become a group favorite in the institute with their own charm.

At this moment, someone knocked at the door outside, and lowered the voice and waved the ball. "The sound, the little sound is coming out, come to eat!"

"You Yang Auntie\'s cookies brought back from abroad, do you eat and eat? Especially delicious."

The people in the institute did not dare to enter the office of Professor Mo, and stretched his neck and looked inside. The small group of powdered jade was sitting on the office chair of Professor Mo, and he heard it and looked up.

"Dai Shushu!"

Dai Shushu in the mouth of the group is not very old. It is one of the doctoral students. It looks handsome in the sun, and it is the smile of a strange uncle who sees the scorpion at a young age.

The dumplings ran to the door and were waiting for the outside of the Dai Wai to hug them up. When they saw no one, they secretly pinched the small face of the baby fat.

The group took the uncle\'s hand and asked him: "Don\'s uncle, when did Dad come out? Isn\'t that Dad\'s work is done?"

Dai Wai put her on the desk and smiled and said: "It’s still early, I heard that I have to come out in the afternoon, and I’m finishing up there. Many uncles are guarding, strictly.”

The gang sighed with a fat chin and sighed: "It’s too powerful and troublesome!"

Dai Wai: "..."

During this time, they can know why Professor Mo is always different in front of his daughter.

Because his daughter is a powerful father, the dog\'s property is undoubtedly exposed. Every time I go back, the group always has three sentences without leaving my father. How is my father, how good my father is, my father is more powerful...

The colleagues at the same research institute in Daiwei are numb.

While talking, he pushed the small snacks on the table and wrapped them on the table. "These are all Aunt Yang, let us eat her before she returns."

The group looked at him behind him, snickered with a mouth open, and the next moment he wore the ears to make people pick up, "stealing?"

Yang Liu snorted and pushed people away. "Small sounds can be eaten, you can\'t, go and go."

"I still yell at me, eat my snacks with the name of the sound? Why don\'t you go to heaven?"

Other researchers shook their shoulders and surrounded them.

You pack a pack of me, and the dumplings sit on the table in the middle of the table, with a pile of snacks in front of them.

The left hand of the group had a right hand and was surrounded by female researchers. The male researchers were treated with a uniform and were squeezed outside.


"Sound, afternoon, will you take you to the cafeteria for dinner?"

"Ah, today it is my turn! I am going with the sound, use your chicken?"

"Rolling, the sound is coming to hug."

Don\'t squeeze the outside to look around and look at the right, weak and weak: "That, count me?"

"Why can we eat as uncles with no sound? Can you? You know **** discrimination?!"

A group of female researchers turned back and looked at him like a fool: "We are women, and we will not threaten Professor Mo’s father’s status. You are a man. If Professor Mo knows that he is not there, the daughter will let you hug. Let you feed, guess what will he do?"

Dai Wai’s face in the same male compatriot’s mind emerged from the face of Professor Mo’s dead man, and he shook his head suddenly. No, no, no, it’s terrible.

They feel that life is more important than the scorpion, and the scorpion can usually **** and suck.

The male researchers are envious of the female colleague who is different from the woman.

It is said that the science women have a **** in the competition, and they are the best among them.

They are even better than men to come to the institute, and to them, these male researchers are in awe.

Can not afford to provoke, even want to play with the dumplings have to be squeezed out, life!

These days, the group sent the driver\'s uncle to the research institute to report the card every day. The dean had no one to look after the corps, and wanted to pay extra wages. Let the aunt who is in charge of logistics bring the child to the teacher and take her to eat. of.

The female researchers of the institute are rushing to take over the task. When they are not in the lab, they will sort out some data and write papers. It is very leisurely. Female researchers say they can take turns. Bring a baby, take a small sound to eat in the cafeteria, it doesn\'t matter, it\'s too simple!

The dumplings and the aunts and sisters were very familiar. They didn’t even eat them. They also took the snacks in front of them. They borrowed flowers to worship the Buddha. Every aunt took care of them. One person divided one sugar.

I blame the aunts for satisfying the candy that received Xiao Xiaojing. "The sound is really good!"

"The sugar that the sound gives is the sweetest!"

After a while, the group had several lipstick prints on her face. She looked around and finally found the uncles who stood on the side and looked at the poor side. The fat hand shook.

"Uncle, Uncle Dai, you come over the duck."

"Eat, eat."

The male researchers are tearful, and only the cockroaches are the sweetest. The female dinosaurs are uninspired bastards!

When Mo Linqing came out of the laboratory, he saw his daughter who should not appear here.

The group was sitting on the desk, so that a group of researchers were surrounded by water, and the sound of milk and milk was heard from time to time.

The researchers are arguing at noon who should take the meal to eat, even if it is clearly prescribed that the baby is taking turns, every day at noon to this time, there are still some tricks, always grab one or two.

Seeing that she was about to be separated, the female researcher who was out of the pk turned around and picked up the dumplings on the table and ran.

"The trough, the trick, you have stood for the aging mother!"

"Come back! My aunt!"

"(o)...Mo, Professor Mo..."

The female researchers extended their hand to stop, and stopped in the air, squinting at the cold-looking Professor Mo.

The man who ran with the dumplings almost didn\'t hit Professor Mo. At this time, he stood in front of Professor Mo in a stiff face and rose his face.

Is she considered to be a child in front of relatives?

Being caught, the female researcher’s head was lowered to the ground.

In this awkward atmosphere, the group rescued them.

The group is small, and they don’t understand what the aunts are thinking about. She sees her father coldly, and she is not unfamiliar. She raises two small fat hands and raises her high, "Hug!"

In the arms of the female researcher, she raised her small head and looked at her father. The little milk sounded both surprise and resentment: "Dad, you are coming out, the sound is waiting for you for a long time, waiting for the sea to be gone, the stones are bad. It is."


The scene of the giant baggage was suddenly laughed at, and the researchers did not hold back, even if Professor Mo was in front of him.

Each laughter became a sheep mad, and a small voice was too funny. She always mixed the serious atmosphere into a different style.

The scorpion suddenly looked at the uncles and aunts who kept shaking their shoulders and shouted: "Dad, you hold the sound, the aunt has been shaking, and the sound is falling."

Mo Linqing looked at the researcher holding his daughter in front of him, silently, reaching out and holding the group back.


The familiar sweet milk scented scorpion was in his arms, and Mo Linqing looked down at her daughter. "How is it here?"

The group raised their eyebrows, some proud, or she was clever, let the driver uncle send her over every day, in order to stay in the first time.

"I worked in a place I couldn\'t find for a long time, and the sound was sent to me by my grandfather. The first time was the voice of the grandfather, and then the driver and uncle of the grandfather sent the sound."

The female researcher who stood close, interjected: "Our little sounds have been coming for more than a month. Every day, the wind and rain are unimpeded, and we are more punctual than we are going to work."

When I said this, the female researcher looked at Mo, a little envious, and Professor Mo must save the Galaxy in the last generation to have such a sweet baby!

The author has something to say: Oh, I am too difficult! Last night, the code code was asleep, and it must be added today!

The world is coming to an end and it is estimated that there are still one or two chapters. I want to write a school tyrant. What do you think?

Looking around, comments are the gloating fun of the devil, must be exposed! Must be condemned!

Netizen: ⊙v⊙ Comments: Hahahahahaha, rollover scene, lying in bed, stupidly smiled at me

Netizen: Bamboo leaves breeze comment to tell the truth, if not the author greatly raised, I still do not know the matter of nutrient solution 23333 irrigation! !

Netizen: Ah 珏 comment: the bottle did not apply for mine to participate in the war!

Netizen: Angela\'s magic book comment: Hahahahahahahahahahahaha, woman, give you three bottles of nutrient solution, put me on the wall and small sounds in the same box! Otherwise, hehehe, my forty meters of machete can’t help but hahahahahaha

Author: let you get on, even if the nutrient solution, live claw ~!

Netizen: Mrs. Cangfeng comments: Oh! I only know when I see it! Not too late?嘿嘿嘿~60 bottles are not much, I still have a conscience.嘿嘿嘿~

Netizen: Ten An\'s comment on the daily salted fish: It\'s so fun, then I have come to make a fun~ I haven\'t met a writer like this for a long time~

Netizen: Auntie will not draw a painting comment: nutrient solution? ? I also have a flaw, sent it! ! Greatly welcome! ! Please smile!

Author\'s reply: How can I be so polite to manage the reader\'s nutrient solution? Take it back and take it back, we are still good friends!

Netizen: A straight dog comment: silently read the nutrient solution on the login interface. . . I have a bold idea, or else?

Author\'s reply: No, don\'t, press your thoughts. .

Netizen: Mu comment: Want me to stop? I will also let you continue to add more! Greatly you can rest assured that I still have stock

Netizen: Awkward hyacinth comment: Strong in the middle of own strong hands! The author I have read asks that there is no need to roll over the car without the nutrient solution. No readers are not happy to be crazy.

Author reply: Has turned over (forcibly smile)~

Netizen: Comfort Comment: I am so happy! The nutrient solution suddenly sparkles!

User: Hey comment: Hey! There is also the addition of this, has been in the fat, I am sure to come together to make a big fun, big, please do not care to add more!

Netizen: Qing Chen’s comment: The author probably does not know that there was a big promise of 15,000 or 10,000 nutrient solution plus more. Then he added more than one thousand nutrient liquid drizzle every day.

Author reply: I am a slap! I want to raise the price! ! !

Netizen: More meat comments: I only know this thing, not much to say, vote for it! ! ! Big liver! ! !

Netizen: Qing Qingzi衿 comment: How is the comment not good, my nutrient solution has been moldy. Great, you have to refuel, more, or I will send you your address.

Netizen: Half-fox comment: People\'s authors add 10,000 nutrient solution, only you are so sincere, one thousand will add. Netizen: Zi Feiyu comment: "The villain is happy to be [fast wear] every day] is still too young. Netizen: I suddenly feel that the people who read books with me are all a bunch of big brothers. How do you have so many nutrients, it’s amazing. Thanks to the little angel who voted for me or the irrigation nutrient solution~

Thanks to the little angel who cast [grenade]: 2 Luo;

Thank you for throwing out the [land mine] little angel: peach peach oolong, there are no ducks, cockroaches, every day is so sleepy, no salt ld, la la la la la la 噜, 璇 1;

Thanks to the little angel of irrigation [nutrition solution]:

2 goods 281 bottles; love dongdong 218 bottles; Jin Moan 200 bottles; Tang Tai 155 bottles; Momo foam 140 bottles; full baby 130 bottles; daily salted fish ten 127 bottles; Yun Xi 123 bottles Lazy out of the cat 110 bottles; leaves tilted, not because of 109 bottles; six ah six, shero100 bottles; Maya Mi 84 bottles; my brother\'s orange cat 80 bottles; fairy pendants, stars white night, Yunlin Tea 70 bottles; rain Lining 64 bottles; 绯妃, Cangfeng Lady, Ye Banxue, pomelo love 60 bottles;, beauty like jade 58 bottles; Xiao rabbit 51 bottles; 筱 cold night rain, sun, Newt home sniffing 50 bottles of bamboo leaves and breeze; 42 bottles of Ji Ze; Auntie will not paint, coco loves to drink coco, uncle, man, 萱萱, qing, dust, 夏, Xiamu lying on my bed, Dandan 円 円 円40 bottles of 円,洛瑾绯;1773031339 bottles; mango fruit, cake, 蹊, mickey2304_615, tree, emily ゚, Su Xiaoxiao?, Shuangmulin, Yueer, 31774398, Xiaojing 30 bottles; 霷 24 bottles; Wu La La, Jinhua is like a dream, fleshy, Jie Ni, Bijia Shudu, lifelike, wine cellar clear, snowwhitefox, love spicy crayfish, 37295902, Schrödinger\'s cat, Kong Ningzhu, three Bustling, tt, Rongrong is 20 bottles of the little fairy; ina, baby or 15 bottles of your baby; dried this bowl of poisoned chicken soup, grapefruit leaves, long love, An An 14 bottles; Mu殇 12 bottles; *縦澪 start ★ ~, 阿七,啦啦啦啦啦啦噜, 简淡足矣, 夕影, 柠萌, tears, swaying up to 90,000 miles, Xiaochu, Xiazhiluo, dreama^, your grand cousin, Yu Weiwei , ice, A, bb, Qing Huan, Jiguang piece feather 10 bottles; Mu 9 bottles; Bairuo 8 bottles; Qingqingzi 衿, Sishen 6 bottles; ice ice, high speed bar, dreams of ancient and modern dreams, ten miles long pavilion, The fish in the moon, Yi Yi, smoke, mad, drunk, 30,189,753, Mu is not wood, pajamas, 焱森, 流熙, reminiscing, like water, if you are well, it is sunny, the other side, 39151371, big pig hooves, rounded to one meter two 5 bottles; half small fox, love snacks 4 bottles; small cloud, ease, Angela\'s magic book, your father or your father 3 bottles; binlin, one by one, 2 bottles of small easy, stunned, pouting cats; uppercase braised pork, Mo Ran. . . . , my cookies!, Jingyue Liunian, Mo away from red dust mites, goodbye!!!, ice pile 123, 1 bottle on sunny day;

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