The Tang Dynasty's Female Forensic Doctor

Chapter 341

"I didn't hide it. I just turned my tail into someone else's Xiao Song's eyes bent and turned to her.

"Fox." Ran Yan hummed.

Xiao Song said, "so many corpses and blood are hidden blindly, and the final result is that the paper can't stop burning. What's more, it's a pity not to use such a good opportunity? Some people don't let them know what it means to play with fire and burn themselves, so they don't know the pain. "

"So you've attracted Li Tai and Princess baling Ran Yan turned over and faced him, "how did you hurt your leg?"

"Well, I just caught some killers in Li Tai's family, fed them to hongchensan, stayed with the most beautiful Lang JunGuan in Princess mansion, and then set fire to the house. But only half burned, the few people then suffocated to death. I was hurt by an assassin on my leg Xiao Song speaks slowly and observes his words and looks. He is afraid that ran Yan will find him too vicious.

Ran Yan's heart leaps, but he doesn't care what he does. He's just a killer of Li Tai's family He cares so much about Sufu

Ran Yan slightly pursed her lips and dropped her eyes in silence.

"You want to ask if there are Sufu among these people." Xiao Song's tone returned to normal. Looking at ran Yan's appearance of wanting to ask and refusing to ask in his eyes, he really hated and distressed. Ran Yan has always been a direct person. If she had no other feelings in her heart, she would not be so hesitant.

In ran Yan's heart, his Xiao Song may be the most important, but the Su Fu's can't be erased for a while.

Xiao Song sighed, reached out and stroked her hair, "don't worry, there is no him."

Ran Yan doesn't know how to explain. She has no feelings between men and women for sufu, and the time she spent with him is very few. She just has an inexplicable sense of closeness to him and doesn't want to see him in trouble. Friends are not enough, love is not enough

"Husband." Ran Yan put out his arms around him. He couldn't say it clearly. He could only express it with his body.

Xiao Song patted her on the back, "have a rest early. I want to keep up my spirits and knock on the lady's door tomorrow morning."

, since Xiao Song was captured, many eyes had been staring at him. Although these people may not be malicious, he would have been suspicious when he was attacked by the Princess House. So Xiao Song had used them to make an alibi. He first sent a horse to Chuang-tzu of Ran Fu. He went to the city to pick up Mr. and Mrs. ran Ping Yu out of town and then find him. A man of similar stature pretends to be him to open his eyes. When ran Yan comes back, he asks the man to knock on Chuang Tzu's door. He is deliberately turned away from the door and leads people to think about the discomfiture between husband and wife. He has been in other people's sight all night to coax his wife.

After a long silence, ran Yancai pondered, "husband, I don't have any love for Dr. su. At most, I can only be regarded as an ordinary friend, but I don't want to see him die in your hands

Xiao Song put his arm around her and tightened slightly. After a long time, he said, "I can't guarantee it. As you can see today, the king of Wei is going to kill me. I have refused to be courted by King Tai of Wei more than once. He seems to be modest, elegant and generous, but in fact, he has no heart. If he sends Sufu to assassinate me, will you let me resist or will I die with my hands tied? "

Although Xiao Song's tone is peaceful, his diction is full of anger.

He never doubted her, but he could not tolerate the slightest bit of belonging to others in her heart. Xiao Song's real possessive desire is contrary to the tolerance and magnanimity seen on the surface.

At this moment, ran Yan clearly understood that if the matter of Sufu was not solved, it would become a dead knot between them sooner or later. Therefore, before the festival was deep, she had to make a choice.

"Well, I only wish you peace." Ran Yan buried himself in his chest, and his voice was soft.

Xiao Song's lips have a trace of smile, "in fact, if he didn't show his flaws on purpose tonight, maybe I really can't quit. I know he's not for me, but I'll return this favor. If I play the game of life and death in the future, I won't die."

Xiao Song didn't want to talk to ran Yan about Su Fu's help, but she was not a fool. She certainly could have guessed it. Instead of keeping it in her mind, since she also confessed to Su Fu, he would open it up.

"What a fuss." Ran Yan snorted.

Xiao Song began to laugh, and his joy was hard to hide. He is a very fastidious person, so many women, he also despise, only to see ran Yan a few faces, he was attracted by her, until today it is difficult to extricate himself, although now she is his wife, but he is not satisfied with this.

He can only have this one woman in his life, can also love her in all ways, but also want the same return, he is not a selfless person in any way.

Xiao Song returned safely, ran Yan's nervous tension suddenly relaxed, hit by sleepiness, pillow his arm, and soon into sleep.

The night is dark and the dream is sweet.

The next morning, ran Yan found that her side was already empty, and Xiao Song's breath remained on the quilt, so she hugged her and fell asleep again.

When the evening green came in to call her to collapse, the house had already eaten too early. Ran Pingyu and Luo Shi both took care of her and did not have a good rest last night. This was in Chuang Tzu of Ran's residence, so they did not criticize the etiquette too much and let her fall asleep."Where is Lang Jun?" Ran Yan asked, sitting in front of the dressing table.

Evening green combed her hair and said with a smile, "as soon as the lady wakes up, she clicks on the husband. The husband comes over early in the morning and says that she wants the maid to persuade you not to be angry again. Madam, you should not make trouble with the husband again. Now that the husband is the county magistrate, how much salary the county magistrate can get, I don't know, but I know that the county magistrate can have a wife, two side ladies and six concubines, Concubines are even more unrestricted. What a worry! As soon as I heard that you were angry with Lang Jun, Xing Niang was very anxious. "

Late green garrulous said a pass, ran Yan only repeatedly promised.

"By the way, madam, Lang Jun said that Ge Lan came back, and Chang'an, who arrived yesterday evening, would be better than us. I think I'll have a rest for one night, and I'll be here today. " Night green and Ge Lan love the same sister, that she came back quite excited.

Ran Yan is also very happy. Since the death of Mrs. Tai, there has been no good news for a long time, and trouble has followed. At the moment, however, there is a sense of light and light.

"By the way, has Dr. Liu visited my shop in Dongshi?" A leisure down, ran Yan will think of this matter.

"I went to see her once, but Doctor Liu said that he didn't know how to make a living. When twenty Niang was free, he would ask her for advice." In the evening, she quickly tied her hair into a low and simple bun to protect the filial piety of his wife. She should not be too gorgeous. She put the peach blossom hairpin carved by Xiao Song in a simple plain dress.

Ran Yan nods, because ran Yunsheng is missing, ran Yun has not slept well for many days, and has no heart to think about something.

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